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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, February 19, 2010

An Update....

I haven't added an entry since Tuesday and that was a reference to Monday night's stop at Books-A-Million for the Saints collectibles.  

Okay, Tuesday I stopped by the post office after work to get my mail and found a key for the package boxes and went to the one that was noted on the key.  I retrieved it and found that it was a package that I had mailed way back on January 9 - I gave it to the route carrier when he came by making his regular delivery.  That was a Saturday - the day of the Mississippi Blues Marathon - and he accepted it and my housemate witnessed me give it to him. 

Well, the USPS rejected it and put it in the package box on February 12.  It had stickers on it indicating "no fly" and that it was rejected because I didn't hand it to a "postal employee" since it was over 13 ounces and had a regular stamp on it.  If the route carrier isn't a "postal employee" then I don't know who is!!

I went by the post office on Thursday after work and took the package - which appeared to have been roughed up - to put it mildly! - with me and went to a window clerk.  She accepted the package, put some of their tape on it to cover the beating the package had taken, and apologized for the treatment.  I asked to add a delivery confirmation so I can go online in a week or so and verify that my friend finally got the package.  

By the way, the window clerk told me that since their location isn't open on Saturday for window services, the carrier should have told me that he couldn't take it that day because he is supposed to bring it to them for "processing".  She couldn't explain why it took so long for them to return it to me, though. 

When I got home, I had to hose off my car, as sometime during the day it became filthy - as if a light load of dirt was dropped on it.  I got that done and then took a nap.  

This morning I wrote a quick letter to my friend - the one whose package was delayed - to explain to him why the package is going to be nearly 2 months late arriving.  Then, I printed it and got it ready to go in a regular envelope; I had some other items that I got ready to mail as well. 

I made a stop at the post office and dropped all of these items in the mail; I picked up my incoming mail.  Then I made a stop at the grocery store and did some shopping.  I returned home and unloaded and put away everything and then went on to begin 2 loads of laundry.  I did the 2 loads of laundry and have put them away.  

I've also returned to walking for exercise.  I took a walk down the street and then came back.  When I returned, I found that my housemate had returned.  She had left earlier this morning to go and attend the funeral of a close friend.  

A little later, after she changed clothes, she took Rusty, her dog, for a walk.  I opted to join them on the walk.  We went for a lengthy walk, too.  I need to regain my aerobic capacity.  I'm considering postponing my doctors' appointments in March in order to gain some time to work on getting my aerobic capacity back and lose some weight that I've gained back as a result of not being able to exercise like I was used to after a foot injury sidelined me for a while.

Well, this is about all I have for now....

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