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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An Update - Since Sunday....

Sunday evening I left work and headed home, stopping at the McAlister's Deli and picking up an order that I had called in before leaving.  I was in the middle of eating when my housemate came in from FBCJ.  She had been involved with AWANA again.  I finished eating and cleaned up behind myself, then was watching the Sunday night game - but I still don't know who won - the Cowboys or Redskins.  

Monday was a busy day for me.  After my housemate left for work, I went out and backed my car out of the garage and gave it a good hosing down.  There was some serious road grime on the windshield and I got it cleaned off.  Then I pulled the car back into the garage and brought the door back down.  I took a shower and got dressed after calling a friend of mine.  

I had the Sunday School class newsletters to go out in the mail, I got them ready.  Then I headed out and stopped at the post office and dropped them in the mail.  I checked my mail and found little worth keeping.  I went from there to the gas station and filled up my car.  This was the first time I had gassed up since the Sunday after Chay and Robin's wedding and had still 1/4-1/2 of a tank remaining.  

From there I went to the Christian Life Center and spent 30 minutes on the treadmill before going on over to the Women's Luncheon.  It was a good lunch and message from Dr. Mark Byrd.  When I left FBCJ I made my way to a sports store and purchased a new watch.  Then I stopped at the Christian bookstore and got a copy of a CD to send to Aunt Ruby for her birthday - next month - and I also bought a copy of Bobby Bowden's Called to Coach.  Then I came on home and put the book on the bookshelf to get to.  I also put the CD where I could get my hands on it to send when the time comes.  I also laid down and worked on getting the watch set correctly.  It took a while for me to figure out the settings.  I had finished this when a friend of mine called.  

She came by and picked me up and we went in search of a pair of AT&T phones for her and and her husband to use so she could send the defective phones they got back.  No luck - but she is going to stop at another AT&T store this afternoon after work and hopefully she'll be able to get the problem resolved.  I've not talked to her today, so I don't know if she got it taken care of.  We stopped at McAlister's and got supper before she dropped me off.  I ate and cleaned up behind myself and was on the phone with Aunt Ruby when my housemate came in.  Before she left to go work out, I went out and hosed her car down as she also had issues with road grime.  

I watched the Monday Night Football games - well, I fell asleep through the Chargers-Chiefs game and woke up in time to see the Chiefs win.  I went on to bed and woke up this morning with a headache so I got up and took a pair of Tylenol and went back to bed for a while.  My housemate had to be at work early, so she was gone before I got up.  

Then I got up and had breakfast and read the newspaper, then went and took a shower and got dressed.  I went to the sports store looking for windpants, but couldn't find what I wanted.  I did find an LSU football tee shirt that I wanted and got it, then left and stopped at the post office and picked up the mail - nothing much there.  I went on to the office supply store and picked up some things I needed there, then went to the bookstore and looked around and found nothing.  I went on to pick up something for lunch and came home.  

My brother called and we talked awhile as I was eating lunch.  I've taken a nap this afternoon as I didn't feel well, and I'm better now.  I had to take a couple more Tylenol as my back was agitating me.  

Tonight is EV2 at FBCJ.  My housemate will be participating, but I don't plan to go at this point.  I suppose this is all I've got for now.....

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