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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Monday through Thursday....

Here's a recap....

Monday (3/8) the rain held off so that I was able to stop by the post office for the mail and get home.  My housemate and I played with Rusty some, then went on to bed. 

Tuesday (3/9) during the early hours of the morning - around 4:00 AM she said - the storms came in and she had to go and get Rusty and bring him inside as he wouldn't calm down.  I didn't hear any of the commotion, amazingly enough.

It was wet and sloppy during the work day and I stayed indoors as a result.  I had to deal with rain on the drive in to work and home from work.

Wednesday (3/10) we had more rain in the morning - however it moved out as the day edged towards lunchtime and then the afternoon.  A friend stopped by to see me and drop off some tickets for The Wonder of Easter that she had picked up for me.  

I had a dry drive home, but the weather forecast was for more storms to move in.  My housemate and I ordered pizza for supper; after eating, we both went towards bed.  A little later, I heard a crash.  I discovered that something had startled or frightened Sukiey and she got her collar entangled in the holder for her food and water.  She wears a breakaway collar, so it snapped apart and released her; I found a mess in the bathroom - her food and water bowls were turned over and spilled. I cleaned the mess up and gave her fresh food and water, but have no idea what scared or frightened her.

Thursday (3/11) Around 1:30 AM the storms moved back in.  I had taken the day off from work to be around to help my housemate get ready for an out of town trip.  I learned that she had to go and get Rusty and bring him in during the night.  She said that he howled for a good portion of the night even though he was shut up in her bathroom and kept her awake.  

The storms woke me up and I found that Sukiey had gotten underneath my bed. I went back to bed and fell back asleep then by the time I woke up this morning - around 7:15 AM - I found that the stormy weather had moved out and we had a beautiful weather day on tap. 

My housemate had to work about 1/2 a day from home; I went to run some errands - including making a stop at PetSmart, where I got Sukiey new food and water bowls, a new breakaway collar - the old one was more or less shot - and some litter.  We had decided that the amount of food in Rusty's container wouldn't be enough to last until my housemate returned from her trip.  So, she gave me some money and I bought Rusty a big bag of dog food - the largest size bag PetSmart had of the brand he eats.  It was 37.5 pounds.  I had a $2.00 off coupon to use against it.  

When I left PetSmart, I made a stop at the post office as I had to go to the window because I had a package to mail - plus I picked up my incoming mail.  Then I stopped at Radio Shack to see if they had an a/c adaptor for an emergency radio that my housemate has.  They didn't. 

I returned home and unloaded everything; I set Sukiey's new food and water bowls up and got her food moved to the new one and a fresh bowl of water.  The bag of dog food is sitting in the laundry area - the container it goes in doesn't have room for the entire thing just yet.  I also changed Sukiey's litter box. 

Well, this is about all I have for now - I have a Sunday School social to attend in a little while.  I'll post again later....

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