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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday 2/28

Good evening!  I thought I would add a post prior to heading off to bed, as I do have to get up for work in the morning and that alarm clock is going to sound earlier than I want it to.  I wound up not getting my usual Sunday afternoon nap and I'll explain why shortly.  In the interim, let me back up and pull forward....

Last night I was up a bit later than I ordinarily would have been.  I had received an e-mail stating that my ISP is switching from McAfee to Norton for the free antivirus and security software that they provide and that I need to make the change on my PC.  I decided that I would do that and so I went through the process.  It was easy - basically all I had to do were a few mouse clicks along the way, the programs were already set up with scripts to uninstall McAfee and then install Norton and set it up for me.  I got that accomplished, then brought up the Norton program so I could do some scheduling - as far as tasks that I had set up on McAfee.  

My housemate and I headed off to church this morning - I drove - and after we both attended Sunday School and Worship - we go at opposite hours - we met back up and then went to meet some friends for lunch.  We had thought we were going to one restaurant, but wound up going to our usual place.  

After lunch, we came home and she retired to her bedroom and I came to mine.  I changed into jeans and tennis shoes, then got on the computer and did some "clean up" work.  I moved and copied some files from the hard drive to my flash drive.  I will copy them to a CD tomorrow.  Once I had them on the flash drive, I deleted them from my hard drive.  Some files I deleted without moving or copying, as I didn't want to keep them.  

Once this was completed, I laid down with the intent of taking a nap - while watching the NASCAR on FOX race from Las Vegas.  Well WDBD - the local FOX affiliate - went off the air - or else FOX - the network lost the signal - and so I switched over to NBC to watch some of the Men's Ice Hockey Gold Medal game between the US and Canada.  

Around that time, one of the key people in my SS class called.  She and I usually talk each Sunday afternoon - to go over the announcements and prayer requests that were made in class that morning and determine what needs to go out on the SS newsletter that I send out via e-mail (and snail mail to those who don't have e-mail!).  We had a couple of conversations about it and got things settled.  

I turned the TV off and went and had an early supper - prior to returning to church tonight for my evening class.  I finished up early enough that I had time to sit down and type up the e-mail and get it sent, then log in to approve it since I'm the moderator of the group service we use.  I didn't have time, though, to wait for my copy to pop up in my Inbox and then print the copies I needed for mailing purposes.  That would have to wait till I returned home.

My housemate and I went back to church this evening and she drove this time. When we came out, we saw a gorgeous full moon.  I noted that I would like to try to get a picture of it.  So, when we got home, I grabbed my camera.  I managed to get a good picture of Sukiey - surprisingly so!  She wasn't looking at me, but she did have her eyes open.  She usually closes them when the flash comes.

Then I went back out and managed to get a couple of good pictures before the batteries pooped out on me.  I came back in and changed the batteries, then took some pictures of Rusty - I got some good ones of him.  So, I gave him a dog biscuit as a treat for cooperating.  

I have had to put some of the camera batteries on the charger.  I use a camera that takes AA and I use rechargeable batteries in it because of how they eat batteries - I found that out quickly shortly after getting the camera a couple of years ago.  

Alright - this is all I have for tonight.  Time to go to bed....

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