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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

An Update....

Good afternoon....I haven't posted an update recently.  When I got home from work on Sunday evening, my housemate and I were wishing something good to eat for supper would suddenly materialize in front of us.  Of course this wasn't going to happen.  

We both knew that we wanted to go out for something; we went back and forth about where we wanted to go.  Finally we settled on somewhere and what; I called our orders in and then we left to go pick them up.  She drove and stopped at the pharmacy to drop off a prescription to be refilled.  

We got to the restaurant and while she waited in the car, I went in and picked up the orders and paid for them.  Then I returned to the car and we returned home.  We had each gotten a baked potato - although dressed differently.  We enjoyed what we had ordered and declared that the potatoes were enjoyable.  

I went on to bed soon afterward and off to sleep.  Then I got up early on Monday - a combination of my back and Sukiey waking me up.  I took a couple of pain meds, plus my AM meds and then went on to eat breakfast.  I went on to go back to bed and took a nap; then I slept again later in the afternoon.  

A friend of mine called and asked me to go have lunch with her.  She came by and picked me up and we went in search of somewhere that was open to go and eat at.  We found a place and had an enjoyable lunch together.  

After I returned home, I watched the Maryland v. Navy game.  It was on ESPN and Maryland ended up winning.  During the game, my housemate's daughter showed up.  She was planning to spend the night with us and then return home today, however, since she had to go back to work today, she decided that she should go on home last night.  

I went on to watch the Boise State v. Virginia Tech game - also on ESPN.  I watched the entire game before going off to bed and was pleased to see that Boise State prevailed - despite some [in my opinion] questionable officiating.  They have moved up to #3 in the polls as a result of their performance.  

This morning I got up and had breakfast, then took a shower and got dressed and went off to run some errands.  I stopped at a sports store to see about watches, but didn't find what I wanted.  Then I went on to the post office to mail some pieces and picked up my mail also.  I disposed of the junk mail.  

Then I went on over to the grocery store and did some shopping.  My housemate asked me to pick up a couple of items for her - coffee filters and dryer sheets.  I got those and called her to make sure she didn't also want me to pick up coffee for her while I was there.  She said she had plenty of coffee.  I got the items I needed, then got checked out and came on home.

I put everything away - except for her items.  I've spent the remainder of the day at home and I took a nap this afternoon.  I've considered going to EV2 tonight at FBCJ, but I think I'll wait until next week.  My housemate attended the EV2 workshop that took place while I was out of town so I didn't get to attend the training.  She plans to go tonight.  

This is about all I have for now...

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