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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Brett Favre - In My Opinion

Brett, I think it's time for you to hang it up.  This game vs. the New England Patriots is only making things worse for you.  The hits you've taken thus far in this game - including the one just now in the 4th quarter where you had to come out after their #91 took you down for a sack - are jeopardizing your health.  They just aren't worth it.  You're in tremendous pain and being taken to the locker room on the back of a cart right now with a Vikings trainer right there with you. 

Think about the rest of your life - 20 years from now [you'll be 61 years old] don't you want to be able to enjoy life with your family - including additional grandchildren you may have?  

I know you're a competitive person and have a drive to play, but I think it's time that you retire.  Do so while you will still be able to enjoy life.  

You have a record that I dare say will never be broken - consecutive starts #292 and #316 if the playoffs are counted - and next Sunday, November 7th, is the 11th anniversary of your reaching and overtaking the previous record and only adding to it.  

Tavaris Jackson had been scheduled to be the starter this season before you decided to return.  Hand over the reins to him and walk away - while you still can....walk, that is.  

This is only my opinion and my advice and of course you don't have to take it, but I wanted to offer it as a fan to you.

Thanks for the memories Brett!!

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