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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow in Central Mississippi - Part 2!

Good morning - it's currently 30 degrees and feels like 30 too.  Officially we have fog that is supposed to burn off later today and give way to a mix of clouds and sun.  However, when I look out the kitchen window, it appears to me to be all cloudy - I don't see any fog!  

Okay - to the snow business...

I was awakened about 5:45 AM on Friday to the news that it was snowing rather heavily and accumulating.  I got up, got ready to go outside and grabbed my camera.  My housemate and I went out and checked things out.  

I took some pictures of the snow and actually got some images of snowflakes falling!  She took Rusty, her dog, out in it and I got a couple of shots of the two of them in the snow. 

We came back inside and watched the morning news shows - trying to get a handle on what was going on weather-wise - that is, what to expect. When sunrise and daybreak occurred, I went back outside and took more pictures.  While I was out there, a limb fell off of a tree into the side street and I moved it out of the way of motorists.  

Then, another limb fell off of another tree into a lane on the main road and it was blocking traffic.  I attempted to remove it but it was too heavy for me to do so by myself.  Eventually, my housemate emerged from taking a shower and getting dressed and I brought this to her attention.  We bundled up and put gloves on and went out there and tried again - this time, the two of us were successful in getting it out of the road.

During the day, we opted to take a walk - rather than drive on streets and roads that might be questionable - and went through some neighborhoods on our way to go get something for lunch.  I carried my camera bag with me as we did.  

Along the way, we paused occasionally so that I could get pictures of interesting snow scenes.  We also passed a house where the family was out in the snow and they were trying to take pictures of each other.  We offered to take a "family photo" for them and they agreed.  The man brought me his digital camera and I got two photos - one without their doggie and one with the doggie.  I made sure to get their house as the backdrop.  They were thrilled that we stopped to do that for them!

We made our way to a restaurant - it was open - and placed orders and ate there rather than having to carry the food back with us.  We took a slightly different route back and detoured by a neighbor's home to deliver a check to pay her son for his lawn services.  

It snowed into the afternoon - finally stopping sometime around 2:00 PM I think it was.  I took a yardstick out to the side yard and measured to see how much we got and saw that the total was 4+ inches!  

We had a tree branch hanging over the driveway that was weighted down with snow and we were afraid the branch was going to snap and fall.  It wouldn't have taken down a power line, but it would've blocked the driveway where neither of us could get our cars out.  My housemate took the big push broom and went out and "broom-whacked" the branch - she used it to knock the snow off of it - and that relieved the weight and the branch went back up to its normal position.  She went on to "broom-whack" some bushes and other trees in the front and back yards.  

Meanwhile, I'm capturing pictures - when I finally stopped and uploaded my photos from the camera, I had a total of 110 photos from the sneaux event here!  I went "shutterbug happy" didn't I?!  I've shared some pictures with a few people and will eventually post some on the photography page when time permits. 

We watched the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver Winter Olympics last night.  It seemed like NBC's coverage would never end - it was finally sometime around midnight when I finally got to bed.  

When I did get to bed, I went to sleep and don't remember anything until I saw the clock register 6:55 AM this morning!  I got up and got the day started; at last check there was still widespread snow on the ground, though the forecast is for it to begin melting sometime today.  Oh well - I've got the pictures to prove that it happened!

Stay tuned....

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