My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday 2/28

Good evening!  I thought I would add a post prior to heading off to bed, as I do have to get up for work in the morning and that alarm clock is going to sound earlier than I want it to.  I wound up not getting my usual Sunday afternoon nap and I'll explain why shortly.  In the interim, let me back up and pull forward....

Last night I was up a bit later than I ordinarily would have been.  I had received an e-mail stating that my ISP is switching from McAfee to Norton for the free antivirus and security software that they provide and that I need to make the change on my PC.  I decided that I would do that and so I went through the process.  It was easy - basically all I had to do were a few mouse clicks along the way, the programs were already set up with scripts to uninstall McAfee and then install Norton and set it up for me.  I got that accomplished, then brought up the Norton program so I could do some scheduling - as far as tasks that I had set up on McAfee.  

My housemate and I headed off to church this morning - I drove - and after we both attended Sunday School and Worship - we go at opposite hours - we met back up and then went to meet some friends for lunch.  We had thought we were going to one restaurant, but wound up going to our usual place.  

After lunch, we came home and she retired to her bedroom and I came to mine.  I changed into jeans and tennis shoes, then got on the computer and did some "clean up" work.  I moved and copied some files from the hard drive to my flash drive.  I will copy them to a CD tomorrow.  Once I had them on the flash drive, I deleted them from my hard drive.  Some files I deleted without moving or copying, as I didn't want to keep them.  

Once this was completed, I laid down with the intent of taking a nap - while watching the NASCAR on FOX race from Las Vegas.  Well WDBD - the local FOX affiliate - went off the air - or else FOX - the network lost the signal - and so I switched over to NBC to watch some of the Men's Ice Hockey Gold Medal game between the US and Canada.  

Around that time, one of the key people in my SS class called.  She and I usually talk each Sunday afternoon - to go over the announcements and prayer requests that were made in class that morning and determine what needs to go out on the SS newsletter that I send out via e-mail (and snail mail to those who don't have e-mail!).  We had a couple of conversations about it and got things settled.  

I turned the TV off and went and had an early supper - prior to returning to church tonight for my evening class.  I finished up early enough that I had time to sit down and type up the e-mail and get it sent, then log in to approve it since I'm the moderator of the group service we use.  I didn't have time, though, to wait for my copy to pop up in my Inbox and then print the copies I needed for mailing purposes.  That would have to wait till I returned home.

My housemate and I went back to church this evening and she drove this time. When we came out, we saw a gorgeous full moon.  I noted that I would like to try to get a picture of it.  So, when we got home, I grabbed my camera.  I managed to get a good picture of Sukiey - surprisingly so!  She wasn't looking at me, but she did have her eyes open.  She usually closes them when the flash comes.

Then I went back out and managed to get a couple of good pictures before the batteries pooped out on me.  I came back in and changed the batteries, then took some pictures of Rusty - I got some good ones of him.  So, I gave him a dog biscuit as a treat for cooperating.  

I have had to put some of the camera batteries on the charger.  I use a camera that takes AA and I use rechargeable batteries in it because of how they eat batteries - I found that out quickly shortly after getting the camera a couple of years ago.  

Alright - this is all I have for tonight.  Time to go to bed....

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday - 2/27

Good afternoon! Sukiey woke me up via "pawing" around 6:45 AM.  I finally got up about 7:00 AM.  I was actually up until shortly after midnight - you guessed it - working on the computer!  

Last night I did some additional work on my Josephus homework assignment and finally came to the conclusion that the "study guide" I put together would not be adequate for the notes it appears that I will be making.  So, I pulled up the document, saved it to another filename and then modified it custom for me.  Then I proceeded to type the handwritten notes I had made under each question that I've found some answers for.  I've still got a long way to go - I'm still in The Life of Flavius Josephus and I still have Book Three and Book Four to even get to.  I hope that when the next class meeting rolls around, I'll have all of my homework done and I can just print my version of the "study guide" and take it to class with me.

This morning I was slow to get in motion, but I finally did - took a shower and got dressed after eating breakfast and cleaning up after myself.  Then, since it was (and is) a beautiful day outside - a sunny and some what warm day - currently 56 degrees - I went out for a walk.  My housemate was out with Rusty at that time too.  I passed them - they were en route back to the house when our paths crossed.  I was on a phone call with my brother then as well.  

I've uploaded some photos that I took - well, in the case of one of them, my housemate took it.  I found a site that will allow me to upload photos directly to the web and link them on my blog page without having to go to a site such as PhotoBucket, Flickr or similar sites.  Wonder why I never came across it before?!  

This is all I have for now....

Friday, February 26, 2010


Good afternoon!  I finally left to run my errands at a little after 10:00 AM.  I made a stop to do some banking, then I called my co-worker (and friend) Vicki and let her know I was headed her way.  She was outside waiting for me when I pulled through the parking lot at work so that I didn't have to hassle with finding a parking space, then get out and go inside.  I needed to pay her for my Avon order.  I took care of that and then - because someone was in the process of leaving that I was blocking - we went our separate ways.  

I headed for my next stop - which was the post office - and picked up the mail.  All I had was a postcard informing me that my SS class is having a fellowship in March at Primo's Cafe.  Good choice - one of my favorite places and, in fact, I suggested we eat there this time around!

While at the post office, I had to purchase money orders to pay a couple of monthly installments.  I pay them by money order because I flat out don't trust the people I'm dealing with with my banking information.  They have shown me that I can't trust them, in case you're wondering.

Then I headed to Office Depot.  I wanted a new lamp for my bedroom that I could put on the table next to my bed and use for a reading lamp.  I have a lamp, but it's more of a decorative type - it doesn't do well for reading.  I've had good luck with lamps I've purchased from Office Depot, so I decided to go and look for another one.  

I found what I wanted - it was on a clearance for something like $7.50, but when I got to the checkout with it, the cashier scanned it and it had been marked down again - and rang up at $2.00!  I had to purchase a bulb for it - I got one of those new types - where 10 watts is the equivalent of the old 40 watt regular bulbs.  The bulb cost more than the lamp did!  

I bought some other things - a new ink pen, since I couldn't find the refills for the ones I had.  They were supposed to be out in January; perhaps Office Depot is not stocking those.  Anyway, the new pen came with a $3.00 rebate via mail.  I also got refills for the particular pen that I chose to purchase.  

Then I dropped my purchases in the trunk of the car and went browsing in a nearby bookstore, but didn't purchase anything.  I returned to the car, retrieved my package from the trunk, then on the way home, decided I would stop and pick up something for lunch.  

I opted for Majestic Burger, whipped in there, parked and went inside.  It was lunchtime, so they had a crowd inside eating, but at the moment I walked in, there were no lines waiting to order - which surprised me.  I placed my order - to go - and waited for a few minutes for it.  During the time I waited, a crowd arrived and lines formed to place orders.  

Once I had my food and drink, I headed for home.  I had lunch, but couldn't eat all the fries - made from sweet potatoes - so I put them in the refrigerator to enjoy later.  I've since charged my cell phone back up, completed one load of laundry and I have another load in the dryer.  I've also uploaded some pictures to Photobucket and created links to them here (under Photography).  

Additionally, I did call and leave a voice mail for Teresa at church, but I haven't had a call back from her.  And, I set up the new lamp - placed it where I wanted it and tried it out.  It apparently is going to work fine.  I thought I couldn't keep the decorative lamp in my bedroom - I like to leave it on during the day for Sukiey and so that there's a light on when I come in from work.  Then, it hit me where I could place it and where I could plug it at.  I did that and it's going to work okay too.  

I suppose this is all I've got for now....

Josephus for March 30, 2010

I thought I would share the study guide information for the next class....

Reading assignment:

The Life of Flavius Josephus

From The War of the Jews:

Book Three: From Vespasian's Coming to Subdue the Jews to the Taking of Gamala

Book Four: From the Siege of Gamala to the Coming of Titus to Besiege Jerusalem

Questions to Answer:
  1. What does Josephus say that helps us to understand the Bible?
  2. What does Josephus say about the Jewish priests?
  3. What does Josephus say about the temple?
  4. What does Josephus say about the laws?
  5. What does Josephus say about the Sabbath?
  6. What does Josephus say about the Sabbatical year?
  7. What does Josephus say about the power of Rome?
  8. What does Josephus say about stoning?
  9. What does Josephus say about sects?
  10. What does Josephus say about the Governors?
  11. What does Josephus say about the Emperors?
  12. What does Josephus say about places - cities?
  13. What does Josephus say about circumcision?
  14. What does Josephus say about taxes?
  15. What does Josephus say about why the Jews revolted in 66 AD?
  16. What are some difficult phrases Josephus uses?
  17. What people in the Bible does Josephus mention?

A Recap...since Saturday.....

Good morning!  It's Friday morning (2/26) and the last business day of the month, so that means it's payday for me!  My paycheck is already where it needs to be - in my account - no taking a paper check to deposit!!

Thought I would add an update before I go on to do some other things on my agenda today....

Sunday (2/21) I attended church - both the AM and PM.  Actually, in the PM, I was in the WBB class.  I don't know how many more meetings we have, but I inquired and was told that there's a possibility of extending the Going Deeper sessions because not all of the classes will be finished on the current schedule.  

Monday (2/22) I attended One Great Lunch Break with Chris.  He did a recap of his 3 part series on The 5 Love Languages and I took notes on what he said.  I was glad he went back over them because he had shared about them the week before and I had forgotten my notebook.

Tuesday (2/23) My housemate and I attended the Josephus class that night.  I had my notebook with me and took some 8 pages of notes.  I wrote down our reading assignment, plus John gave us a list of questions, that turned out to total to 17, that he wants us to answer as we do the reading.  He wants to have a group discussion of what we've read at the next class - at the end of March.  

Wednesday (2/24) I typed up a Word document - a "study guide" if you will - for the Josephus assignment.  I listed the reading assignment first, then listed the questions John gave us to answer, and I drew lines between each question to allow me to make notes.  I brought it home and showed it to my housemate.  She liked it and wanted a copy and said that a friend of ours, who had attended the first class, but couldn't make Tuesday night's class, would like a copy too.  I did begin working on the homework assignment, but didn't get too far.

Thursday (2/25) I revised the "study guide" to add something in the reading assignment that I had left out and also added a couple more lines to each of the questions - to make sure there was plenty of room to write.  I gave my housemate her copy and also set up the 3 ring binder I had gotten for her.  I also transferred the notes I had made from my previous copy of the "study guide" to my copy of the new version.

En route home from work, I stopped at the post office and picked up the mail.  I was amused by something I got in the mail - I know I'm getting older, but gee whiz - AARP is already soliciting me for membership and I'm not quite yet at that age!  Then I stopped at Kroger and did some grocery shopping.  I was there for some time, too.  By the time I got home, put everything away, had a late lunch, and took care of some other things, it was late in the afternoon.  I laid down and nearly took a nap, but decided against it.  

In the mail I also received the latest issue of The Baptist Record and I saw the announcement for the Share Your Faith Workshop.  That's the revised EE (Evangelism Explosion) Gospel presentation that those of us who are trained in the original EE have been hearing is coming and have been looking forward to. I went to the church website and found a link where I could register online and a link to a document to print and either mail or turn in.  I printed copies for my housemate and myself.  

Before I register, however, I have some questions that I need answers for.  I will have to contact Teresa and pose them to her.  Time permitting, I may try to call her this afternoon; if not, I'll send her an e-mail with the questions I have.  

Okay, I guess that about sums it up.  I'm off to go get ready to run some errands.....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday - 2/20

Good afternoon - it's closing in on 5:00 PM.  I forgot to share in yesterday's entry that while I was sitting at the table eating breakfast and reading the newspaper, all of a sudden there was a loud boom and then the power failed.  I knew from experience that it was a blown transformer!  I called Entergy and made an outage report with them.  We were pleasantly surprised that a crew man had the outage cleared within an hour!

This morning I got up at 7:15 AM and after having breakfast, I went on to take a shower and get dressed.  My housemate was working on some cleaning around her desk when I got finished.  She asked me if I wanted to go walking as she needed to take Rusty out - she hadn't taken him yesterday.  I said yes and added that I needed to go blow dry my hair.  I took care of that, then we were out and off....

I headed out first - while she got Rusty from the backyard and leashed him up.  I  wanted a "head start" - though they quickly caught up with and passed me.  We met up down at the end of the street where it dead ends.  She said that they were going a bit farther; I opted to go a little ways with them, then turned around and walked in the opposite direction for a little ways, then made my way back down the street towards the house.  

They caught up with me - but I got into the driveway first!  As we got into the garage, she said that she had decided we could go to Lowe's and see about purchasing a new mailbox and getting some kind of thing to secure the "dog door" on the back yard side.  So, once she put Rusty in the back yard and closed the door and secured it on the garage side, we got in her car and drove to Lowe's.  

We found a new mailbox - it's different from what's currently on the house.  She is going to get a friend who does this kind of stuff to come and put it up for her, but I don't know when that might be.  We also found something that would work to secure the "dog door" with and when we got back, I went out there with a hammer and nail and put the nail into the wood facing of the house so we can hang it on the nail when not in use.  

This afternoon I took a nap - after reading some of Josephus - the homework assignment for my monthly Tuesday night class.  I was interrupted by Sukiey - who decided she wanted to curl up on my chest.  So, I had to put the book down and I turned the TV on to NBC and the Olympics and promptly fell asleep.  

When I woke up, I took the book out to the den and worked on reading it - I stopped a couple of times to do a couple of things - but I finally finished reading from The War Of The Jews:

Book One: From Antiochus Epiphanes Taking Jerusalem to the Death of Herod the Great

Before Tuesday night - the next class meeting - I need to read:

Book Two: From the Death of Herod till Vespasian Was Sent to Subdue the Jews by Nero


Daniel 8-11

I don't know if I'll manage to get the rest of the homework reading assignment done or not, but I've done at least part of it.  

Currently I've got NASCAR's Nationwide Series on ESPN2HD.  Danica Patrick is among those competing in the race out in Fontana, California.  She's down one lap and running in 35th place and her race car is #7 - the Go Daddy car.  

Well - this is all I've got for the present time....

Friday, February 19, 2010

An Update....

I haven't added an entry since Tuesday and that was a reference to Monday night's stop at Books-A-Million for the Saints collectibles.  

Okay, Tuesday I stopped by the post office after work to get my mail and found a key for the package boxes and went to the one that was noted on the key.  I retrieved it and found that it was a package that I had mailed way back on January 9 - I gave it to the route carrier when he came by making his regular delivery.  That was a Saturday - the day of the Mississippi Blues Marathon - and he accepted it and my housemate witnessed me give it to him. 

Well, the USPS rejected it and put it in the package box on February 12.  It had stickers on it indicating "no fly" and that it was rejected because I didn't hand it to a "postal employee" since it was over 13 ounces and had a regular stamp on it.  If the route carrier isn't a "postal employee" then I don't know who is!!

I went by the post office on Thursday after work and took the package - which appeared to have been roughed up - to put it mildly! - with me and went to a window clerk.  She accepted the package, put some of their tape on it to cover the beating the package had taken, and apologized for the treatment.  I asked to add a delivery confirmation so I can go online in a week or so and verify that my friend finally got the package.  

By the way, the window clerk told me that since their location isn't open on Saturday for window services, the carrier should have told me that he couldn't take it that day because he is supposed to bring it to them for "processing".  She couldn't explain why it took so long for them to return it to me, though. 

When I got home, I had to hose off my car, as sometime during the day it became filthy - as if a light load of dirt was dropped on it.  I got that done and then took a nap.  

This morning I wrote a quick letter to my friend - the one whose package was delayed - to explain to him why the package is going to be nearly 2 months late arriving.  Then, I printed it and got it ready to go in a regular envelope; I had some other items that I got ready to mail as well. 

I made a stop at the post office and dropped all of these items in the mail; I picked up my incoming mail.  Then I made a stop at the grocery store and did some shopping.  I returned home and unloaded and put away everything and then went on to begin 2 loads of laundry.  I did the 2 loads of laundry and have put them away.  

I've also returned to walking for exercise.  I took a walk down the street and then came back.  When I returned, I found that my housemate had returned.  She had left earlier this morning to go and attend the funeral of a close friend.  

A little later, after she changed clothes, she took Rusty, her dog, for a walk.  I opted to join them on the walk.  We went for a lengthy walk, too.  I need to regain my aerobic capacity.  I'm considering postponing my doctors' appointments in March in order to gain some time to work on getting my aerobic capacity back and lose some weight that I've gained back as a result of not being able to exercise like I was used to after a foot injury sidelined me for a while.

Well, this is about all I have for now....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Orleans Saints Collectibles/LSU Tiger Tour 2010

Last night I stopped by Books-A-Million on my way home from work and picked up copies of 2 New Orleans Saints collector's edition magazines.  One was from Sports Illustrated and the other was from Beckett.  

I also learned that the LSU Tiger Tour 2010 will indeed be making a stop in Jackson on June 1st.  I was told by someone "in the know" that this would happen.  I have been unable to access the tour's website to gather more information so I can print an order form and place an order for tickets.  I may have to call one of the guys in the Bayou Bengal Booster Club of Mississippi for assistance.  

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Interesting Phenomenon

I thought that I would share with you an interesting phenomenon that my housemate and I encountered Saturday night....

She had gone out on the patio, as she was putting Rusty, her dog, to bed for the night - he's an outside doggie and has a "dogiloo" dog house that he sleeps in.  

Well, she was giving him his supper and fresh water and as she was out there, she noticed something strange with her breath....

You know how when it's cold, you can see your breath in front of your face?  Well, it was cold out there alright - I don't know what the temperature was - in the low 30s I think.  She called to me and I went out there and saw it for myself.  

We stood there a couple of minutes just breathing and watching our breath turn to smoke!  That was weird - neither of us had ever seen that before and we don't understand the phenomenon behind it.  

I may have to check it out on Google at some point.  

Saturday 2/13 & Sunday 2/14, 2010

Good Sunday afternoon!  Thought I would sit down for a few minutes and add an update, then hopefully catch a nap before I have to be back at church for 6:00 PM for the What Baptists Believe class with Stan.  That would be nice.  Let me back up and pull forward....


In the mid-morning we took my housemate's car to have an issue with one of the headlights checked out and found that the element had completely burned out, so the mechanic replaced it for her.  Then, heading home, we drove through our subdivision and looked at some of the snow scenes.  We opted to go to a nearby park instead of coming home; there we spent a few minutes on the walking trail and got some exercise time in.  

Then we did return home; I took a shower and got dressed and so did she.  We were to meet some friends at a local eatery for a mid-afternoon lunch.  That was fun - there were 7 of us in attendance.  We had a good time and the food was good - if not a tad pricey in my book.

When we left there, we stopped at the grocery store and did some needed shopping, then as we were heading home, we stopped in at Sports & Co.  I had discovered that I had mistakenly gotten a large Drew Brees tee when I actually needed a medium.  So, we went in and quickly exchanged it.  

Then we made our way home and settled down.  I watched some of the Olympics coverage before going to bed.


***Happy Valentine's Day***

Sukiey pestered me awake this morning about 6:15 AM.  She started pawing at me and wouldn't quit till she woke me up.  I finally got up about 6:30 AM and turned on the heater in the bathroom to warm it up while I went to have breakfast and check out the newspaper.  

I wound up having to get a "move on" and take a quick shower, get dressed and ready to go.  We left for church about 8:40 AM and made it there - and I got into the Sanctuary and seated while my housemate went to Sunday School prior to the start of the service and class.  

Then we switched - she went to the Sanctuary while I went to Sunday School - and we met back up later in the Atrium.  From there we headed back to the garage and got my car (we rode together since we were both going to the same place, no sense in taking both cars) and headed off to go pick up lunch.

She had received a call from one of our circle of friends that we were to pick up our lunch from a local eatery and then go over to another friend's house.  She has been dealing with an injury and was unable to make it to church this morning, so it was decided that we would go to her house and have lunch.  It was sort of like a "Meals on Wheels" thing.  

We made our way over there and had a nice lunch and visit.  While there, she asked me if I would take a look at her TV and see if I could figure out why she couldn't receive Channel 3.  She doesn't have cable, but she does have an HD TV, so she didn't have a converter box.  I got the TV remote and started working with it.  I knew that the first thing would be to rescan her channels, so I figured out how to do that - and voila!  That did the trick - it loaded all 3 of the Channel 3 channels - 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3!  She was so thrilled that I was able to get it figured out for her as she wanted to watch the Olympics.  

We've since made our way home (obviously) and we noted that the snow has indeed begun to melt, but there's still a lot around.  I checked the weather and currently we're at 51 degrees under cloudy skies - and rain is in the forecast. 

This is it for now - I'm going to try to catch a nap before getting ready to head back to church tonight. 

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow in Central Mississippi - Part 2!

Good morning - it's currently 30 degrees and feels like 30 too.  Officially we have fog that is supposed to burn off later today and give way to a mix of clouds and sun.  However, when I look out the kitchen window, it appears to me to be all cloudy - I don't see any fog!  

Okay - to the snow business...

I was awakened about 5:45 AM on Friday to the news that it was snowing rather heavily and accumulating.  I got up, got ready to go outside and grabbed my camera.  My housemate and I went out and checked things out.  

I took some pictures of the snow and actually got some images of snowflakes falling!  She took Rusty, her dog, out in it and I got a couple of shots of the two of them in the snow. 

We came back inside and watched the morning news shows - trying to get a handle on what was going on weather-wise - that is, what to expect. When sunrise and daybreak occurred, I went back outside and took more pictures.  While I was out there, a limb fell off of a tree into the side street and I moved it out of the way of motorists.  

Then, another limb fell off of another tree into a lane on the main road and it was blocking traffic.  I attempted to remove it but it was too heavy for me to do so by myself.  Eventually, my housemate emerged from taking a shower and getting dressed and I brought this to her attention.  We bundled up and put gloves on and went out there and tried again - this time, the two of us were successful in getting it out of the road.

During the day, we opted to take a walk - rather than drive on streets and roads that might be questionable - and went through some neighborhoods on our way to go get something for lunch.  I carried my camera bag with me as we did.  

Along the way, we paused occasionally so that I could get pictures of interesting snow scenes.  We also passed a house where the family was out in the snow and they were trying to take pictures of each other.  We offered to take a "family photo" for them and they agreed.  The man brought me his digital camera and I got two photos - one without their doggie and one with the doggie.  I made sure to get their house as the backdrop.  They were thrilled that we stopped to do that for them!

We made our way to a restaurant - it was open - and placed orders and ate there rather than having to carry the food back with us.  We took a slightly different route back and detoured by a neighbor's home to deliver a check to pay her son for his lawn services.  

It snowed into the afternoon - finally stopping sometime around 2:00 PM I think it was.  I took a yardstick out to the side yard and measured to see how much we got and saw that the total was 4+ inches!  

We had a tree branch hanging over the driveway that was weighted down with snow and we were afraid the branch was going to snap and fall.  It wouldn't have taken down a power line, but it would've blocked the driveway where neither of us could get our cars out.  My housemate took the big push broom and went out and "broom-whacked" the branch - she used it to knock the snow off of it - and that relieved the weight and the branch went back up to its normal position.  She went on to "broom-whack" some bushes and other trees in the front and back yards.  

Meanwhile, I'm capturing pictures - when I finally stopped and uploaded my photos from the camera, I had a total of 110 photos from the sneaux event here!  I went "shutterbug happy" didn't I?!  I've shared some pictures with a few people and will eventually post some on the photography page when time permits. 

We watched the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver Winter Olympics last night.  It seemed like NBC's coverage would never end - it was finally sometime around midnight when I finally got to bed.  

When I did get to bed, I went to sleep and don't remember anything until I saw the clock register 6:55 AM this morning!  I got up and got the day started; at last check there was still widespread snow on the ground, though the forecast is for it to begin melting sometime today.  Oh well - I've got the pictures to prove that it happened!

Stay tuned....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow in Central Mississippi!

It's snowing in Central Mississippi - again!  We got a really good snowfall back on December 5, 2009 and have gotten flurries a few times since then.  A dusting of snow - forecast at 4 to 6 inches - had been predicted for this area.  

My housemate and I went out just before midnight to have a look.  I grabbed my camera to try and get pictures. We went out in the backyard first, standing on the patio, and could see it had been coming down pretty good.  It was fine - we were told snow showers is what we would get - and I was able to capture some images from spots in the backyard.  

Then, we went out on the front side of the house and could see snow accumulating on the ground and on some bushes and I got some images from that side too.  Then we raised the garage and went out and had a look from that side of the house.  I captured a few more images of obvious snow from out there.  Looking up at a street light next to an electrical transformer, I could see light snow showers.  They were very fine showers, though. 

Some of the images I got actually do show the snow showers.  I'm about to go back to bed - I had been asleep and woke up about 11:45 PM and decided to go and check to see if the snow showers had begun yet - as they were predicted to start about midnight.  I'll be interested to see what the outdoors look like later on this morning - and I will try to get more pictures then.  

Good night/good morning - take your pick!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Got It - Saints Super Bowl XLIV Championship Tee Shirt

Yep, I got my New Orleans Saints Super Bowl XLIV Championship tee shirt!  I went by Sports & Co. on the way home from work today and picked one up.  The one I chose is the Drew Brees MVP shirt - it features a picture of Drew with the football getting ready to throw it and has his signature plus the Super Bowl XLIV notation, the Saints' logo (Fleur de lis) and the notation MVP.  

There was another shirt that I liked - a cross between the Saints and Mardi Gras - but I opted not to get it at this time.  I may change my mind and go back and get it later, however.  

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Going Deeper - What Baptists Believe

I received an e-mail from Stan today - it was sent to the entire membership of the WBB class - as a reminder that the class this Sunday will resume at its normal time and in its normal location.  

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sharing a Text Message....

Monday evening I received a text message from my brother:

Louisiana has decided to change the days of the week:

Mondat, Truedat, Wedat, Drewdat, Fridat, Saintsdat and Whodat.

Please adjust your calendars!!!

I love it!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl XLIV

Who Dat?!  Who Dat?!  Yeah - I'm a member of the "Who Dat" New Orleans Saints Nation!!  I'm sitting here wearing my #9 Brees jersey - okay, so it's actually a tee shirt, but it's designed like a jersey.  

Anyway - my 3 favorite plays of the game were (in no particular order):

  • When the Saints went for the 2 point conversion and the officials ruled it incomplete - on my HD big screen it appeared to me exactly as the referee later explained it, after Sean Payton challenged the ruling and the referee went to review it, so I was happy that Sean opted to challenge, as I believed he would win it.
  • When Peyton Manning threw the interception and Tracy Porter ran it back 74 yards for a touchdown to put the Saints ahead, after the PAT, 24-17.  He just blew right by everybody - I think the Colts offense was stunned and didn't know what to do or to react.
  • When Jeremy Shockey scored a touchdown to make it 31-17 and pretty much "ice" the game.  Jeremy got to the Super Bowl with the Giants, but was injured and unable to play and wasn't even allowed on the sidelines, so I felt this was a good way to make it up to him.
I did attend my class at church this afternoon and then made it back home with about 15 minutes to spare before kickoff.  The pre-game festivities were in progress when I turned the TV on and tuned to CBS.

I think the Colts Nation is in shock right now - along with a number of sportscasters; the so called experts all seemed to pick the Colts to win and didn't seem to be giving the Saints much of a chance.  Well - I guess the Saints just took that as more of a challenge and I love the way that they responded. 

Congratulations to the NFL Super Bowl Champions - the New Orleans Saints!!


Super Bowl Sunday Afternoon....

Good afternoon....I'm looking forward to the kickoff of Super Bowl XLIV in about 2 1/2 hours.  Of course I'm a part of the "Who Dat" Nation and so I'll be rooting for the New Orleans Saints.  

I attended church and Sunday School this morning; my Going Deeper class, What Baptists Believe, will meet at 4:00 PM this afternoon, so I've got to leave to drive back to church in about 30 minutes.  

When I got home after leaving Sunday School, I changed clothes and then laid down, turned the TV on and took a nap.  I had FOX News Channel on and when I woke up, Chris Wallace was interviewing Sarah Palin.  I've since turned the TV off and have eaten lunch.  

Things are quiet around the house at this point.  Sukiey is curled up on my bed asleep.  She's the sleepingest cat I've ever seen!  

Geaux Saints!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Good evening!

It's a cold evening - 39 degrees with a wind chill of 32 out there under cloudy skies, although no rain is in the forecast until sometime next week.  

I attended the breakfast meeting this morning; the head count, including myself, was 11.  We had a good time and I had a great breakfast - an omelet with grits and toast.  We southern folk love grits!

After leaving the restaurant, my housemate and I set off to do some shopping.  We made several stops and at one of them, I got 2 new tops and a light grey dry fit thermal shirt as well to wear under my Brees/Saints tee jersey tomorrow to watch Super Bowl XLIV.  

We were gone for the majority of the day; I've now settled down and will be turning the TV on and trying to find something to watch.  

This is all for now....

Good morning!

I think I've finally got this blog thing figured out - at least I hope that I do.  I like that Blogger has added a feature where you can add separate pages for things instead of having to cram it all in on one page.  It makes it appear more like a web site to me.

Last night I got a call from a friend of mine and she invited me to meet her at a local eatery for supper.  I accepted and drove over there.  It was the first time either of us had eaten at this restaurant, but it certainly won't be the last I assure you!

Later this morning I'm going to meet a group of friends for brunch (breakfast and lunch) at another local eatery.  We have a standing first Saturday of the month brunch meeting.  I enjoy the company, food and atmosphere.  

Okay - I've got to go for now so I can take a shower and get dressed to be on time to leave to head over there.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Good evening! Here we are already in the second month of 2010.  It's hard to believe that just some 43 days or so ago we were celebrating Christmas!  Time just seems to fly these days, especially the older that I get!

In mid-January, Jackson, the Mississippi state capital, suffered through a week-long water crisis.  The state was gripped by an extremely cold weather period where the temperature stayed below freezing for about 3 days and caused some 150 water main breaks around the city.  That caused issues with low water pressure, no water in some cases, busted pipes for some, and also there was a city-wide boil water alert that lasted for about a week.  It even affected the operations of state government.  Most state offices were closed for most of the week as a result of the issues with plumbing in the office buildings in the downtown area.  

Since then, however, the problems have been dealt with and all of the breaks have been repaired.  Hopefully, Jackson won't see anything like this again for a long, long time.  It caused a lot of inconvenience to a lot of people for sure.

The next issue that Central Mississippi has has to deal with is a lot of rain.  It seems like there's a wet weather pattern - thus far we've gotten almost 5 1/2 inches of rain in 2010 - we can't seem to dry out!  It would be nice to have a week or so of completely dry days, but the forecast doesn't indicate that's going to happen anytime soon.  

Stay tuned....