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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday - 2/20

Good afternoon - it's closing in on 5:00 PM.  I forgot to share in yesterday's entry that while I was sitting at the table eating breakfast and reading the newspaper, all of a sudden there was a loud boom and then the power failed.  I knew from experience that it was a blown transformer!  I called Entergy and made an outage report with them.  We were pleasantly surprised that a crew man had the outage cleared within an hour!

This morning I got up at 7:15 AM and after having breakfast, I went on to take a shower and get dressed.  My housemate was working on some cleaning around her desk when I got finished.  She asked me if I wanted to go walking as she needed to take Rusty out - she hadn't taken him yesterday.  I said yes and added that I needed to go blow dry my hair.  I took care of that, then we were out and off....

I headed out first - while she got Rusty from the backyard and leashed him up.  I  wanted a "head start" - though they quickly caught up with and passed me.  We met up down at the end of the street where it dead ends.  She said that they were going a bit farther; I opted to go a little ways with them, then turned around and walked in the opposite direction for a little ways, then made my way back down the street towards the house.  

They caught up with me - but I got into the driveway first!  As we got into the garage, she said that she had decided we could go to Lowe's and see about purchasing a new mailbox and getting some kind of thing to secure the "dog door" on the back yard side.  So, once she put Rusty in the back yard and closed the door and secured it on the garage side, we got in her car and drove to Lowe's.  

We found a new mailbox - it's different from what's currently on the house.  She is going to get a friend who does this kind of stuff to come and put it up for her, but I don't know when that might be.  We also found something that would work to secure the "dog door" with and when we got back, I went out there with a hammer and nail and put the nail into the wood facing of the house so we can hang it on the nail when not in use.  

This afternoon I took a nap - after reading some of Josephus - the homework assignment for my monthly Tuesday night class.  I was interrupted by Sukiey - who decided she wanted to curl up on my chest.  So, I had to put the book down and I turned the TV on to NBC and the Olympics and promptly fell asleep.  

When I woke up, I took the book out to the den and worked on reading it - I stopped a couple of times to do a couple of things - but I finally finished reading from The War Of The Jews:

Book One: From Antiochus Epiphanes Taking Jerusalem to the Death of Herod the Great

Before Tuesday night - the next class meeting - I need to read:

Book Two: From the Death of Herod till Vespasian Was Sent to Subdue the Jews by Nero


Daniel 8-11

I don't know if I'll manage to get the rest of the homework reading assignment done or not, but I've done at least part of it.  

Currently I've got NASCAR's Nationwide Series on ESPN2HD.  Danica Patrick is among those competing in the race out in Fontana, California.  She's down one lap and running in 35th place and her race car is #7 - the Go Daddy car.  

Well - this is all I've got for the present time....

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