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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

An Update - From Monday....

Monday [10/25] was a somewhat quiet day for me.  The FBCJ Women's Lunch didn't meet because the Mississippi Baptist Convention was meeting there instead.  I made a trip to the post office and picked up the mail, but that was it.

Tuesday [10/26] I had an appointment with my doctor in the afternoon.  He was able to take me early - surprising - and so I was done at a time that was only 1/2 an hour past my actual appointment time.  He did 3 tests and now I'm waiting on the results of those.  

I stopped at Wendy's on the way home and got a late lunch/early supper.  Then I came home - it was raining lightly - and pulled in the garage and parked.  I came on in the house and sat down to eat; Rusty started cutting up and carrying on and so I had to get up and go let him inside.  The dog was on target - no sooner did I get him inside and get the door closed back, there was a heavy clap of thunder.  The rain picked up in intensity and we got a nice shower that lasted for some 15-20 minutes.  

Later in the day a friend came by and picked me up and we went to our Josephus class - I've already posted about that.  

Wednesday [10/27] - it has rained some this morning - lightly and then heavier intensity.  I went over to the post office and picked up the mail - I had a pile waiting plus keys for 2 packages.  I picked those up.  I haven't gone through the pile of mail yet, though.  I also went over to the grocery store and stopped at the pharmacy and turned in prescriptions my doctor wrote - one to be filled, the other two to go on hold.  I asked that they fill the other prescriptions already in the system.  I went on to do a little shopping; I'll stop back by there either on the way to work or on the way home afterward tomorrow and pick them up since I don't need any of them today.  

This is all I have for now....

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