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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday - November 1, 2010

It's a brand new month we've got here, hard to believe we're in the 11th month of the year.  We got some rain this morning; Barbie is calling for more rain throughout this week.  She says 100% for tomorrow and 70% on Wednesday.  

This morning I left the house just after 9:00 AM and went to PetSmart and picked up a package of litter box liners for Sukiey.  I had bought some at another store and wasn't happy with them when I went to use one the last time I changed her litter box.  So, I went to PetSmart and got a package to try and see if I like them or not.  If I do, I'll go back and buy a larger sized package - that is, a larger quantity of liners.  

When I was done there, I went to SuperCuts and got a hair cut.  Then I stopped and got gas, plus stopped at the grocery store and picked up a bag of dog food for Rusty and a few items I needed.  

After I was done there, I stopped at the post office and mailed a package to a friend, plus inquired about Christmas "forever" stamps and learned that they were not yet available - which is surprising.  I picked up my mail and found I had a couple of pieces of junk - which I tossed - along with a couple of packages and a few other items.  I also had an item which was not for me - but instead addressed to a business that I have nothing to do with - and so I took it to one of the clerks and told her that it was not for me and because of who the sender was, it needed to be returned as undeliverable - not at this address.  

After getting done with all that, I went to FBCJ and parked in the garage, then went to the Fellowship Hall and helped with serving soup for the Women's Luncheon.  After an interesting message, I headed out and returned home.  

I laid down and went through the mail, then took a nap.  I've got the TV on.  I was too tired last night to watch the Saints game - believe it or not.  There was nothing in the newspaper about the game this morning - they said it ended too late for the edition of the paper.  Well, I've checked online and learned that the Saints won 30-10 over the Steelers.  

The big news is that the Minnesota Vikings have waived/released Randy Moss after his game performance and a post-game commentary yesterday after the loss to the Patriots.  Dumb move Randy!

Not much else is going on....

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