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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Day of Autumn/Harvest Moon/Jupiter

It has been publicized such that I took note of it and so did my housemate about today being a combination of the First Day of Autumn and the Harvest Moon - the first time this has happened since 1963.  Jupiter is also putting in an appearance as well.  

Last night we both saw a brilliant moon shining as we were both out on EV2 visits.  Tonight she took Rusty out for a walk so they could check out the moon.  She came to get me but I was on a phone call with my recently widowed Aunt in Mobile.  She was in a talkative mood, so we were on the call for some 45 minutes or so, I think.  

When we hung up, I went out to see what my housemate wanted and realized that she probably wanted to tell me about the moon.  I went out and had a look, then zipped back inside to get my camera - and was delayed by the need to change the batteries.  I did that and about the time I was heading back outside, I met my housemate and Rusty coming back in.  I told her I was going out to see what I could get photo-wise.

I went out and started taking shots but wasn't happy with what I was getting - nothing like the spectacular view I was seeing with just my eyes.  My housemate put Rusty back out in the backyard, then came out and joined me.  I decided that I would try some of the different settings on the camera to try to capture what I was seeing with just my eyes and finally found a setting that did what I was looking for. I got some spectacular shots - 5 altogether - and showed each of them to my housemate.  

I got shots with the moon and a little speck to the lower right of it that is Jupiter.  Clouds were moving in in some of the shots, they were clearing in some of them.  I plan to upload the pictures tomorrow and will post some of them when time permits.  


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