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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Morning Update....including about the heat wave....

Since it's my day off, I slept in - and didn't get up until about 8:30 AM.  As of 11:05 AM the actual temperature is 95 with a heat index of 107 and the humidity level is 53%.  

I've been involved in some phone calls this morning; I went out to the kitchen to get my bottle of lemonade and while I was out there, I prepared another bottle of lemonade - using a bottle of water and a powdered lemonade mix packet, then stuck it in the refrigerator to chill.  

I checked on Rusty and found that my housemate left the ceiling fan on the patio running.  The dog was up and moving around out there so he's feeling better.  I decided to call my housemate and see if she would like for me to bring him in the house.  

When I called her, I told her what the temperature was, along with the heat index, and asked if she would like for me to go ahead and bring Rusty inside.  She and I both think it ridiculous to be this hot this early in the day.  

Finally, we decided that since I plan on being home all day [I don't want to get out in this heat if I don't have to], I'll monitor the temperature and how Rusty is doing and bring him inside in probably about an hour.  By the time she called me yesterday about bringing him in [about 3:00 PM] he was panting and breathing hard.  

Since I've been writing this, it has gone up a degree to 96 with a heat index of 109 and humidity level of 52%.  I may not wait till around 12:15 PM to bring him in - I may declare that the heat is getting dangerously high before then and bring him on inside before he goes to panting and breathing hard.  My housemate told me to call her back if I need her.  

Currently in my bedroom it's 76.8 and the hallway shows 75; the central air is running.  

We know that the actual high temperature hit 105 and the heat index topped out at 114 yesterday.  According to the newspaper this morning, they're calling for the probability that the record for today [102] will fall also. 

Here's a quote from an article in today's The Clarion-Ledger newspaper:

"No area of the state that we cover had a heat index of less than 110".  This came from National Weather Service meteorologist Lynn Burse in Jackson on Monday.  

They also say "The temperature is expected to hit 103 today and still hover around 100 on Wednesday in the Jackson area."

As of 11:33 AM it has risen to 98/111 and 49% humidity.  I have declared it to be getting too hot, so I paused and went and brought Rusty on in the house. I called my housemate back and told her that I had gone ahead and brought him inside and what the temperature and heat index are.  She said that was fine.  I have also gotten a bowl and filled it with water and put it in the alcove area for him - and he took a good drink once I did that!  I would guess that the water in his bowl on the patio has gotten hot and this was considerably cooler.  

Rusty thought that when I opened the patio door to switch the ceiling fan off that I was putting him back out and I told him no, he was staying inside.  I told him to make himself comfortable as he is staying in the house.  I'll go check on him in a little while when I go fix myself something for lunch.

This is about all I've got for now.

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