My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


My housemate and I attended Carols By Candlelight 2010 at First Baptist Church - Jackson on Sunday - December 12, 2010 - and thoroughly enjoyed the performance.  I took a number of pictures - I uploaded a total of 54 from my digital camera, though I deleted some from the camera before I uploaded any of them.  They were good for the most part - I had to take them in low light and with no flash.  

Monday I went to the Women's Lunch at FBCJ - it was the last one of the year and Jo Patterson was the guest speaker.  She did a great job with her message and Sarah Lee nailed O Holy Night after having sang in all 5 performances of Carols By Candlelight.  

When I came home afterward, I had planned to grab my checkbook and leave again to go run a shopping errand, but my tummy had other ideas.  I waited a couple of hours and decided it was safe, so I left again and did go out and do the shopping that I needed to do.  I purchased the last Christmas gift that I needed.  

I returned home and hung out the remainder of the day.  It was cold but sunny.  When I got up this morning, it was 23 degrees with a wind chill of 17.  It's now up to 42 degrees with no wind chill.  

This is about all I've got - for now.  

Thursday, December 2, 2010

An Update....

I had a "staycation" Thanksgiving week and stayed home instead of traveling anywhere.  I enjoyed hanging around the house and doing what I felt like doing when I felt like doing it.  I went with my housemate and her adult children and grandchildren to a Thanksgiving dinner party - lunch actually.  It was out in the country and the weather was okay.  We had been warned for storms moving in, but they bypassed us at the last minute and we had a great weather day.  We got plenty of pictures.

Then on Monday night my housemate and I traveled down to Jackson Academy's Performing Arts Center and took in the David Phelps Christmas Tour concert.  It was great.  I got some pictures but was disappointed that David didn't do a "meet and greet".  He wasn't feeling well, so that explained it.  Anyway, the weather was also turning bad and so we hightailed it home about 15-20 minutes after the concert.  

There were tornadoes in Mississippi Monday night/Tuesday morning and storms kept rumbling through and keeping me awake.  I finally got some sleep, then got up and ready, then went out and ran some errands.  I got some Christmas shopping done, then Tuesday night got them packaged up to ship out.  I sent them out on Wednesday.  

Today is back to work for me.  A bit of an awakening as I'm "home alone" until the evening guys get here.