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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Clock issues make Miles most maligned 5-0 coach in America

Clock issues make Miles most maligned 5-0 coach in America

More than 90,000 zealots scream and stomp. The game is on the line. You can't hear yourself think, much less what someone is saying. The clock is ticking down. Your deadline is so painfully obvious. But this is why you make the big bucks, in Les Miles' case, $4 million a year.

Crazy as it sounds, sports writers face a somewhat similar situation every Saturday night for a fraction of that pay. Game ends, you've got five minutes to write and transmit 700 words that make some semblance of sense. You miss your deadline, the paper goes late, and it costs your company big money in production and overtime costs, not to mention late delivery.
Now then, here's the deal: If we do our jobs at crunchtime as poorly as Les Miles does his, we get fired.
OK, maybe once we'd get a stern warning. But that's it, and Miles should have gotten his warning last year at Ole Miss, when LSU lost a game it could have won because of Miles' abysmal clock management. Then, Saturday in LSU's 16-14 victory over Tennessee, LSU played the last minute like the Three Stooges. Curly Joe was calling the plays and Moe was running them. Fortunately, for LSU, Larry, across the field, dressed in orange, couldn't count to 11.

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