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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, August 23, 2010

An Update

Good's an update....

I left work last night after hearing the supervisor tell my co-worker that he needs to be at work all of next week since I am going to be on vacation.

When I was leaving, it was under threatening skies.  However, I made the drive home under dry weather. There was severe weather all around the state - Hinds, Madison and Rankin Counties were under the gun.  

When I got home, I learned from my housemate that the mass baptism scheduled at the Reservoir was called off because of the severe weather; however, her daughter is friends with a deacon at the church that was conducting the service.  She had driven some 4 hours to come and be baptized so she asked her deacon friend and he checked with the senior pastor and told him that she had driven 4 hours to be a part of it and asked if they might go ahead and baptize her.  He agreed and they moved to the main campus of the church and baptized my housemate's daughter in the Sanctuary's baptistery.  

Then, they returned to the house and she had to clean up and change into some dry clothes.  She did that and then got her stuff and she and the boys headed for home as school is back in session where they live and both boys had classes today.  

This morning I went to the post office and had to stand in line for at least 10 minutes just to hand a flat rate envelope that was totally ready to go - it had the stamp on it as well as the address information.  Ever since 9/11 the USPS has had this a**inine policy that any item weighing more than 13 ounces and bearing a postage stamp has to be handed to a postal employee.  They are stupid and downright crazy if they truly believe that a real terrorist is going to (1) put their name and return address on the package and (2) stand in line for 10-15 minutes just to hand it to a window clerk.

Once I did that, I went and did some grocery shopping, then got checked out and returned home.  I stopped in the driveway and parked there and unloaded the groceries and put them away.  Then I went back out and got the garden hose and rinsed off my car - it really needed it.  I pulled it in to the garage and parked, then brought the garage door down and came inside the house. I've been home for the rest of the day.

This is all for now.....

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