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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

An Afternoon Update

My housemate asked me for help in finding an issue [a couple of copies] of Parents and Kids magazine, as her daughter was included in a piece about scuba diving after she went with her 2 teenage sons on a dive trip to Honduras in early August.

I went by the Christian Life Center at FBCJ, as I had seen them there in the past.  No luck - Marlene, the desk attendant, said that they hadn't gotten copies in quite a while.  She suggested that I Google the magazine and then call them for help in locating an issue.  

I came on to work [a bit early] and did Google the magazine but didn't have a whole lot of luck; I tried again later and hit the jackpot - I found the current issue with the article about scuba diving in it.  I was able to get that page from the magazine sent via e-mail to my housemate, who forwarded it to her daughter.  I also have a printed copy of the page in case we have to "snail mail" it to her.  

Things are quiet this afternoon and I'm pleased to see that.  It's 93 degrees in Jackson under a mix of clouds and sun.  I had to park in the garage, so I'll have to retrieve my car around 5:00 PM or so.  

The next name on the Hurricane list for this year is Julia.  I hope we don't meet her or any of the ones that are on the list behind her.  Texas has experienced considerable flooding due to Hermine; that we can do without.  

This is all for now....

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