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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow in Central Mississippi!

It's snowing in Central Mississippi - again!  We got a really good snowfall back on December 5, 2009 and have gotten flurries a few times since then.  A dusting of snow - forecast at 4 to 6 inches - had been predicted for this area.  

My housemate and I went out just before midnight to have a look.  I grabbed my camera to try and get pictures. We went out in the backyard first, standing on the patio, and could see it had been coming down pretty good.  It was fine - we were told snow showers is what we would get - and I was able to capture some images from spots in the backyard.  

Then, we went out on the front side of the house and could see snow accumulating on the ground and on some bushes and I got some images from that side too.  Then we raised the garage and went out and had a look from that side of the house.  I captured a few more images of obvious snow from out there.  Looking up at a street light next to an electrical transformer, I could see light snow showers.  They were very fine showers, though. 

Some of the images I got actually do show the snow showers.  I'm about to go back to bed - I had been asleep and woke up about 11:45 PM and decided to go and check to see if the snow showers had begun yet - as they were predicted to start about midnight.  I'll be interested to see what the outdoors look like later on this morning - and I will try to get more pictures then.  

Good night/good morning - take your pick!

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