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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Heat Wave Update....

Currently - as of 3:20 PM - my Weather Desktop gadget shows that it's 104 actual degrees; the heat index is 112 and the humidity level is 32%.  

My housemate called me from her office at 3:00 PM and asked if we were staying cool here.  I said we were trying.  She asked me about bringing Rusty in off of the patio - and so I went and got him and let him in the den.  He settled down on the cool floor in the alcove by the kitchen where her home office is.  I turned the ceiling fans on in the den.  I also closed the door to the dining room so that Rusty couldn't go in there.

While I was on the phone with her, she asked me what the temperature was in the hallway and that's when I discovered there was an issue with the thermostat.  The central air unit was working, but the thermostat itself was not working - it was blinking to "replace batt" and I told her about it.  I was working to take the cover off of the unit so I could check on what the batteries were that it needed; she was about to call the a/c people to find out how to take the cover off and then call me back when I got it to come off.  

I told her and said that I would change the batteries right then - it required 2 AA batteries, so I went and got 2 AA Duracell batteries from my stash.  I changed them into the unit and replaced it on wall.  At first it appeared that the central air wasn't working but I've since determined that it is.  It's just that it's so hot outside.  

The hallway had climbed to 78, it has dropped to 77.  Here in my bedroom, the temperature is hovering at 77.7 - which is about 2-3 degrees higher than usual, but I'm not at all uncomfortable at this point.  

Okay, since I've started writing this update, it has dropped outside to 101 with a heat index of 110 with 39% humidity.  A 3 degree drop is a good thing.  I also see where they're calling for the possibility of showers after 6:00 PM. 

By the way, my housemate said that the air was out to part of her office building.  That's not a good thing!  I don't know if her area of the building is affected or not - she didn't say. 

I'll have another update on the heat wave later.  I need to go check on Rusty. 

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