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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Recap...since Saturday.....

Good morning!  It's Friday morning (2/26) and the last business day of the month, so that means it's payday for me!  My paycheck is already where it needs to be - in my account - no taking a paper check to deposit!!

Thought I would add an update before I go on to do some other things on my agenda today....

Sunday (2/21) I attended church - both the AM and PM.  Actually, in the PM, I was in the WBB class.  I don't know how many more meetings we have, but I inquired and was told that there's a possibility of extending the Going Deeper sessions because not all of the classes will be finished on the current schedule.  

Monday (2/22) I attended One Great Lunch Break with Chris.  He did a recap of his 3 part series on The 5 Love Languages and I took notes on what he said.  I was glad he went back over them because he had shared about them the week before and I had forgotten my notebook.

Tuesday (2/23) My housemate and I attended the Josephus class that night.  I had my notebook with me and took some 8 pages of notes.  I wrote down our reading assignment, plus John gave us a list of questions, that turned out to total to 17, that he wants us to answer as we do the reading.  He wants to have a group discussion of what we've read at the next class - at the end of March.  

Wednesday (2/24) I typed up a Word document - a "study guide" if you will - for the Josephus assignment.  I listed the reading assignment first, then listed the questions John gave us to answer, and I drew lines between each question to allow me to make notes.  I brought it home and showed it to my housemate.  She liked it and wanted a copy and said that a friend of ours, who had attended the first class, but couldn't make Tuesday night's class, would like a copy too.  I did begin working on the homework assignment, but didn't get too far.

Thursday (2/25) I revised the "study guide" to add something in the reading assignment that I had left out and also added a couple more lines to each of the questions - to make sure there was plenty of room to write.  I gave my housemate her copy and also set up the 3 ring binder I had gotten for her.  I also transferred the notes I had made from my previous copy of the "study guide" to my copy of the new version.

En route home from work, I stopped at the post office and picked up the mail.  I was amused by something I got in the mail - I know I'm getting older, but gee whiz - AARP is already soliciting me for membership and I'm not quite yet at that age!  Then I stopped at Kroger and did some grocery shopping.  I was there for some time, too.  By the time I got home, put everything away, had a late lunch, and took care of some other things, it was late in the afternoon.  I laid down and nearly took a nap, but decided against it.  

In the mail I also received the latest issue of The Baptist Record and I saw the announcement for the Share Your Faith Workshop.  That's the revised EE (Evangelism Explosion) Gospel presentation that those of us who are trained in the original EE have been hearing is coming and have been looking forward to. I went to the church website and found a link where I could register online and a link to a document to print and either mail or turn in.  I printed copies for my housemate and myself.  

Before I register, however, I have some questions that I need answers for.  I will have to contact Teresa and pose them to her.  Time permitting, I may try to call her this afternoon; if not, I'll send her an e-mail with the questions I have.  

Okay, I guess that about sums it up.  I'm off to go get ready to run some errands.....

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