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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

An Update - Since Thursday 3/11.....

Thursday (3/11) ~ 

I attended my Sunday School social - we had a nice dinner at a local restaurant and good attendance.  

Friday (3/12) ~ 

I took my housemate to the airport and dropped her off.  On the way back home, I stopped for gas and at the post office for the mail.  Then around lunchtime a friend picked me up and we went and had lunch, then made a stop at Wal*Mart (where else?!) before she brought me home.

Later in the evening I went to a Bible study fellowship at church and the guest speaker was Brad McMullan from a local TV station.  I took some pictures of some of the attendees with Brad.

Saturday (3/13) ~ 

A friend and I went to the Jackson Zoo.  I got lots of pictures there - but the exhibit I wanted to see - the new tiger exhibit - was closed due to weather issues.

That evening another friend picked me up and a group of us got together for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant.  We stopped on the way back to drop me off to deliver a meal to friend who is homebound.

Sunday (3/14) ~ 

I attended church in the morning but time got away from me in the evening and I didn't go back.  I was otherwise occupied and it was too late to make it on time.

Monday (3/15) ~

I went to the Women's Luncheon at church and enjoyed the speaker.  She had an interesting topic - on happiness.

Tuesday (3/16) ~ 

I left work early and made a couple of stops on the way home to pick up some office supply items I needed and also some grocery items.  

Wednesday (3/17) ~

Today has been a pretty decent day - and quiet at work!

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