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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday 2/13 & Sunday 2/14, 2010

Good Sunday afternoon!  Thought I would sit down for a few minutes and add an update, then hopefully catch a nap before I have to be back at church for 6:00 PM for the What Baptists Believe class with Stan.  That would be nice.  Let me back up and pull forward....


In the mid-morning we took my housemate's car to have an issue with one of the headlights checked out and found that the element had completely burned out, so the mechanic replaced it for her.  Then, heading home, we drove through our subdivision and looked at some of the snow scenes.  We opted to go to a nearby park instead of coming home; there we spent a few minutes on the walking trail and got some exercise time in.  

Then we did return home; I took a shower and got dressed and so did she.  We were to meet some friends at a local eatery for a mid-afternoon lunch.  That was fun - there were 7 of us in attendance.  We had a good time and the food was good - if not a tad pricey in my book.

When we left there, we stopped at the grocery store and did some needed shopping, then as we were heading home, we stopped in at Sports & Co.  I had discovered that I had mistakenly gotten a large Drew Brees tee when I actually needed a medium.  So, we went in and quickly exchanged it.  

Then we made our way home and settled down.  I watched some of the Olympics coverage before going to bed.


***Happy Valentine's Day***

Sukiey pestered me awake this morning about 6:15 AM.  She started pawing at me and wouldn't quit till she woke me up.  I finally got up about 6:30 AM and turned on the heater in the bathroom to warm it up while I went to have breakfast and check out the newspaper.  

I wound up having to get a "move on" and take a quick shower, get dressed and ready to go.  We left for church about 8:40 AM and made it there - and I got into the Sanctuary and seated while my housemate went to Sunday School prior to the start of the service and class.  

Then we switched - she went to the Sanctuary while I went to Sunday School - and we met back up later in the Atrium.  From there we headed back to the garage and got my car (we rode together since we were both going to the same place, no sense in taking both cars) and headed off to go pick up lunch.

She had received a call from one of our circle of friends that we were to pick up our lunch from a local eatery and then go over to another friend's house.  She has been dealing with an injury and was unable to make it to church this morning, so it was decided that we would go to her house and have lunch.  It was sort of like a "Meals on Wheels" thing.  

We made our way over there and had a nice lunch and visit.  While there, she asked me if I would take a look at her TV and see if I could figure out why she couldn't receive Channel 3.  She doesn't have cable, but she does have an HD TV, so she didn't have a converter box.  I got the TV remote and started working with it.  I knew that the first thing would be to rescan her channels, so I figured out how to do that - and voila!  That did the trick - it loaded all 3 of the Channel 3 channels - 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3!  She was so thrilled that I was able to get it figured out for her as she wanted to watch the Olympics.  

We've since made our way home (obviously) and we noted that the snow has indeed begun to melt, but there's still a lot around.  I checked the weather and currently we're at 51 degrees under cloudy skies - and rain is in the forecast. 

This is it for now - I'm going to try to catch a nap before getting ready to head back to church tonight. 

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