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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Good afternoon!  I finally left to run my errands at a little after 10:00 AM.  I made a stop to do some banking, then I called my co-worker (and friend) Vicki and let her know I was headed her way.  She was outside waiting for me when I pulled through the parking lot at work so that I didn't have to hassle with finding a parking space, then get out and go inside.  I needed to pay her for my Avon order.  I took care of that and then - because someone was in the process of leaving that I was blocking - we went our separate ways.  

I headed for my next stop - which was the post office - and picked up the mail.  All I had was a postcard informing me that my SS class is having a fellowship in March at Primo's Cafe.  Good choice - one of my favorite places and, in fact, I suggested we eat there this time around!

While at the post office, I had to purchase money orders to pay a couple of monthly installments.  I pay them by money order because I flat out don't trust the people I'm dealing with with my banking information.  They have shown me that I can't trust them, in case you're wondering.

Then I headed to Office Depot.  I wanted a new lamp for my bedroom that I could put on the table next to my bed and use for a reading lamp.  I have a lamp, but it's more of a decorative type - it doesn't do well for reading.  I've had good luck with lamps I've purchased from Office Depot, so I decided to go and look for another one.  

I found what I wanted - it was on a clearance for something like $7.50, but when I got to the checkout with it, the cashier scanned it and it had been marked down again - and rang up at $2.00!  I had to purchase a bulb for it - I got one of those new types - where 10 watts is the equivalent of the old 40 watt regular bulbs.  The bulb cost more than the lamp did!  

I bought some other things - a new ink pen, since I couldn't find the refills for the ones I had.  They were supposed to be out in January; perhaps Office Depot is not stocking those.  Anyway, the new pen came with a $3.00 rebate via mail.  I also got refills for the particular pen that I chose to purchase.  

Then I dropped my purchases in the trunk of the car and went browsing in a nearby bookstore, but didn't purchase anything.  I returned to the car, retrieved my package from the trunk, then on the way home, decided I would stop and pick up something for lunch.  

I opted for Majestic Burger, whipped in there, parked and went inside.  It was lunchtime, so they had a crowd inside eating, but at the moment I walked in, there were no lines waiting to order - which surprised me.  I placed my order - to go - and waited for a few minutes for it.  During the time I waited, a crowd arrived and lines formed to place orders.  

Once I had my food and drink, I headed for home.  I had lunch, but couldn't eat all the fries - made from sweet potatoes - so I put them in the refrigerator to enjoy later.  I've since charged my cell phone back up, completed one load of laundry and I have another load in the dryer.  I've also uploaded some pictures to Photobucket and created links to them here (under Photography).  

Additionally, I did call and leave a voice mail for Teresa at church, but I haven't had a call back from her.  And, I set up the new lamp - placed it where I wanted it and tried it out.  It apparently is going to work fine.  I thought I couldn't keep the decorative lamp in my bedroom - I like to leave it on during the day for Sukiey and so that there's a light on when I come in from work.  Then, it hit me where I could place it and where I could plug it at.  I did that and it's going to work okay too.  

I suppose this is all I've got for now....

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