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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Brand New Month and A Busy Day!

Hello, it’s straight up 3:00 PM in a brand new month.  I’m sitting at the computer here in my bedroom with NASCAR at Pocono Raceway in Long Pond, PA on ESPN.  I just woke up about 15 minutes ago from a nap.  My housemate is asleep in the den and Rusty is in there with her. 

I noticed that my weather desktop icon shows that it’s 100 degrees here in Jackson, so I clicked on it and learned that the heat index is 108.  My bedroom registers 75.6 and the hallway shows 74 although she has the thermostat set to 71

Let me back up to yesterday evening….

I picked up my Bible and started reading on the Josephus class assignment.  I made it from Genesis1through Genesis 31 before I had to stop to take care of some work activities in preparation for leaving early. 

I did leave early and headed on home; I found that my housemate's daughter's van was parked in the same spot it was when I left for work.  I was surprised by this.  She was leaving – I turned on to the street where our driveway is as she was sitting, waiting to turn left on to the main street, so I stopped and asked her if she was headed to the fitness club and she said yes.  I went on and raised the garage door and pulled in, then lowered the door back down.  I went on in the house and changed from my jeans to a pair of shorts.  I also went on to have supper, then came back to my bedroom and did a couple of things.

When I went back out to the den, she was back.  She was doing some things.  I asked her who it was that I woke up and she said it was her 17 year old grandson.  She said that he said that I came in the den about 5:00 AM and she told him she knew better – as I don’t eat breakfast when I’m going to work until closer to 6:00 AM.  She also said that she wasn’t aware he was on the couch in the den – he originally was in the spare bedroom with his brother, but said he got hot.  This surprised both of us.  I told her that I didn’t realize he was in there on the couch until I was already at the table eating and then saw movement.  She said that I could’ve gotten up and went to the table in the dining room, but honestly, that never occurred to me and I told her that. 

I also learned that they were heading somewhere else for a week, instead of where I had been told for 2 weeks.  She had had some of her information wrong.  Well, I said something to her about leaving her daughter's van parked on the side of the street due to that City of Jackson ordinance.  We talked about a couple of other things, then I got the distinct impression she was unhappy about something and I asked her if I had done something wrong and she said no, that she was just in a bad mood. 

I excused myself and came on back to my bedroom and did a few other things, then went to bed – albeit a bit early.  I went on to sleep and then Sukiey woke me up in the middle of the night meowing, fussing about something.  I got her settled down and went back to sleep.  I had set my cell phone alarm for 7:00 AM this morning.  It went off and I got up and went on to head toward the kitchen. 

I didn’t see the newspaper, so while I had the toast in the toaster, I went out to see if it was out there.  We’ve been having trouble with delivery on the weekends.  Well, when I raised the garage door, I didn’t see the newspaper waiting, but I did find that she had moved the van into the driveway – parked behind my car.  

I went back inside, lowering the garage door as I did, and my housemate came into the kitchen and seemed to be in a better mood.  She asked if the newspaper was out there yet and I said no.  I went on to fix my breakfast and eat while she got Rusty’s breakfast ready and fed him.  Then she headed back to her bedroom and as she did, she commented to me that it must be difficult to eat breakfast without the newspaper to read.  I said yeah, it was. 

Well, once I finished eating and took my AM meds, I went and cleaned up behind myself, then went on to take a shower and get dressed.  I was almost ready when I heard her go out to the den.  I took my Bible and notebook out to the table; I let her know that I was almost ready – I had a couple of things to do and I would be ready to go.  I got those done, grabbed my camera bag and purse and went out to meet her. 

She was on the phone calling the newspaper to let them know we hadn’t gotten our copy yet but she couldn’t get anywhere, so she hung up.  We got our stuff and headed out – in her car, since the van was behind my car.  As we were driving to FBCJ, she apologized to me for her behavior last night. 

We got to FBCJ and parked in her preferred parking area.  Surprisingly, we got there about 8:30 AM instead of getting there about 8:55 AM like normal.  Her Sunday School class was one of those invited to attend a morning session with Dr. Chuck Missler.  Mine was not.  I decided that I was going to “crash” that party!  I went in with her and we found seats and put our stuff down.

She went back to speak with her friend Nan, who is one of the Missions Deployment Directors – along with her husband, Rob.  Well, Chuck was standing there with Nan, so she introduced my housemate to him.  I saw and realized that was him, so I went back and got my camera and she went along with me and posed for a picture with Chuck.  Then she took my camera and got a picture of me with him. 

We learned that he had books and videos for sale out in the foyer of the Fellowship Hall East, so we excused ourselves, got our purses and went out there and browsed.  

We both wound up purchasing copies of Chuck’s Hidden Treasures In The Biblical Text and Cosmic Codes: Hidden Messages From The Edge Of Eternity.  We also caught up with Chuck once again and he autographed our copies.  Eventually, we went to take seats.  I wound up moving up – to the front row, as I wanted to get a couple of pictures of Chuck speaking. 

Well, before the session began, I saw a couple that I know go up to Chuck – he was sitting off to the side.  She got a picture of Chuck and her husband together; I thought she would like to be in a picture, so I walked over there and tapped her on the shoulder and asked if she would like for me to take her picture with both men.  She was like “well yeah!” and set the camera and handed it to me, then went and got behind and in between them and crouched down and told them what was going on and they posed and I got a shot of the 3 of them together.  Then she came and took the camera back from me and thanked me.  She said “you saw a need and you filled it!”. 

I went back and sat down to wait for the session to start.  The husband of the woman that I took the picture for got up and started things off, making an introduction of the couple hosting Chuck's appearance and he went up and made an introduction of Chuck and he came up on the stage.  I got shots of each of them and then a couple of Chuck before I put the camera away. 

Chuck went on to do a session on how we can have confidence in the Bible.  I took some notes and he shared that there are 8362 predictive verses, 1817 predictions, 737 separate matters.  He gave out more information, and selected 8 of the over 300 prophecies concerning the Messiah in the O.T. that are quoted in the Gospels.  He gave the O.T. reference, then that it was fulfilled and the statistical probability that they would be fulfilled in a single individual, then went on to give statistical probabilities that even more prophecies would be fulfilled in a single individual.  His presentation was very informative and even a bit mind boggling. 

I think my housemate's about ready to head back to FBCJ, so let me stop here and continue later….

Alright, here I am again.  It’s 8:54 PM.  It has cooled down to 89 with a heat index of 96.  My bedroom registers 76.1 and the hallway shows 75 degrees.

Yep, she was ready to head back to FBCJ.  We got there and parked in the same spot as we had this morning – which does allow us to make a quick and easy exit once Church is over.  Then we went into the Fellowship Hall and on up to the Sanctuary and claimed seats.  She wanted to sit in one space and I wanted another – my usual pew.  We agreed that once the event was over, she would wait where she was and I would work my way over to her in order for us to meet back up.  Well, the gremlins had over plans….

The Sanctuary was beginning to fill up and Stan announced that there were “technical difficulties” – for some unknown reason, Chuck’s presentation wasn’t loading on the system in there, but it was loaded on the system in Fellowship Hall East, so rather than delay the start to continue to try to fix the problem, he asked everyone to move downstairs to the Fellowship Hall East.  I got up and got my stuff, but by the time I made it to her seat, she was gone.  I was thinking, as I was making my way down to Fellowship Hall East “how am I going to find her in this crowd?” but when I walked in, there she and a friend [from my SS class] were – sitting on the next to last row of seats in the middle.  Now FSHE is a large room, but it’s nowhere near the size of the Sanctuary.  They had to put out a call for some men and capable boys to go down to FSH West and bring up additional chairs.  The room reached capacity and it wound up being SRO. 

After some music to start things off, the husband of the host couple went up and spoke, then introduced Chuck and he got up and took the podium and began his presentation.  I sat there and took notes and got a few pictures.   He took a break about 75% of the way through; our friend announced she was hot and she was going to go out where it was cooler – in the foyer.  My housemate got up and went to the restroom.  When she came back, she moved over to the seat where our friend had been – she was in between us.

Chuck went on to finish up his presentation and I wound up with some 9 pages of notes.  Then the couple went up and joined him on the stage and they asked some of the questions from the cards that had been turned in.  Finally, they had to just cut it off.  Stan came up and dismissed the gathering in prayer.  My housemate and I made our way out and back to her car. 

On the way home we stopped to get something for supper for me.  I wanted to try one of their new apple pecan chicken salads.  We went to the drive thru and she ordered it and another for me.  We got to the window and paid for my order, then went on to the pick up window and were given the other item, but told to pull up as they were making the salad and would bring it out to us. She pulled forward and we waited – for at least 10 minutes – and no one came out with the salad.  Finally, she pulled over in to a parking space, I got my receipt and went inside and to the counter and discovered that apparently the employees were goofing off in there and had the salad ready but none of them wanted to be bothered with bringing it out.  I got a “sorry for the wait” as the guy handed me the bagged up order.  There were some customers in there and they looked at me as I walked back out and I told them that the employees were fooling around in there and didn’t want to be bothered with bringing the order out to me after I had waited at least 10 minutes. 

En route home, I looked at the receipt and it has contact information to let them know how the service was.  I made sure to hold on to the receipt – I have it in front of me – and I will contact them either by phone or online and let them know that this particular visit was unacceptable.  It didn’t appear that there was a manager on duty. 

Well, when we got home, we unloaded her car and brought our stuff inside.  I put my other item in the freezer.  Then she got the van keys and we went back outside.  She backed the van out into the street and pulled over to the side, then I backed my car out into the street, but saw some cars coming down the street towards me, so I pulled over into the driveway of the neighbors across the street from us and waited for those cars to come and clear out, and also allow her to pull the van into the garage.  Then I backed out of their driveway and pulled over into ours and parked.  Now my car is sitting out in the driveway and the van is in the garage.  My housemate said that in the morning when she leaves for work, I can pull my car into the garage in her space to keep it out of the heat of the day.  Then, when she comes in tomorrow evening, I’ll have to move it back out for her to pull in. 

Wow – it’s now 9:20 PM and we have dropped to 85 and 94.  When we left FBCJ, as we were walking to her car, we noticed some wet areas – including on the pavement in the parking lot.  We decided that it must’ve rained while we were inside. 

Okay, let me also share with you that when I left FSHWest to go to Sunday School this morning, I picked up a copy of the Koinonia Institute Handbook and Course Catalog 2010.   It is a “think tank” for serious Christians – according to the welcome note inside of it from Chuck.  I haven’t had a chance to look at it, though. 

Then I went on to SS and our teacher did an Introduction to 1st Samuel.  That is – he talked about the book and gave some research type information on it and about the time period in which it was written and that sort of thing.  He said that we will begin studying the 1st chapter next week.

When we came out of class, I was talking with a classmate when my house- mate appeared to collect me to head home.  We made our way on home – not stopping anywhere to eat lunch.  Instead, when we got home from FBCJ, we changed clothes, then she did a little cooking for us for lunch.  It wasn’t anything heavy or fancy.  

Afterward, I came on back to my bedroom and turned the TV on to watch the NASCAR race as I noted earlier – at the beginning of this entry – and promptly fell asleep.  It was still on when we were leaving to head back to FBCJ.  There had been a major accident on the raceway and the race was red flagged while they cleaned up the debris.  I haven’t checked to find out details on the outcome of the race and what happened with Elliott Sadler, the driver whose race car was severely torn up.  He was unable to get out of the race car on his own – he had to have assistance and then once they got him out, he collapsed beside the car, so they were attending to him there and I’m sure an ambulance had been summoned to the scene. 

Alright, I think I have you up to date now….Sukiey seems to be content – I’m here in the bedroom with her instead of out in the den with my housemate and Rusty. 

On tap for me tomorrow….I’m going to need to do my SS class newsletter, as I’m not going to try to do it tonight; then there’s a trip to the post office to mail the copies plus some other pieces I have sitting in the outgoing mail box.  I’m undecided at this time if I’m going to go to the Women’s Lunch or not.  I guess I’ll decide based on how things are going in the morning.  I also have a few other things to do, including reading more of the Josephus assignment.  I want to contact Nancy at FBCJ in Stan’s office and find out whether or not they recorded Chuck’s presentations on audio CD and if they did, find out about ordering copies of each.  And, I want to upload the photos from today from my camera. 

I will end here for tonight….

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