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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 1 & 2 - Monday & Tuesday

Hello - it's midday on Tuesday.  Thought I would add an entry while I have a few minutes....

Monday I attended the One Great Lunch Break - a/k/a the Women's Lunch - with a number of friends and co-workers.  We drove over because of the inclement weather.  I brought along my notebook and took some notes.

Then, at home in the evening, I was able to get Rusty to do some of his tricks - that he learned in obedience school and also a new one that we taught him.  I gave him a couple of dog biscuits as a reward.  

I also had a couple of phone calls with friends, but really didn't do a whole lot.  Sukiey did fuss at me - she wanted my attention and she finally got it.  

It was a quiet evening for me, which was fine.....

Today (Tuesday) has been fairly uneventful thus far.  We're still experiencing cloudy and cold weather, but it's winter, so what else should I expect?!  


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