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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday Evening and Thursday Morning

I had discussions with a Sunday School classmate about a wedding shower for a couple in the class that we are giving them.  I designed a shower invitation and she stopped by to see me with a kit that she had purchased of fancy invitations along with a set of invitations to use for another event that will be taking place.  

I left work on time - barely - and headed for home, stopping by the post office for the mail.  At the time Channel 3 was reporting that it was 24 degrees with a wind chill of 15.  Regardless - it was cold!!!

There was a box full - mostly junk, but there was also a key indicating a package.  I went and retrieved it.  It was from the Book of the Month Club.  I did not recall having ordered any books from them.  I took the package and the other mail, after having sorted out the junk and went on home.

I found my housemate was at home when I raised the garage door.  I pulled in and parked and got all of my stuff from the car, then headed for the kitchen door.  I opened it and hit the wall switch to bring down the garage door.  My housemate was in the kitchen preparing her supper.  Being loaded down, I headed straight for my bedroom and dropped everything off.  

I brought the bag with the invitations in it back out to show them to her and she liked them.  I returned the bag to my bedroom and then rejoined her and fixed supper and ate myself.

As I did, I went through the mail; I didn't open the box with the books inside, but I did remove the envelope with the invoice on the front of it and opened that.  I discovered what books were inside based on the list and was livid when I saw that Book of the Month Club had charged my VISA debit card for the shipment [$41.47] as I had not ordered these books and on top of that, I had specifically sent them an e-mail stating that I did not want my VISA debit card charged for any shipments - period!  I did not order these books - these were the "selections of the month" - but they obviously shipped them to me anyway.  I do not want them and will be returning them today after work.  

Of course I will have to pay the postage to return the books to them - since I removed and opened the envelope.  I've decided that I will include a delivery confirmation on it so I can verify that they receive the books back.  According to the information on the back of the invoice, I can expect to wait up to 4 weeks for them to process my return and reverse the charge on my VISA debit card.

I have called my Credit Union and they told me that I needed to call a Fraud Prevention Center and get the card blocked, then come in to the Credit Union and turn the current card in, pay a $10 fee and get a new card with a different number issued.  I have called and got the current card blocked.  I'll go to the Credit Union later this afternoon and do that.  I had thought that I would go by the post office and get the unwanted books sent back, but I'm not sure I can do that without going home first and getting an envelope to put the paperwork in and attaching it to the box so they'll know whose account to credit the return to.  

After cleaning up the kitchen, I headed back to my bedroom and made a couple of phone calls.  Then I went on to bed after that.  

This morning I got up and set up the heater in the bathroom, then went back and did the devotional and Bible reading.  After that I went on to take a shower and get dressed, then eat breakfast and check out the newspaper.  Somehow, time got away from me and when I checked the clock, I had 15 minutes before I was due at work and there was no way I would make that.  So, I called and let the co-ordinator know I'd be a little late.  

It's unusual for me to run late - I grew up with a mother that, as my brother jokes, would leave the house at 6:00 PM if she had to be across the street at 7:00 PM - in order to make sure she got there on time.  She wasn't that bad, but she did believe in being on time - if not early - and that rubbed off on me!  It's another reason why people being late - habitually - is a big pet peeve of mine.  

Well, this is all I have for now....

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