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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Busy Early Morning....and It's Hot!!!

Good morning, it's closing in on 10:00 AM.  I think I stayed up till nearly 11:30 PM last night - I was up a little while longer after publishing my last post.  I noticed that I didn't have my sunglasses in my bedroom and I knew that I had not returned them to my car when we got home last night and swapped the vehicles around.  I finally came to the conclusion that they must still be in my housemate's car, as that was the last place I had used them.  So, I wrote myself a post-it note and put it with my keys to remind me this morning before she left for work to check her car and see.  

I woke up about 7:15 AM - thanks to Sukiey, who was fussing about something.  No, she didn't need any food - she had plenty in her bowl.  I went ahead and got up about 7:30 AM.  I had finished up breakfast and cleaned up behind myself, then returned to finish checking out the newspaper when my housemate came through, ready to leave for work.  

I had something to give her and so I handed it to her and then followed her out to her car.  I told her that I needed to see if my sunglasses were in her car as I had checked everywhere else, but they weren't anywhere I had looked.  So, she unlocked the passenger door, I opened it and there they were - right where I had left them!  I retrieved them and closed the door back.  She left and headed on to work; I got in my car and moved it over and pulled into the space in the garage that she had vacated and lowered the garage door.  

I had noticed that my car was wet and said something to my housemate about it.  She said that after I went to bed last night, we got a  brief rainshower.  I guess it got so hot that it rained!

Then I came back inside and finished checking out the newspaper.  Then I came back to my bedroom and wrote the draft of my Sunday School newsletter and printed the needed copies, with the plan of copying and pasting the draft to an e-mail and sending it out later.  I went on to take a quick shower and got dressed, then got the copies ready to go out in the mail.  I took them, along with the other pieces of mail that I had and headed out and over to the post office.  

Waiting in the mailbox was a piece of junk and the Wal*Mart gift card that I had redeemed points for to give as a gift to my cousin for her bridal shower.  The shower took place yesterday, so it obviously didn't arrive in time for that purpose!

I went to the retail area and waited in a line to get to the one clerk that was working in order to mail the package to my friend in Texas.  I waited for about 5-7 minutes to get to her, then got it mailed out in just a couple of minutes.  I left the post office and went to the grocery store and got a few items that I needed, including milk, bread, PB, grape jelly, and a couple of other things.  I got checked out, returned to my car and loaded up.  

Then, I stopped at the fuel station and after a short wait, reached a pump - I backed up to it - and then started the fill up.  Here's my purchase, based on my debit card receipt:

  9.822 gallons
$2.379 per gallon
$23.37 total purchase

I took a couple of minutes and used the squeegee to clean my windshield, but that turned out to only make things worse.  So, when I made it home, I pulled in the driveway, raising the garage door as I did, but parked in the driveway for a few minutes and got the garden hose and hosed off the entire car - including the windshield.  Then I pulled the car into the garage.  

I unloaded the car and brought everything inside and put it all away.  Then I went out to the curb and retrieved the garbage can, as the pickup had been made.  I put the garage door down and came back in the house.  

Since I've been writing this entry, I've been watching the temperature on my weather desktop and checking the heat index.  Here's what I've observed:

At 8:00 AM - before I left to go run my errands - it was 85 with a heat index of  94.  At 9:54 AM, after I returned, it was 93 with a heat index of 106; at 10:32 AM, 94 with a heat index of 107; and currently [10:49 AM] it's 96 with a heat index of 108.  

The newspaper had a front page story about the heat and the prediction of triple-digit temperatures for the next couple of days.  They said that the actual high here in Jackson yesterday was 102 - but that did not set a new record.  They didn't say what the heat index was, but I would take a guess that it was probably around 110-112 degrees.  Today's forecast actual high is 101 and for tomorrow it's 100 - with a mix of clouds and sun and even a thunderstorm on the icon.  In fact, that is called for Tuesday through Friday.  If it's any comfort to us, Wednesday's actual high should only reach 98 and Friday's should top out at 96.  

The newspaper's story reported that the heat resulted in the death of an 81 year old woman in Monroe County on Sunday.  They didn't say whether she had a heatstroke or what, but I would suspect that's what happened.  

I called my co-worker a little while ago and we talked for about 28 minutes.  I told her about the weekend - Sunday with Chuck Missler - and also let her know that due to it being so hot and because I have several things on my agenda for today, I'm going to skip the Women's Lunch.  She said that I could park in the CLC garage, but I'm going to take a pass.

Okay, I guess I need to move on to some other things....

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