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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

An Update....Friday, October 29, 2010 and Saturday, October 30, 2010

I came in to work; after things settled down, I made known my plan to leave around 8:30 AM and go to my bank and run some other errands since it was payday.  I left and headed down to the bank and took care of my business there - I withdrew cash, turned in my check reorder slip and also got a transaction register.  The teller had said they were out of them, but I mentioned it to someone else as I was leaving and she knew where some were and went and got one for me. 

From there I went over to the nearby post office and took care of my business and also got a couple of books of the “Forever” stamps – they didn’t have the Christmas stamps available yet.  I got the “Forever” primarily for use with my Sunday School class newsletters.  I need 3 books of the Christmas stamps when I can get them – according to the USPS they were issued on October 21, 2010.  That was last Thursday, so I don’t know why they don’t have them at the post office yet.  I didn’t even check with my post office – I will inquire on Monday if they’re not too crowded and I have time to wait to reach a clerk.

Upon leaving the post office, I headed out – and went and picked up the photos of Sukiey that I had ordered.  At first the photo clerk couldn’t seem to locate them and I hadn’t thought to bring the e-mail letting me know that they were ready with me.  She finally found them and I took them with me to the front checkout.  I had stopped and looked and got a package of 10x13 envelopes  and a package of 9x12 envelopes that I had a need for.   I opted to get them there as they were available in the quantity that I wanted, while at the office supply I would have to buy a larger quantity. 

I also looked at getting the greeting card envelopes, but they only had them in packs of 50 and the cost was $6.47 per box.  I knew that I could buy a box of 100 at the office supply for less than the cost of 2 boxes of 50 there, so that’s why I passed on getting those there.  Once I had everything that I needed there, I checked out.  From there, I made my way over to a Christian store and purchased a copy of The Twelfth Imam by Joel Rosenberg and also got my 2011 wall calendar – Whiskers and Paws.  There was one for eagles, but I decided on going with something different this year.  I went and checked out – and used the 20% off coupon – with no problem since my purchase was over $25.00.  I don’t recall at the present time how much the 20% off amounted to, though. 

After getting done at that store, I took a route that allowed me to pass by the house.  I eyeballed it as I rode past. 

Then I made my way over to the office supply store.   I went in there and after searching in the labels section, finally found a package of labels that suited me.  I also located the greeting card envelopes and I purchased a package of 100 for over $3 less than what 2 boxes of 50 would’ve cost at the other store.  I was surprised that the difference was that much! 

When I left the office supply, I headed back to work.  I got back at 10:15 AM.  When I got back I had to go in the garage.  I took 2 hours of vacation time and then an hour lunch at 11:00 AM. 

I made a trip down the street and got lunch and ate there, then returned to work and went and spoke with my boss for a few minutes.  He said that they don’t really know right now when we will be moving.  Then I returned my co-workers both went to lunch. 

When I was arriving at home last night I saw a backhoe parked in a nearby yard.  I figured something must be going to happen in that area of the neighborhood. 

Other things that I did on Friday were to update my checkbook and to get the bills out in the mail.  I also finished reading a book I had gotten - Before the Dawn by Carolyn Aaersen - before going to bed.

Saturday morning was somewhat chilly.  I think the overnight low hit in the 30s.  I found out what the backhoe was doing nearby - the gas company was going to do some work there.  One of their people saw me getting the newspaper and looking to see what they were doing and came and told me.  He said that if they don't finish today, they'll be back at it tomorrow.  They had a barricade set up to detour traffic around where they were working when I left to come in to work. 

We've had the experience of the JSU Homecoming Parade and the Mississippi International Film Festival today.  Things have quieted down after being hectic and busy outside earlier. 

This is all I've got for now....

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