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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Afternoon Update

Good afternoon!  Jeopardy! has just started on WAPT.  It's my favorite game show.  The College Championship is taking place this week.  I like watching it and sometimes I even know the correct answers, er, questions.

This morning I slept in and got up about the time my housemate was leaving for work.  She was actually already in her car and raising the garage door to back out  and down the driveway when I reached the kitchen.  

I went on to prepare and eat breakfast then clean up behind myself.  Once I was done, I went and took a shower and got dressed.  I headed out and went to the post office to check the mail.  Then while still parked at the post office, I walked over to the bank and used the ATM to get some cash out.  I returned to my car, then drove to the gas station to fill up my car.  

The gas station was busy even that early in the morning.  I pulled up behind a car and was going to park and wait.  Well, the vehicle in front of that person drove off about that time, vacating the pump ahead of her.  She seemed oblivious that the pump ahead of her was available, so I tapped my horn and got her attention and she pulled forward.  I pulled up to the pump where she had been sitting.  We both pumped our gas; when my pumping was done, I hung the pump handle back up and waited for the receipt, but instead a message in the display told me to see the cashier for the receipt.  I walked over to her booth and got it from her.  I don't know why that was necessary unless the printer in the pump was out of paper.

I bought 9.357 gallons of regular unleaded for $2.299 per gallon.  $21.51 was my total purchase - using my loyalty card - I got a 10 cent per gallon discount. The receipt reflects that I have 197 fuel points that expire on 9/30/10.

Once I received my receipt, I went back to the car, got in and drove away - heading back home.  I raised the garage and pulled in and parked, then lowered the door back down.  I've been at home since.  

Jeopardy! is over.  Now I have to find something else to watch on TV - I've settled on the WLBT 4:00 PM Report.  I want to see what's going on in the Jackson area according to Channel 3.  

Barbie Bassett says that we're only at 35% humidity even though we're in the 90s and it feels comfortable outside.  She said that she will talk about Hurricane Danielle and what's coming after her.  

I suppose that this is all I have for now....

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