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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Interesting Phenomenon

I thought that I would share with you an interesting phenomenon that my housemate and I encountered Saturday night....

She had gone out on the patio, as she was putting Rusty, her dog, to bed for the night - he's an outside doggie and has a "dogiloo" dog house that he sleeps in.  

Well, she was giving him his supper and fresh water and as she was out there, she noticed something strange with her breath....

You know how when it's cold, you can see your breath in front of your face?  Well, it was cold out there alright - I don't know what the temperature was - in the low 30s I think.  She called to me and I went out there and saw it for myself.  

We stood there a couple of minutes just breathing and watching our breath turn to smoke!  That was weird - neither of us had ever seen that before and we don't understand the phenomenon behind it.  

I may have to check it out on Google at some point.  

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