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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday - 2/27

Good afternoon! Sukiey woke me up via "pawing" around 6:45 AM.  I finally got up about 7:00 AM.  I was actually up until shortly after midnight - you guessed it - working on the computer!  

Last night I did some additional work on my Josephus homework assignment and finally came to the conclusion that the "study guide" I put together would not be adequate for the notes it appears that I will be making.  So, I pulled up the document, saved it to another filename and then modified it custom for me.  Then I proceeded to type the handwritten notes I had made under each question that I've found some answers for.  I've still got a long way to go - I'm still in The Life of Flavius Josephus and I still have Book Three and Book Four to even get to.  I hope that when the next class meeting rolls around, I'll have all of my homework done and I can just print my version of the "study guide" and take it to class with me.

This morning I was slow to get in motion, but I finally did - took a shower and got dressed after eating breakfast and cleaning up after myself.  Then, since it was (and is) a beautiful day outside - a sunny and some what warm day - currently 56 degrees - I went out for a walk.  My housemate was out with Rusty at that time too.  I passed them - they were en route back to the house when our paths crossed.  I was on a phone call with my brother then as well.  

I've uploaded some photos that I took - well, in the case of one of them, my housemate took it.  I found a site that will allow me to upload photos directly to the web and link them on my blog page without having to go to a site such as PhotoBucket, Flickr or similar sites.  Wonder why I never came across it before?!  

This is all I have for now....

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