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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Past Few Days....

I last posted on Thursday.  I've been active on my other blogs, though.  I had a pretty quiet and uneventful weekend at work.  Now I'm on vacation this entire week.  I had hoped to travel home to Louisiana for Thanksgiving, but I'm afraid that isn't happening.  

I learned today that my SIL did not go for the CAT scan as scheduled.  It seems that her insurance company balked at approving the test after she has already had the heart cath.  So, it was canceled and instead, now they have to wait for the cardiologist to send the insurance people a letter explaining why he needs the CAT scan done and what he is looking for with it.  No telling how long that will take - to get approval for the test to be done.  

I went to the Women's Luncheon at FBCJ today and served soup once again.  Attendance was down a little due to this being a holiday week, but we still had a good crowd.  

I stopped at the post office and dropped off the class newsletters and also picked up my incoming mail - nothing but junk there.  

After getting home and taking care of some business, I went online and looked up something, then called my brother back and gave him the information.  I also grabbed my camera and took a walk around the neighborhood and got some shots of the fall foliage.  I've posted a few shots on my photography blog; I also got some new shots of Sukiey and I posted some on her blog.  

I guess there's not a lot to share, so this will do it....

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