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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Looking Back....

Wednesday I met 3 friends at Cracker Barrel for lunch.  We had a nice lunch and visit.  Then I returned home and tackled doing laundry.  I only had 2 loads this week - for which I was happy.  Sukiey had caused an extra load last week when she threw up on my bed.

I talked with my brother and learned the results of my SIL's visit with her cardiologist.  He said she has an aneurysm in her heart but the good news is that it's not of the aortic variety.  She goes for a CAT Scan on Monday and then will see the cardiologist again just before Christmas.  

I told him that I ought to send Sukiey down to look at her.  CAT scan - well Sukiey is a cat!  He was amused by that comment.  

Later on last night my housemate was in bed asleep and she was awakened by Rusty barking rather vociferously.  I was up and on the computer; I heard him too.  I usually don't hear him in my bedroom, but the house was quiet - TV off - and so I heard him.  

I knew why.....I could hear thunder and it sounded like it was right outside my bedroom window.  It was also raining.  She got up and as she was heading back to her bedroom, I was in the hallway and she asked if I had heard Rusty barking and I said yes.  She said she didn't know why he was barking but she had brought him inside and had him in the den.  I told her that it had been thundering and raining.  That explained it - the thunder!

She went on back to bed, I went out to the kitchen and got a drink, then returned to my bedroom and went on to bed myself.  

I don't know where that storm came from last night, but it's shaping up to be a beautiful day today.  It's currently 52 degrees under sunny/fair skies.  I've already eaten breakfast and have cleaned up in the kitchen.  

It's time for me to do some other things....

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