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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

An Update from the Past Few Days....

Earlier this week, on Thursday [9/16] I was down at Regions Plaza, planning to pick up lunch at Chick-Fil-A.  Well, as I was walking inside the Plaza, on the other end from where I entered, was the Chick-Fil-A cow!  You know, a person dressed in a cow suit.  I went on down there and checked the cow out.  

Not knowing that the cow would be there, I didn't have my regular digital camera with me.  However, my cell phone does have a camera in it, so I whipped it out and set it up and got someone standing there to take a picture of me with the cow using the cell phone's camera.  It turned out pretty well - I sent it to myself via e-mail - and I printed a couple of 4x6 size pictures to share with a couple of friends via the mail, plus I posted it on my FaceBook page.  

I showed the printed photo to my housemate when I got home.  She was interested in seeing it because her son works for Chick-Fil-A in a North Mississippi location.  She thought it was good and cute.

I got to visit via phone with a friend of mine who used to live in Jackson but now lives in Texas.  I learned that she recently moved and got her new address from her.  We had a nice chat.

Friday [9/17] I went to lunch with several co-workers at an area Subway.  We had a good and enjoyable lunch.  I had the turkey breast and black forest ham on a 6" 9 grain wheat sub.  It's one of my favorite sandwiches and I added my favorite cheese - Provolone.  

When I got home from work, I found the garage door down.  When I raised it and pulled inside, I noticed a piece of paper taped to the kitchen door knob.  Upon checking it, my housemate had left me a note to warn me that she had left Rusty in the house when she left to go to the fitness club.  I exercised caution when I opened the door after unlocking and entered the house.  

I got inside and shut the door without encountering Rusty; however, he met me at the alcove by my housemate's desk and I asked him if he was going to let me pass.  He did move aside for me!  

I took my gear back to my bedroom and visited with Sukiey for a few minutes, then gathered my PM meds and took them out to the table and put them down.  I spoke to Rusty as I came back through and found my housemate was back from the club and in the kitchen fixing her supper.  I went on to fix and eat mine as well.  

We talked for a little while about some news that has been the talk of the Metro area lately.  Then she settled down on the couch to watch TV and I went to my bedroom and got on a call with my cousin in California and afterward did some cleaning of messages in my phone.  About the time I was going to bed, it went "low battery" and I plugged it to the charger.  

This morning I came in to work and found a bit of a problem awaiting my crew.  We were briefed on it; our manager came in and was with us for a few hours working on correcting it.  I don't know that we ever did figure out what happened, but we did get it resolved - or at least a solution in case it happens again.

I hope to get home in time to see the Mississippi State v. LSU game on ESPNU tonight - getting home for the kickoff would be great.  I don't know if I'll get to do that, though.  

Geaux LSU Tigers - don't stink up Tiger Stadium tonight!!

P.S. Ole Miss was defeated by Vanderbilt by a final of 28-14!

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