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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thursday, Friday and Saturday ~ So Far....

Thursday (3/4) was a good day for me.  I made it through the work day, solo since my co-worker didn't come in - again!  I left work at 1:00 PM, made a stop at the post office for mail, then to the grocery store to do some shopping, including picking up a sack of dog food and a box of dog biscuits for Rusty; I also got some cat food and cat litter for Sukiey.  

After making it home and unloading the car and putting everything away, I called my housemate and let her know I was home and planned to be for the rest of the day, so she called the pest control service and the tech came on over and sprayed thoroughly.  

I started a load of laundry and was working on the computer when a friend called and said she was over at another friend's house (in our "circle of friends") and she wanted to know if I could come over and see if I could get this other friend connected to the Internet - she had received her equipment from her ISP and needed help getting it set up.  

I stopped the laundry in the rinse cycle (cold water prevents clothes from wrinkling) and headed over there.  I got the cables connected and started loading the software to set it up, but something wasn't going quite right, so we called the ISP and once we got to a tech, the phone was handed to me and I followed the instructions she gave me and after about 30-45 minutes, our friend was online!  

By that time it was supper-time and so the 3 of us headed out to a local restaurant and had a good meal together.  When we got back to our friend's house, we attempted to download and install McAfee on the computer, but couldn't get it to work right.  Finally, around 8:45 PM, my friend said she wanted to wait and work on that again later - as we would probably need to call her ISP back and get help for it.  

Both of us left our friend's house and headed to our homes.  When I got back home, I found a message on the "white board" that my housemate had fed Rusty and she had gone to bed.  I wasn't up much later myself!

Friday (3/5) turned into a busy day for me.  I kicked off the day around 7:30 AM, then around 10:00 AM I headed out and to the business office at work to pick up a flexible spending reimbursement check and from there went to cash the check.  My next stop was at the post office for the mail, then I headed to a favorite shoe store and bought a new pair of Clark's shoes - "Patty Fiji".  

From there I stopped to pick up lunch - since it was around that time, then headed home and ate, did another load of laundry, then laid down and took a 30-45 minute nap.  

When I woke up, I decided to make a trip to do some additional shopping.  I went to a local camera shop and purchased a new camera bag - for my digital camera and to hold the batteries.  I got one that was a little larger than I really needed, as the extra room will allow me to put my wallet and keys in there if I don't have pockets in my clothes to accommodate them.  Then I went to a sporting goods store in the same shopping center and purchased a pair of LSU cargo shorts, an LSU baseball tee and some socks, before returning home.

Soon after I got back, my housemate arrived home from work.  We were go over to the same friend's house (the one that I had gone to on Thursday) for a "prayer meeting".  My housemate is going on a mission trip soon and this friend wanted to have a "prayer meeting" about the trip.  A couple of other friends in our circle were invited also.

We headed over there and the group of us had pizza - our host had ordered a couple of them - along with salad - pasta and fruit - and dessert.  Then we had our prayer time. 

I brought my camera (in the new gear bag) along and a couple of times we did some picture taking.  The evening broke up around 9:00 PM and we returned home.  After spending a few minutes with Rusty, we retired to our bedrooms.  I stayed up and uploaded the photos taken at our friend's house, plus some recent photos I had taken of Sukiey and Rusty (separately) and a photo I had taken of the moon on Sunday evening (2/28) after we returned from church.  I have them in file folders on my flash drive and will burn them to a CD at the next opportunity I have.  Once that was done, I went to bed!

Saturday (3/6) - so far I've gotten up, taken my AM medications (ate a slice of toast to coat my stomach) and I took a shower and got dressed and ready to go out.  We'll be leaving in a few minutes to go meet some of our circle of friends for breakfast.  Afterwards, I have an appointment for a haircut.  Past that, I'm not sure what's on my agenda for today.  


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