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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

An Update.....

Good afternoon, I thought that I would post an update this afternoon.  

On Sunday, I stopped at the Murphy USA station in the town in Louisiana where I was visiting family and had attended my cousin's wedding.  I filled the tank of my car back up - it was only about 1/4 down from full....that is, I had only used about that much gas to drive down from Jackson after having filled up the tank the previous Wednesday.  I had a $25 Wal*Mart gift card and I used it to pay for the gas that I pumped.  I had gotten a receipt for the gas so I would know what the balance on the card is for future use.  Here are the details:

I pumped 4.728 gallons of unleaded at a cost of $2.389 per gallon and the total was $11.30 to fill the tank back up.  That left me $13.70 remaining on the gift card.  

This morning I went to an area Wal*Mart to do some shopping.  I could've gone to Kroger, but I opted to go to Wal*Mart because I had this gift card.  I did my shopping and purchased Sukiey a bag of Purina One cat food, along with some groceries and some health and beauty products.  The original total that I racked up was $71.54; I applied the gift card of $13.70 to it and then wound up writing a check for $57.84 as the final total.  I felt like I did a pretty good job of shopping there!

I came home and put everything away; then I went back out and took some outgoing mail with me.  I went and got my monthly money orders - although I had some issues with getting them but got those resolved I hope - and also went to see if I could find an issue of Sports Illustrated with Drew Brees on the cover, but had no luck.  

I returned home and had lunch plus I've done 2 loads of laundry - one is complete, the other is still in the dryer.  Not much longer, though, I think and it'll be done.

This is all I've got for the present time.  

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