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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

An Update....

I'm not sure when I last posted an update on my activities, but here's some of what's been going on in my life....

I've managed to watch all 4 of LSU's games on TV and am happy that they're 4-0 and 2-0 [SEC] at this point.  However, I'm not pleased with the play of the team overall.  We seem to have a good and solid defense, but.... they need to work on the penalties.  In the game vs. West Virginia, they committed enough penalties to give up over 100 yards.  This is unacceptable, to say the least!!

Then the Saints managed to lose to the Atlanta Falcons on Sunday.  Well, at least they did lose to a good team instead of one of the remaining winless teams!  Hopefully they'll bounce back in this week's game vs. the Carolina Panthers.  

Monday [9/27] I attended the Women's Luncheon at FBCJ. Dr. Mark Byrd was the speaker and he wrapped up the series he was speaking on with a message on fear.  

Then Monday evening a friend of my housemate came by and picked us up and we went out to have dinner with the people who are a part of the Buried Treasures ministry and while we were out there, I took some photos, including a sunset through the trees with the sun reflecting on the pond that they have there.  

Dinner was barbecue that had been picked up from a local restaurant along with some sides furnished by some other friends who attended.  Our hosts provided dessert - chocolate brownies topped with vanilla ice cream.  Yummy!

Tuesday [9/28] I had thought I would have a lazy, hang around the house, day prior to going to the Josephus class in the evening.  However, that's not the way it worked out.  I got a call from a friend - she was in the driveway and so I went out to talk with her.  

She wanted me to go with her to print some pictures.  I hadn't taken a shower yet, so I took a very quick one and got dressed, then got myself together and we headed off.  We went and printed the pictures - I brought my memory card along and printed some of mine as well - and then we made a stop at an area restaurant and had lunch.

My friend brought me home.  I was having stomach issues; I thought I would have to skip Josephus class even though I had done the "homework" assignment, but finally my stomach settled down.  My housemate went to EE; a friend attending Josephus class came by and picked me up and we went together.  

John Ward [Pastor of Grace Bible Church, leader of the Josephus study] went through the reading assignment and lectured and also asked for comments from us and several did speak up.  I took notes regarding John's lecture and when time permits, I will go back over them.  

I'm waiting on the e-mail from John in order to be sure, but I believe the "homework" assignment for the October class meeting consists of:

The Antiquities of the Jews

Book IX: From the Death of Ahab to the Captivity of the Ten Tribes

2 Kings 1-25

According to what I heard John say last night, the October 26th meeting will be the last for 2010 and we will pick back up in January, 2011.  He said that we will have a "homework" assignment to be done over the 3 month break; I'm waiting on the e-mail from him to confirm what that reading assignment will be.  He said that we should be able to finish with Josephus sometime in the summer of 2011.  

My friend dropped me off and was about to leave when my housemate arrived. She had to wait in the street while my friend backed out of the driveway.  We talked briefly before I headed off to bed.  I did make some phone calls before turning out the lights and going off to sleep.  

Today, I've stayed at home all day thus far.  I'm doing laundry; I've got a few other things to do today as well, before returning to work tomorrow.  I'll have a  few errands to do en route to work as well.  

This is all I've got for now....

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