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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Saturday, Sunday and Monday....

Saturday (3/6) ~

We had a good breakfast with our circle of friends.  There weren't very many present, but the ones that were we had a good time with.  Afterwards, I dropped my housemate off at home and went to get my haircut.  Then I stopped at Kroger and picked up milk and a pair of disposable cameras - as a gift for her to take on her trip this coming week.

I went over to one of our friend's house and delivered some newspapers and worked on getting her laptop set up with McAfee antivirus.  I succeeded in doing this quickly and made it home before my housemate made it home from working out.

We had a good evening - BBQ chicken for supper, then played with Rusty for a while before we both went to our bedrooms.  

Sunday (3/7) ~

We went to church separately, since she had to stay afterwards for a mission team meeting.  I took my camera along and got some pictures of the mission team during their commissioning in the Sanctuary and at their team meeting.  Then I left and headed to meet some of our circle for lunch.

After eating, I headed home and was surprised to find that my housemate hadn't arrived yet.  She was only a few minutes behind me, though.  I watched NASCAR and took a good nap. 

We headed back to church for our PM activities, then after they were done, headed home.  She took Rusty for a walk while I took care of doing my Sunday School class newsletter via e-mail and got it printed - I have to send some via "snail mail".

Later, it was off to bed, since the work week was approaching again....

Monday (3/8) ~

Work has been good - I did get to attend One Great Lunch Break today with several friends.  We were able to walk over because of the beautiful weather outside. 

Rain is moving in, though.  Hopefully there won't be any issues driving home tonight.


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