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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Another Update....

Good evening, I'm trying to see if my home PC will cooperate to try and write another entry.  I left the library and made a stop to pick up something for dinner as I just didn't feel like fixing anything here at home.  I got my order really fast, then came home and had finished eating about the time my housemate came in from work.  

I showed her the 40 pictures I had printed and shared with her about how some of the weekend had gone.  She changed clothes and has gone to the fitness club to workout.  I checked my FaceBook account and found that my cousin [bride's mother] had posted some of my pictures from the CD I gave her in an album.  I don't mind that she did this - that's why I gave her the CD in the first place.  

Sukiey has been a very "clingy" cat since I've been home.  I have a few more things to attend to so this is all for now....

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