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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, August 30, 2010

An Update

It has been several days since I last posted an update.  I have been out of town for several days so that's why I've not posted.  But, I'm back now and am going to try and share a little about what I was doing.

I went home to visit with some family members for a wedding of one of my cousins.  The wedding was on Saturday evening.

It was a beautiful wedding and we estimate that there may have been as many as 500 guests in attendance!  The caterer told my cousin [mother of the bride] that she fed 400 people.  We know that a number of people didn't stay for the reception due to the long line waiting to go through the food line. 

I had to be at the church early because all of the family involved in the wedding had to be there early and they didn't want to have to come back and pick me up.  I utilized that time to take pictures - candids - and visit with other family members arriving who weren't involved in the wedding.  I got a number of pictures that I knew the "professional" wouldn't get.  My aunt and I left the reception before it was over; she was exhausted and since I was staying with her, I went with her.  Later, we both realized that what we should've done was have someone bring her home, then have someone else bring me to her house after it was over with - as I missed a number of photo opportunities as a result.  Oh well, we didn't do that.  I did get to look at some of the photos that were taken after we left as someone else posted their pictures on their FaceBook account. 

Sunday I went to Wal*Mart in their town with my memory card and printed 40 of the pictures that I took; I also uploaded all that I took during the long weekend [I attended the rehearsal  and then the dinner on Thursday night] onto a CD and gave it to my cousin [the bride's mother] so that she can go through and pick out and print the ones she wants of them.  According to what the upload showed, I took 108 pictures altogether. 

I drove home this morning, stopping at the post office, then to pick up my prescriptions and also a few grocery items that I needed in advance of going shopping for that. 

I had to come to the library to read e-mail as my home pc was giving me fits.  Thought I would post this quick note before I get kicked off in the next few minutes.  I think this is about all I have for now....

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