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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

An Afternoon Update

Good afternoon.....I have had a somewhat lazy day today in advance of returning to work tomorrow.  I slept in and didn't get up until after my housemate had left for work.  As a result, I didn't get in her way when she was getting ready to leave for work.  That happens sometimes and it's frustrating for both of us!

I have finished 2 loads of laundry and have gotten them put away.  So I have done something productive today.  I also spoke with my brother.  He has ordered a small spray of flowers on a stand to be sent to the funeral home in Mobile where our Uncle Pete is going to be for visitation tonight and his funeral tomorrow.  I haven't planned to drive down to Mobile as it's about 300 miles/3 hours+ from Jackson and I don't want to drive by myself.  I also don't think I could get away from work again so soon after having had a week off a couple of weeks ago.  

I had hoped that one of my cousins would be going and would be willing to come by and pick me up and let me ride to Mobile with her, but I haven't heard from her as to any plans to do that.  If she had, then I would at least try to get Thursday and possibly Friday off.  

Sukiey had acted like she was going to be stubborn.  I changed her cat food - I got a bag of Purina One instead of Iams.  She acted like she was going to be stubborn and not accept and eat the Purina One.  I decided I was going to dig in my heels and not give her anything else - not go buy a bag of Iams.  Well, she has begun eating the Purina One, although not as enthusiastically as she had the Iams - I couldn't keep it - she would go through a bag of it quickly.  Well, I hope that she'll go ahead and eat the Purina One and then I'll get her another bag of Iams when I need to buy more.  I think she has realized that she needs to eat the Purina One as I'm not going to give her any Iams.  

I found that she had eaten most of the Purina One - probably 98 1/2% of what was in the bowl, so I put more down for her.  Now I'll wait and see how she responds to more food in the bowl.  

I don't have any plans to attend Prayer Meeting tonight; I realized that I failed to attend the Grace Bible Study both last week and today.  Oops!  I was interested in participating, but I'm now 2 weeks behind.  They're doing a Precept of Matthew but it's only Part One - and I'm hopeful that the following semester I'll be back working where I'll be off on weekends.  

This is all I've got for now.....

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