My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

LSU tops Alabama in 11 for SEC tournament championship

LSU tops Alabama in 11 for SEC tournament championship

Tigers to hit the road for NCAA regional play

"Tyler Hanover's two-out, run-scoring single in the top of the 11th inning lifted LSU to a 4-3 victory against Alabama in an Southeastern Conference baseball tournament final marred by two weather delays."

This was an exasperating day for LSU Tigers fans.  First pitch was at 1:00 PM on ESPN2.  There were 2 weather delays - lightning and heavy rain - and when the game finally ended about 6:45 PM Baton Rouge time, it had gone 11 innings and was a real nail-biter!  

Congratulations to my LSU Tigers!  I didn't count you out even when it looked like Alabama might pull it off.  I knew there was the possibility they would, but am so happy that they didn't.  

Rainbow 05292010

It stormed Saturday afternoon - a thunderstorm came "cruising" through and my housemate was returning from an errand and came racing into the house and told me to go get my camera and get outside.  I didn't know why, but I complied and we took umbrellas and went out.  It was still raining at the time, but a rainbow had appeared and I was able to capture some pictures of it before it waned away on us.  It reappeared a couple more times, but I didn't try for any more photos.  I was pleased and happy with the ones I did get.


Rez on Saturday - 05292010

Here are a family of geese - Mom, Dad and several babies!
Hope you enjoy seeing this family take a leisurely stroll....

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Is the Poodle Driving?!

Is the poodle driving?!

Out to the Rez....

This morning my housemate and I decided we would go have breakfast at the Reservoir.  So, we got ready and called in breakfast orders to a favorite local restaurant and went by and picked them up.  

As we pulled up in the parking space at the restaurant, there was a Cadillac parked next to us and we did a double take.  Sitting in the driver's seat as if it was driving was a large white poodle!  My housemate said she wished I had my camera with me.  I said "got it right here!" and she said "quick, get some pictures of that!".  She rolled down the passenger window and I got 3 shots of the scene.  The poodle turned its head toward us, although it wasn't looking directly at us, in one of them.  By the way, the owners had a decent crack in the car's sunroof so that the dog could get air while they were inside the restaurant.

We got out and went inside and picked up our orders.  My SS teacher's parents were there having breakfast, so I stopped to speak with them for a few minutes before rejoining my housemate to pay for our orders.  We got our orders and headed out.  We drove out to the Reservoir and found a good spot, then parked and unloaded the car.  It was quiet and peaceful out there this morning, although it was rather windy for a while.  

After we ate breakfast, we went on to walk around the area.  There was a family of geese that was waddling around - mom and dad and several babies.  I got a number of pictures of them.  I also got pictures of a couple of motorcycles that were out there and we talked to the owners.  

When we left the Reservoir, we went on to the new Hindu temple that has been built.  There was a write-up about it in the Religion section of today's newspaper.  We decided to go have a look at it.  I was able to get numerous pictures of it from the outside - the architecture is beautiful.  That's what I admired.  While my housemate chose to go inside, I stayed outside and waited for her.  She came out fairly quickly; she said that it's still under construction on the inside.  

We left there and stopped to see about getting a frame for my poster, but couldn't find one.  I was told that I'll need to bring it in to get the correct frame for it since it's an unusual size.  Then we headed back in the direction of home and stopped at one of the office supply stores and I picked up 2 packs of CD-Rs, as I had forgotten to get some yesterday at Wal*Mart.  I'm going to have a need for them. 

Well - I will pause here.  There's a possibility that we might ride back out to the Rez this evening to watch the sun set and the moon come up.  Not sure about that yet, though.

Way to Geaux Tigers!!!

LSU blanks Ole Miss, reaches title game

"LSU will go for its third consecutive SEC tournament title and an automatic NCAA berth against either Alabama or Florida at 1 p.m. Sunday (ESPN2)."

Friday, May 28, 2010

A Busy Friday....

I left home around 8:15 AM and made a trip to the bank, then made a stop at Wal*Mart.  My shopping there included picking up a package of pictures that I had placed an Internet order for via Snapfish on Thursday night. I stopped at LifeWay and found what I was looking for but they didn't have it in the color that I was looking for so I didn't get anything there.

I stopped by the house and dropped off my purchases from Wal*Mart, then made a trip to the post office and also stopped and picked up my prescriptions.  Then I did some grocery shopping and got a lunch plate before coming home. 

In the afternoon I did 2 loads of laundry and had to contend with Rusty, as he was having a conniption fit because of a thunderstorm that was cruising through.  I finally got the laundry done and put away. 

My housemate and I talked about the idea of going for breakfast at the Rez but didn't make any firm plans, so we didn't call any of our friends to join us. 

This is an idea we will revisit in the morning.  

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tigers Win Again!

Ross Puts Baseball in SEC Driver's Seat, 7-5

"Austin Ross tossed eight-plus innings of four-hit baseball, as the Tigers moved within one game of the Southeastern Conference Tournament final by beating No. 4-seed Vanderbilt, 7-5."

LSU plays the winner of Auburn v. Ole Miss on Saturday morning at 9:30 AM.

Geaux Tigers!!

SEC Baseball Tournament Website:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Don't Count My Tigers Out!!

Baseball Better Than No. 4 Florida; Ark/Vandy Next

"...the eighth-seeded Tigers defeated the No.1-seed Florida Gators, 10-6, Wednesday in the opening round of the SEC Tournament in Regions Park."

Since Sunday.....

Sunday (5/23)

Alright, I'm back now....I finally sat down and did the class e-newsletter earlier; I approved it, but haven't printed the copies yet.  I'll do that and get them ready to mail tomorrow sometime - such as when I go to lunch. 

I didn't know anything about it, I was just flipping channels and stumbled on a tribute show to Brooks and Dunn from Las Vegas on CBS.  So, I've been tuned in to watch it once I discovered it.  I have no idea how long it will last.  A variety of country [and some that are questionable - in my mind at least - as country] performers have been singing Kix and Ronnie's songs.  Reba came out and did "If You See Her, If You See Him" with Lady Antebellum.  Taylor Swift performed a song as did Carrie Underwood; Reba also did another song entitled "Indian Summer".  Faith Hill is currently singing "The Long Goodbye". 

Oh yes, this reminds me [not sure how or why] but I recently learned via FaceBook on the ALABAMA Fan Club Page from Ms. Potts [can't remember her first name] that Bruce Burnett [longtime band road manager] passed away in Ft. Payne back in mid-April.  I think he had cancer if I remember correctly.

Additionally, neither my housemate nor I went back to church tonight.   By the time we realized what time it was, it was already about 5:15 PM and neither of us were dressed for church.  So, we both stayed home! 

Hmmm....Kix and Ronnie are closing the show with "Play Somethin' Country".  It's an "all star" thing, though, as a lot of the other artists are up there with them and joining in on the song.  Reba presented an award to them and then requested that they do this particular song. 

Well, I have to stop here and get myself ready to head towards bed as I have an early [5:00 AM] call in the morning.  Later....

Monday (5/24)

Good morning!  I went on to bed sometime soon after 9:00 PM last night.  I was startled awake by the alarm this morning; I got up and went through the usual routine.

Okay, I'm back now.  It's 1:25 PM.  I had to pause and take care of some things.  Then it turned into time to go over to FBCJ for One Great Lunch Break.  Allow me to back up a little bit and pull forward....

There was a big article in today's newspaper about the Trail of Honor.  I was sure to read it.  My housemate had seen it and thought my photo of the parachutists was as good as the one in the newspaper.  I took that as a compliment.  She had been urging me to send my parachute photo to WLBT [Channel 3]. 

Well, I finished up with the newspaper and eating breakfast and then went on to clean up behind myself, then go and finish getting ready for work, then headed out.  As I was backing down the driveway, I brought the garage door down since she was home alone and in the back of the house where she wouldn't be able to hear if someone/something came in or happened in the garage.  I know I can't hear anything that goes on in the front end of the house from my bedroom. 

When it came time to head over to FBCJ, I walked over by myself and made a detour by the Clark mail drop box.  I had the class newsletters to sent out along with an envelope for an Aunt.  I dropped those in and then continued on my way.  When I got there, I made my way to the 'lite line" and paid, then headed to the serving line. 

I went on in the serving line, made my selections and got my tray of food and drink, then went on out and stopped at the salad bar to top off my salad.  I went to our usual table and sat down - and saw that the 'gang of 4 came walking in.  About the time I was about to start eating, a woman at the table connected to the one I was at asked me how many people were coming to join me and I said 4 and that I had seen them come in.  She asked me, politely, if I would mind changing tables because she had a couple more people coming and there wouldn't be room enough for them plus the 5 of us.  I spotted a table a little farther up that had room for the 5 of us and went and nabbed it. 

When the others joined me, I explained what had happened.  They didn't like it that we had been "evicted" from our "usual" table by another group.  I said that they had gotten there first, and the woman did ask politely, so I decided not to make an issue out of it. They accepted my explanation and we went on to eat and wait for the program to start.

Dr. Ivan Parke was the guest speaker today.  He's a native of Mumbai [formerly Bombay], India.  He's an associate professor at Mississippi College of Christian Studies and Philosophy.  He spoke on seasons and his message was very interesting.  I decided to get a CD of it since I found myself wishing I would've brought pen and paper to take notes. 

After the program was over, I went and took my tray up and put it away, then headed on back to work. I did send Nancy an e-mail asking for a copy of Dr. Parke's message from today; she responded and said she will have it ready for me to pick up at the next meeting, although if I want it sooner, I should let her know.  I may e-mail her back and ask if I can stop by and pick it up on Friday.  I also sent an e-mail to some women to let them know that we won't meet the next 2 weeks and that I requested a CD.  One replied and asked me to share it with her when I get it as she hated to miss today's meeting.  I'll see about making a copy of my copy of the CD when I get it to give to her.

Tuesday (5/25)

I left work about 6:45 PM and made a stop at the post office.  I had mostly junk - just one magazine that I cared to look at.  Then I went on to the Kroger Fuel station and got some gas - I didn't fill up, I just got $5 worth so that I can fill up on Friday or Saturday and use another of my 10 cent per gallon discounts then.  The $5 worth should hold me till that time.  I don't remember all of the particulars, but it was just a tad over 2 gallons.  I try not to go below 1/4 of a tank - well I was between 1/4 and 1/2 when I stopped; this put me back above 1/2. 

Then I went on home and found that my housemate had been home, but had left again.  I figured that she had gone to the club to work out.  I went on in the house and put my gear away, then changed from my dress pants to a pair of shorts and  went on to prepare supper.  Well, while I was sitting there eating, she came in. 

She sat down at the table and we talked a bit. She said that when she had come in from work, she got ready to go to the club and saw that it looked like a thunderstorm was coming towards us.  So, she decided to bring Rusty in and put him in her bathroom while she was gone so he wouldn't be terrified.  Well, when she was bringing him through the hallway door to her bedroom, she saw Sukiey sitting outside my bedroom door in the hallway.  Sukiey saw Rusty, but just sat there - she didn't getup and run away.  He saw her and growled, but didn't try to charge down the hall to check her out.  She got him in her bedroom and on in her bathroom and shut up. 

He was still in there when she returned; she was ready to bring him out, so she asked me if I would go and corral Sukiey in my bedroom while she got Rusty out of her bathroom and out into the den.  I did - I went and closed my bedroom door with Sukiey inside to the point where she couldn't take her paw and open it  and escape, then stood there outside the door to make sure she didn't figure out a way to get out.  Once she had Rusty in the den and that door closed, I opened my bedroom door and let Sukiey loose. 

I finished supper and cleaned up behind myself while she fixed her own and ate it.  She said that she needed to go take a bath; I headed towards bed but just couldn't seem to stay there.  I got up several times before I finally I settled down and went to bed for the night. 

This morning I was startled awake by the alarm going off at 5:00 AM.  I felt like I had just gone to sleep when it sounded.  Anyway, I got up and kicked off the morning routine.  After taking a shower and getting dressed, I went out to the kitchen to find she was already out there and looking at the newspaper.  I went on to prepare breakfast and take it to the den table and check out the newspaper myself. 

After cleaning up behind myself, I went on and finished up getting reading for work, then gathered my gear and headed out and in to work.  The day was kicked off and I've since had lunch - I plan to leave at 6:00 PM tonight; based on how I feel later this afternoon/evening, I either will or won't go to the Josephus class.  I finished up the reading assignment earlier today. 

I guess that I should explain that I have had a touch of a headache since last night and I've been struggling for most of the day with getting rid of it.  So - depending on if it's gone and I feel okay or tired, I may or may not go tonight.  I know that the class will last till around 9-9:30 PM and whether I want to be out that late is another consideration.

We have had a heavy duty shower to pass through the area in the last few minutes or so.  It seems to have passed on out of here, though.  We're at 88 degrees now.  It's that "daytime heating" business. 

I found a little while ago that the 3 photos I sent to the newspaper site for consideration to be posted in their gallery were accepted and are online.  I've shared the link with some friends and family.

Well, I have pretty much decided that I will skip tonight's Josephus class.  I really just do not feel like going and sitting there  for about 2 hours - at least not the way I feel right now.  I have felt for about an hour like I could just go home and crawl in bed.

I received an e-mail from my cousin with a pair of photos attached of her grandson.  I copied and pasted them to Publisher documents and then printed them.  One is a photo of him in the bathtub - a "rubber ducky" bathtub - and in the other he is sitting on the floor.  I'm not sure where these were taken.

Wednesday (5/26)
Good morning!  I left work at 6:00 PM and headed for home.  I had decided not to attend the Josephus class last night; when I got home it was obvious that my housemate had not been home yet.  I raised the garage door, pulled in and parked, then lowered the door back down.  I gathered my stuff and went inside and hauled it back to my bedroom and changed from dress pants to shorts, then went and had supper. 
Once I was done with that, I went on and climbed in bed.  I went to sleep for a while, woke up just in time to hear my cell phone ringing and found it was my SS classmate.  I spoke with her for a few minutes.

I went back to sleep after talking with her and woke up again later.  I got up to do something and realized that my housemate was not home yet.  I couldn't remember her saying anything about planning to be out late, but decided not to panic and start making phone calls trying to locate her as I realized that maybe she had gone to the Josephus class and I just didn't remember her saying that she intended to go.  I knew that Rusty had not been fed his supper, so I went and took care of giving him his cup of food and was about to head back to bed [it was around 10:00 PM] when Rusty erupted barking and then I heard the garage door go up and realized she was coming in.  I stayed up and greeted her when she got in - she was surprised I was still up.  I explained to her that I had been in bed and had woke up and had come to the kitchen for a drink. 
She had, indeed, gone to the Josephus class.  She said that a friend had asked where I was and she had forgotten that I hadn't felt good.  I don't remember what she said she told our friend about my absence.  She asked how I was feeling and I said that I had felt cold - even with my jacket on - all day, but that it is kept cool at work.  She understood that and said her office seems to be colder than other places in her building.  She said she hoped I wasn't getting sick. 
Anyway, I commented that John must've kept them late and she said no, that she and our friend were visiting afterward and she had stopped off to pick up something on the way home. Rusty was barking so that Linda had to let him in the house to shut him up while she took care of some things.  I let her know that I had fed Rusty when I got up and saw she wasn't home yet. 
I asked her about the class and she told me that several people didn't have the same set of books as John and that he was giving the information those of us who have different books needed to locate the passages he was referring to.  She said he mostly lectured and she liked that - to sit and listen to him give a lecture.  She also said that he had reiterated that even if you hadn't done the reading, to come to class anyway.  I asked her what the next reading assignment is and she told me:

The Antiquities of the Jews:
Book Four:
From the Rejection of that Generation to the Death of Moses

Book Five:
From the Death of Moses to the Death of Eli

Our next Josephus class meeting will be June 29th.  I suppose I'll have time to get the reading assignment done by then. We were up for a few more minutes, then we both headed to our bedrooms after she got Rusty back out on the patio.  She got more food for him and he followed her out; she found he hadn't yet eaten what I had given him so she pretended to pour what she had gotten for him into his bowl and while he was distracted, she slipped back in the house and closed and locked the patio door. 

I went back to bed and went back to sleep some time after 10:30 PM.  Then I woke up about 4:15 AM this morning and pretty much laid there waiting for the alarm to go off.  When it did, I got up and shut it off and kicked off the morning routine. 

I went on and took a shower and got dressed and headed out to the kitchen.  I retrieved the newspaper and prepared breakfast - and was at the den table when she came through the door in her favorite red bathrobe.  She said that I appeared to be feeling better this morning and I said that I was. 

I was done with the section of the newspaper that she most likes to read by the time she had her coffee ready, so she took it and her coffee and headed back to her bedroom.  I went on to finish reading the newspaper and eating breakfast and then cleaned up behind myself and went on to finish up getting ready for work. 

I loaded my AM/PM meds to bring with me and made a list of all my prescriptions - names and numbers - with the intent of ordering refills.  I now have 7 prescriptions [after adding the new ones].  I was in hopes of waiting till at least June 1st to pick them up so the fuel points I'll earn would be available for use in July, but found that at least one prescription is going to run out before the end of May.  Oh well....

I headed on in to work after grabbing a frozen lunch from the freezer and returning to the freezer in our Break Room when I got here.  I was getting logged in and the day kicked off when my supervisor arrived and said that my co-worker had contacted him and said that he would be late - at least 11:00 AM - getting here. 

One more note....earlier this morning I got a call from my doctor's office  reminding me that I had an appointment with him on Friday.  This was news to me - I had called in March to cancel and reschedule an appointment I had with him then due to a conflict.  They were going to reschedule and send me a notice.  Well, I never got the notice.  I told the lady that I couldn't come on Friday because I didn't have it on my calendar and had conflicts [payday and what all that entails, although I didn't say so to her] and would need to reschedule again.  She checked and told me when the next available appointment she had is.  I scheduled for that date, but told her that I don't have my work schedule for that far out just yet and may need to change it again. 

This is all for now....

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Parachuting....Black Daggers ~ Trail of Honor 05/22/2010

Sunday ~ An Update

Good afternoon!  I'm tuned to the NHL game on NBC this afternoon featuring the San Jose Sharks v. Chicago Blackhawks - from the United Center in Chicago.  This is a Stanley Cup Playoff game and Chicago leads the series 3-0, this is game 4. San Jose is fighting for their playoff lives, trying to get a win here to send the series back to San Jose for a game 5.  In the 3rd period they're tied 2-2 after the Sharks led 2-0 at one point. 

Okay, I woke up about 6:05 AM this morning - and just laid in bed till about 6:25 AM.  I got up then because I was being pestered by a cat - namely Sukiey.  She came and got in my face and was pawing at me, so finally, in order to get her to stop, I got up.  

I headed on to kick off the day; I had already retrieved the newspaper and was sitting at the table eating breakfast when my housemate came through the door.  Rusty decided to force her up with his barking.  I sometimes call him "Sir Barks-A-Lot" - a play on "Sir Lancelot" of King Arthur legend.  After finishing breakfast, I went on to clean up behind myself, then I went and began getting ready for church.  

Finally, my housemate and I were both ready, so we headed out and down to church.  I went to the Sanctuary while she went to Sunday School.  Then we flip flopped - I went to Sunday School while she went to the Sanctuary.  My SS class finished early - about 15 minutes or so before the 2nd Service - so I had to wait on her to meet me at our arranged spot.  

We came on home - skipping going out to eat with friends - and each changed out of our dress clothes and brought Rusty inside.  We had lunch; Rusty was laying on the tile floor splayed out like those bearskin rugs.  I rushed back to my bedroom and got my camera and managed to get a couple of pictures of him in that position.  My housemate got a chuckle out of seeing the pictures.  Rusty nearly blends in with the tile.  It's his favorite spot as it's cool to him with that hairy coat of his.  

I went and sat down and uploaded the 7 photos I took of Rusty and of Sukiey - she seems to like my computer chair and I have to chase her out of it when I want to sit down at the computer.  

Once I did that, I opened the folder with the 181 photos from the Trail of Honor and went through them again - I noted on a list which ones I wanted to upload to an album in Shutterfly.  I decided I would do that later.  Then I took a brief nap and have since uploaded 58 photos to an album in Shutterfly from the Trail of Honor.  I also uploaded the 7 photos of Sukiey and Rusty to an album in Shutterfly.  

Oh - when I woke up this afternoon, I found myself being stared at by that same cat - Sukiey.  I haven't done my SS class e-mail newsletter yet, but I will later this evening.  

This is all I've got for the time being....

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Trail of Honor - 05/22/2010 - My Report

We left home around 9:00 AM and made a stop at a drug store and my housemate got a small pack of Kleenex and a tube of sunscreen.  Then we headed to the JPD Pistol Range and parked there and boarded a waiting bus, along with some other people, carrying the bags of items to be donated to and shipped to the troops.   We were driven over to the Harley Davidson of Jackson and dropped off, then we went inside and she was trying to determine where the donations were to go.  I saw the Department of Public Safety booth and said I thought they went to DPS.  So we went over there and one of the women manning the booth took the bags we had with us.  She gave me a "backpack" with some goodies she put in it.  Included was a large water bottle with a "freeze stick" that is removable.  

We walked around the shop and did a lot of looking and talking with people at the various booths.  I took some pictures of some of the displays; we came up on a couple of members of the Black Daggers Parachute Jump Team and they signed pictures for us and posed for a photo with me.  We made our way out to the Trail of Honor and were probably halfway through it when we noted that we needed to break away from walking the trail in order to go catch the Black Daggers jump [the schedule called for them to jump at 11:30 AM].  We got there and discovered that the jump at that time had been canceled; they would be jumping at 2:00 PM instead.  

We went back inside the shop [I met my SS classmate and her daughter getting off a bus as we were making our way to the shop; I stopped and spoke to them] and cooled down for a while and browsed some more; finally, we went on back out and rewalked the Trail of Honor.  I had been taking pictures as we went along.  I resumed taking pictures when we got to the point where we had broken off.  Eventually, we "ran into" my classmate on the back of a golf cart [she has difficulty walking, she was using a cane when she exited the bus] and when her daughter returned from checking out something, I got a picture of them together.  

We made our way to the Vietnam Memorial Traveling Wall and I got a picture of my housemate looking at the wall; she took a picture of me checking it out as well.  We made our way on through the trail and then stopped in the "Outhouse" - yeah, there was a big sign with that name over the building.  Then we went on and got in line and ordered food - hamburgers and drinks for lunch.  We found a spot to sit and when we finished eating, we went back inside for a little while to cool off; then we made our way back out to find a spot [hopefully shady] to wait for the Black Daggers/Sky Soldiers/1st Cavalry Horse Detachment and the Special Boat Team 22 Demonstration.  

When the Black Daggers started parachuting, I couldn't see anything on my LCD screen, though I could see them with my eyes.  I don't know how to explain this phenomenon other than to say that the sun was interfering with what I was able to see on my screen.  So, I just aimed the camera in the area of the sky where my eyes told me that they were.  I just went to snapping pictures - since with the digital, I don't have to print any that I don't like or want.  

After the Black Daggers were done, the Sky Soldiers were up next.  This consisted of several helicopters in "war games" in a field in between I-55 South and the Frontage Road.  They were making "bombing runs" and traffic passing on I-55 might've thought there was a war going on - my housemate said this - due to all the commotion.  Then the 1st Cavalry Horse Detachment was up - they were delayed in putting on their demonstration due to "technical difficulties".  I walked down closer to get some pictures and when I came back to where I had left my housemate, I couldn't find her.  I kept walking around trying to locate her and finally did - she had moved over in to a more shaded area.  She said that she had noticed me obviously looking for her and was waving at me but I didn't see her.  

We waited through the delay and then watched the 1st Cavalry Horse Detachment performance, followed by the Special Boat Team 22 Demonstration.  Once that was over, we went back inside and she waited for me while I went to try to get the other 2 members of the Black Daggers to sign the photos.  I got to where they had been, but they were already gone.  There were some posters on the table, so I grabbed a couple.  Then I headed back to where I had left my housemate and we made our way out and got in line to board a bus.  

We made our way onto a bus, then back to the JPD Pistol Range and to her car.  We headed towards home and decided to stop and get a shake; we did and then came home.  I've since taken a 2nd shower and changed clothes.  By the time I got home, I was hot, sweaty and tired.  It was hot out there - about 90 degrees - and I was also tired from the long day in the heat.  Taking a shower has helped me.

I uploaded the pictures from the camera and saved them to a folder on my flash drive.  I uploaded 181 pictures.  When I opened the folder in Microsoft Picture Manager, I went through each one as some I needed to turn to the right 90 degrees.  I found the picture of my classmate and her daughter together and noted the photo number [91] so I can e-mail it to them.  I also noted that my pictures of the Black Daggers turned out better than I thought.  Aiming the camera at the area of the sky where my eyes told me that they were worked out well.  

There was so much to see out there.  It shocked me that I took so many pictures.  But, like I said, I don't have to print any that I don't want to.  I will review them again in Picture Manager and make note of the ones that I want to upload to an album in Shutterfly.  

I was very impressed with this event and wish that somehow it could be arranged to have this during the week at a time when the schools could make field trips with the kids to see this "living history".  I thoroughly enjoyed it; what made it easier was that the trail itself was in a jungle of sorts that had a lot of shade to it.  

I think we walked a couple of miles while out there.  At least we got our exercise in!  I hope they have it again - hopefully at a cooler time of year!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

An Update....

Thursday (5/20)

Good morning....I'm  getting a chance to sit down and begin an entry for today.  Things are pretty quiet around here at the moment.  

Earlier this morning I was watching the Today show and near the end of it, Matt Lauer did a piece with Brooks & Dunn.  The title of it was Brooks and Done.  Yep, Kix and Ronnie are hanging it up as a duo; they are going to embark on a "farewell tour" and then both are going on to launch themselves as solo artists.  

Okay, let me back up and pull forward....

Last night.....when I got home, the garage door was up and my housemate's  car was parked inside.  I pulled in and parked and then unloaded my stuff and went inside.  I found Rusty was in the house again; I went on to take my gear to my bedroom and went back out to the kitchen and began to prepare supper - I was in the process of doing that when she emerged from her bedroom. She was heading to the fitness club; I went on to eat supper and check out the mail.  

Then I cleaned up behind myself and went on back to my bedroom.  I changed to a pair of shorts from my dress pants and then laid down and called and spoke with my Uncle in California.  This was to wish him a happy birthday - he turned 83 - and the call lasted a tad over 16 minutes.  I was back out in the kitchen when my housemate returned.  I had on my "short shorts" and when she came in she teased me about them.  

She went on to fix a couple of hamburger patties for herself for supper - I had already eaten and she knew it.  I went on back to my bedroom as I wanted to do some reading.  Well, I picked up Karl Rove's book to start and read the rest of chapter 4 [there are 30 + an epilogue] and then suddenly got real sleepy, so I put the book back up and turned out the light and went on to bed.  

This morning the alarm went off and I wasn't ready to get up, but I did anyway.  I don't know how to snooze with this alarm clock, so I have to get up when it goes off.  I went on to get up and kick off the day.  I got my shower and dressed, then went out to the kitchen and was preparing breakfast when my housemate emerged - in her bathrobe!  I had my breakfast ready, but helped her with putting out the garbage and recycle bin since it was the day for that.  

I went on to eat breakfast and check out the newspaper; she took her coffee and went to her bedroom to read.  I finished up, cleaned up behind myself and then went on and finished getting ready for work and headed out and in to work.  I got here and was in the parking lot unloading my gear when the supervisor pulled in and parked; both of us had made it in and I relieved the night guy; my co-worker was running late this morning and I was on my way to pick up the paperwork I had printed and was going to ask the supervisor if he had heard from our co-worker when he arrived.  

We got the day started and it's been pretty calm - nothing much happening. Currently we're under a severe thunderstorm warning.  I had been "on the fence" about leaving at 12 or staying till 2; after thinking it over, I decided to cut out at 12 and go on home so I can be there in case it gets nasty and it's necessary to let Rusty inside.  I sent my housemate an e-mail to let her know and she replied and thanked me.

I'll continue later....

Good afternoon/evening.... I was a few minutes late leaving - about 5 I guess.  I stopped and picked up lunch, then headed on home.  It was warm and humid when I arrived at home; since then, the weather has cooled down some - we were in the upper 80s at that time; now we're at 69.  The sun is back out, but we have had some rain and it has gotten quite overcast and dark.  

After I ate lunch, I went on to change to a pair of shorts and then came and got in the bed and turned the TV on and took a serious nap.  When I got up about 90 minutes later, I went out and got my housemate's mail and checked out what the weather was looking like.  That's when I saw it was overcast and dark and breezy and that the temperature had dropped some.  I thought I would need to bring Rusty in - which would mean that I would have to go hang out in the den with him - but it never got that bad here, although Barbie says that more rough weather could still move through.  

I don't know what my housemate's plans are - if she is going to work late or if she'll be in soon.  

My housemate was late coming in - she had been to get her hair done after work.  When she came in, she informed me that's where she had been - I could look at her and see the difference, though, so I would've known without her saying a word.  

She asked me about how things had gone at the house - "babysitting" the dog and cat.  I told her that things had gone quietly, although I did bring Rusty in while I was eating my supper.  I had put him back out on the patio once I was done and gave him a Milk Bone dog biscuit.  

She said that she heard on the radio as she was on her way home that a thunderstorm was expected in our neck of the woods about 7:30 PM.  She had brought Rusty inside when she came in.  We were at the den table when we began hearing thunder and soon saw lightning and noticed that rain was starting to come down.  I went out on the patio and looked and saw it was moderately heavy.  I poked my head out in the garage so I could lower the garage door and noticed it was coming down there heavily.  I brought the door on down.

She has settled down in front of the TV and I'm going on on to bed myself.  

Friday (5/21)

I slept in this morning and finally got up around 8:00 AM.  My housemate was getting ready to head off to work.  It is my day off.  I went on to eat breakfast.  Before she left, she pointed out to me an article in today's newspaper concerning the Trail of Honor:

Trail of Honor a tribute to American veterans
Traveling exhibit visits this weekend; riders stop Monday

She and I are planning to attend this event this weekend.  She had noticed in the article that they are taking donations for care packages to be sent to the troops.  She asked me to call and inquire about what items they want for inclusion in the care packages, so when I got done with breakfast, I called the contact person in the article.  She was not in, so I left her a message.

I had just gotten done in the shower when my call was returned.  The lady gave me a list of several items they are requesting:

  • flavored powder packets for water
  • baby/wet wipes
  • feminine hygiene products
  • disposable razors
  • chap sticks
  • foot powder
I wrote them down on a "post-it" note.  Then I went on to get dressed and ready to go out.  I did start a load of laundry while waiting on someone in the business office at work to call me and let me know when a check I was expecting arrived.  I finally left a little later [after stopping the wash in the rinse cycle] and stopped at the post office and got the mail.  I hadn't received the call yet, so I called and found out that it had arrived a few minutes earlier.  

I drove on down and picked up the check and went to my banking institution and took care of business.  Then I left and headed to the grocery store.  There I went and purchased each of the items on the list - buying 2 of most of them, as I had called my housemate and told her what I had learned.  She asked me to pick up some of the items for her and we had set a "budget".  Well, I managed to go over it when I checked out!  Oh well - our troops are worth it!!

I stopped and got something for lunch and then headed home.  I restarted the wash and when it finished, transferred that load to the dryer; I went on start another load.  

My brother called while I was picking up lunch; I didn't get to take the call.  He left me a message and when I got to a point where I could, I called him back.  We talked for several minutes before the call dropped.  Eventually we reconnected. 

I shared with him about my purchasing items on the list for the troops' care packages and he asked me to go and purchase another set of items for him and gave me a budget.  When I got the load in the wash to the rinse cycle, I shut it off and also stopped the dryer and headed over to a different store and purchased the items on the list on behalf of my brother.  I keep forgetting to buy a box of Kleenex for my bathroom every time I go to a store; this time I didn't - I got a box while there.

Then I returned home and restarted the laundry and have since gotten it finished and put away.  I'm at the point where I need to stop and go have supper and take my PM meds.  

This is all for today....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

An Update....

Sunday (5/16)

I tuned to FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace.  He did an interview with Laura Bush concerning her new book - Spoken from the Heart.

My housemate left to head to FBCJ for the PM service soon after I stopped writing last night.  I was in the midst of preparing and having supper as she left.  Then I went on to go climb in bed and watch TV - some of the college lacrosse tournament.  I also talked for a few minutes with an Aunt, then after hanging up with her, I knew it was about time that my housemate should be back from FBCJ.

Well with the TV on, I promptly fell asleep.  I woke up about an hour or so later and got up and headed to the kitchen to get a drink and found she was back.  She was actually startled to see me come around the corner - she said I did so very quietly such that she didn't hear me coming.  I was barefoot, so I guess that had something to do with it.

I went back to bed and finally settled down and went back to sleep a little later.

Monday (5/17)

I woke up a few minutes before the alarm went off and just laid there till it did before getting up and kicking off my day.  I went on to take a shower and get dressed, then it was out to the ktichen to prepare breakfast.  When my housemate came through, she was dressed and so I asked if she was going to take Rusty walking and she said yes.

I finished up getting breakfast ready and was eating and checking out the newspaper when she returned with Rusty.  She told that "momma" and "daddy" bird had returned overnight and had been working on building their nest in an eave on the patio again.  They didn't seem to be afraid of Rusty.

I went on to clean up behind myself and then went and finished getting ready for work.  I gathered my gear and headed out.  Soon after I got in, my co-worker had to leave.  His girlfriend had left her car keys in his car and he had to go take them to her.  So, I wound up kicking the day off and getting everything attended to - I was just about done wthen he returned.

Things have been fairly quiet once the commotion settled down.  A female co-worker and I walked over to FBCJ for One Great Lunch Break and heard a wonderful message from Donnie South, who is the leader's son-in-law.  Then we returned to work - I gave my co-worker the package of photos and let her know which ones were for who.  She is going to distribute them for me.  The 2 women they go to were unable to attend.  One had something to do with the child that she and her husband are fostering; the other was going with her husband to his doctor.

I logged into my Hotmail and sent an e-mail to the people involved with Trail of Honor; I had a couple of questions for them.   I also Googled and got directions from home to both the site where they said parking and shuttle service would be available and from home to the Jackson Harley Davidson dealership.  

Since I have until the 25th to finish Josephus and I only have the last chapter in the reading assignment left to go, I've picked up on Karl Rove's Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight.  I've been reading some of it this afternoon.

I intend to go by the post office on the way home and get the mail.   Later.....

Tuesday (5/18)

I was late leaving work on Monday; I headed towards home, making a stop at the post office.  I had only a piece of junk mail waiting - which was fine as it meant no bills!  Then I went on home and found the garage door down.  I raised it, pulled in and parked.  I knew that my housemate had been home due to the condition of the house and I expected her back anytime since I figured that she had gone to the club to work out. 

I went on in the house - leaving the door up - and put my gear in my bedroom, then came back out and went on to prepare supper.  Well, I poured a bowl of cereal and when I poured the milk on it, I realized that the milk was sour - it had a smell to it, so I tasted a drop to be sure and I was correct.  I wound up pouring the rest of the gallon of milk out and rinsed the container and put it in the recycle bin.  I wound up having to throw out the cereal in the bowl.  What really annoyed me about the milk being bad was that it had not even reached its "codedate" yet.  It was codedated for May 20th - which is Thursday - and this was May 17th - Monday.  Based on the codedate it should've been good for 3 more days. 

I wound up having just toast for supper last night as a result.  I was at the den table eating it and on the phone with an Aunt when my housemate came in.  I told her that I was on the phone with my Aunt as she was letting Rusty in to hush him from barking.  I went on to share with my Aunt about the day at work . 

She shared with me about the activities in the family recently.  When I hung up from talking with her, my housemate was preparing her supper.  She brought it to the den table and sat down and ate.  I sat down too and she asked me what all I had been telling my Aunt as she had heard bits and pieces of it.  I shared the details with her about the issues we had  yesterday morning, then the Women's Lunch, and some other things.  She had questions about some of these things and I answered them. 

Well, we went on to head towards our bedrooms after she put Rusty out on the patio and to bed for the night.  I got ready and went on to bed.soon after.  Sukiey has taken to curling up and sleeping in my computer chair.  I don't know why she likes it so much!

The alarm went off this morning and I got up and kicked off the routine.  After taking a shower, I was finishing up getting dressed when my housemate emerged from her bedroom in her bathrobe.  She has a long red bathrobe that she absolutely loves!  I wasn't far behind her headed out to the kitchen.  In there, she went to retrieve the newspaper and looked it over, then put it on the counter.  I went on to prepare breakfast and I shared with her about my milk spoiling before the codedate had elapsed and she allowed me to bum some of her milk for cereal this morning.  I'll stop at Kroger on the way home tonight and get some milk and a couple of other things. 

I was at the table eating and she was heading back to her bedroom with her coffee.  We thought if I were quiet, Rusty might sleep a while longer.  Well, no sooner did she open the door to the hallway and step inside -  he woke up and went to barking!  Forget the idea of Rusty sleeping in!  She had to come back out and get his breakfast ready and take it to him.  Then she restarted on going to her bedroom.  I finished up with breakfast and cleaned up behind myself while she was going to start getting ready.  Then, I went on to finish getting ready for work and gathered my stuff and headed out.

I arrived at work just behind the supervisor; my co-worker arrived a few minutes later.  We had a semi-busy morning but things settled down. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I left work as planned; I stopped at the grocery on the way home.  I picked up several things - bread, cereal, milk and some other items, but later on when I was already home, I realized I had forgotten to buy Kleenex!  I'm still having issues with sinus, though I'm doing better.  Anyway, I guess that's what happens when you don't write down a list! 

Once I was done there, I headed out and loaded up the car and made my way home.  When I got there, I found the garage door up and my housemate's car inside.  I pulled in, parked and unloaded the car and went inside.  I was surprised to find Rusty inside - unattended.  The old boy was laying in his favorite spot - on the tile in between the alcove where her desk is and the entry to the den.  I unloaded the groceries and put the stuff away - and took my gear and a bag with some things in it to my bedroom. 

Then I returned to the kitchen and began preparing my supper.  I was already at the table eating when she emerged through the hallway door.  She had changed clothes and was about to leave for the fitness club; she got some food and put Rusty back on the patio.  I finished up eating and cleaned up behind myself.  Before she left, though, she asked me if I knew what time the Trail of Honor event is on Saturday.  I told her that I had sent an e-mail to the address given on the website but hadn't received a response yet, so I would call the phone number that was listed and see if I could find out.  She said that she wanted to make a hair appointment and needed to know what the time frame was on Saturday so she could figure out when to make the appointment for. 

I went to my bedroom and then changed myself from my dress clothes to shorts and a tee shirt.  I looked on the piece of paper where I had written the contact information and called the number and spoke with a guy about the event.  He told me that Saturday it runs 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and told me a few more details - he said that they are preferring that people do park at the JPD Pistol Range and take the shuttle buses to the Harley Davidson of Jackson shop - as he said that they have limited parking.  He said that the buses are supposed to run about every 10 minutes.  He told me that the parachute team is scheduled to make a jump at 2:00 PM if the weather is permitting.  And, he told me about some other activities that are planned. 

After I was done talking with the guy, I got on the phone and made some other calls.  Then I went to see what was going on - if she had come back. 

I determined that she had returned and that she had apparently taken Rusty out for an evening walk.  I went outside to see if I could spot them, but couldn't.  I was on the phone with an Aunt when an SUV stopped - and I stopped for a minute to see what the driver wanted.  She was delivering the new YellowBook phone books and I got 2 books from her.

I continued talking with my Aunt for a few more minutes, then ended the call just as I saw my housemate and Rusty coming back into view.  I went in the house with the books and she put Rusty back on the patio and then came in the house.  She saw the bags on the counter and wondered about them - I pulled the phone books out of them.  She took one and I took the other.

She went on to prepare something for her supper and went to the den table.  I went and sat down with her.  She had to let Rusty in because he got kind of hyper.  I told her that I had made contact with someone concerning the Trail of Honor and what information I got about it - and that I would like to be there when the parachute team jump takes place and attempt to get some pictures. 

We talked about a few more things and soon after, we closed up the house and went on to our bedrooms.  I got ready and went on to bed and had to deal with Miss Sukiey - she kept moving around and it took a bit of working with her before she finally settled down so I could get to sleep.  I don't know why she was so active. 

Wednesday (5/19)

The alarm went off this morning and I was not ready for it - if I knew how to work the snooze on this alarm clock, I probably would've let it do that a couple of times, but since I don't  I had no choice but to get up and kick off my routine.  I was finishing up getting dressed after taking my shower when my housemate emerged and headed for the kitchen.  She was dressed in street clothes - as she was planning to take Rusty for a morning walk. 

I went on to prepare and eat breakfast and check out the newspaper while she and Rusty were gone.  They returned and she put him out on the patio, then got his breakfast ready and took it out to him.  I finished up and went and cleaned up behind myself while she got her coffee and went on to start getting ready for work.  I did and gathered my stuff and headed out and in to work. 

I forgot to mention that last night I grabbed my camera and checked to see how the battery power looked; I was happy with it.  I put a pair of rechargeable batteries on the Duracell charger and left them on there overnight.  They were ready this morning so I took them off and put them in the camera pouch. I had another pair that needed to be charged, so I put them on to charge this morning.

I went to lunch and ate a lunch I had yanked out of the freezer at home on the way out of the door this morning; after I was done, I called a co-worker and we connected outside and went walking.  We haven't done much of that in a while.  I need to get back in the habit of walking regularly and I know it!

This is all of an update that I have for the present time.....

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday & Sunday 5/15 & 5/16

Saturday (5/15):

I "slept in" - till about 8:15 AM - and then finally got up.  I went on to have breakfast and check out the newspaper.  My housemate did some cleaning in the kitchen this morning.  I've taken a shower and gotten dressed, but don't have any specific plans for today - yet!  

As for more cats - well I don't know how that might go over with Sukiey - she has been the only cat with me for 4 years now and gets my full attention - she doesn't have to share my attention and affection with any other cats.  My brother made the statement that, with a cat, a little attention goes a long way, but with a dog they constantly want attention.  I think he's on the right track.  I told this to my housemate and she agreed.  

Sukiey, however, seems to want me back here in my bedroom with her when she knows that I'm at home and will cry for me.  My housemate has picked up on this.  Right now, being that I'm here in my bedroom, she's content and quiet.  If I'm in the bathroom - she's fine as well because she knows where I am and she can go in there with me if she wishes.

When I woke up this morning, I was laying on my side and I found Sukiey laying on my hip.  I had to "encourage" her to get up and move so that I could get up.  She had me "pinned" in a position and wasn't going to voluntarily move so that I could get up because she knew if she did, I would leave the area!  Smart cat, wouldn't you say?!  

I forgot to mention that when I was finishing up getting ready for bed, I got a call from a classmate.  She was thanking me for coming to the class fellowship.  We went on to talk about a couple of other things before hanging up.  She said she has something for me - she has kept it in the trunk of her car and she meant to give it to my last night, but forgot.  Hopefully she'll remember and bring it with her to class tomorrow.  

This is all I've got for the time being.  I'm going to go see what my housemate is up to.  Later....

Alright, I'm back now and it's 9:17 PM.  I have a few things to share with you before I head off to bed....

Would you believe that I took a midday nap?  I did!  Around the time that I woke up and headed out to the kitchen for lunch - I saw my housemate backing out of the driveway - and then found a note on the counter so that I would know that's where she had gone.  Then, I went on to fix lunch for myself.  

Rusty began cutting up and carrying on - I saw that it had gotten dark outside and that it had begun raining and I even heard thunder, so I went on to let him inside while I was eating.   Once I was done and had cleaned up behind myself, I put Rusty back out on the patio and then returned to my bedroom.  

Later on, my housemate poked her head in my bedroom door to let me know she was back.  I was on the computer and had the TV on.  She said that she had stopped at Chick-Fil-A and wanted to know if I wanted anything.  I had already eaten lunch, but I did get a bite of the brownie she brought home.  

I returned to my bedroom a little later; when I had gotten on the computer, I found that Norton was calling for me to do a backup; I tried to run one several times - it kept giving me a message that it couldn't locate the flash drive that I use for the backups.  Finally, I gave up and changed it to my regular flash drive [the one I carry with me between work and home] and let the backup data go on it; once it finished - successfully - I copied the backed up data to a file I created on the flash drive Norton claimed it couldn't find.  Once I verified that it had copied and was on there, I deleted the data from the drive it had originally gone on, then I went to the other drive and deleted the old backed up data.  

My housemate has been in "cleaning mode" for most of the day.  She moved some stuff out of her bedroom and then wanted to move some furniture around in there.  She came and asked for my help.  I went and helped her - she wanted her chair moved over by the patio window and to put a table by it and add a lamp so she could sit in the chair and read.  She said that when she tries to read in bed, she falls asleep.  We got that done; we also moved her TV and DirecTV box up on top of a dresser where she can lay in bed and watch TV easier without it putting a strain on her back and neck.  

Eventually, I went on to do some things for myself while she continued to clean.  I watched some more TV and fell asleep again.  When I got up it was time for supper, so I went out and found that my housemate was preparing her supper as well.  We ate together and had to bring Rusty back in as he wouldn't quit barking.  

I cleaned up behind myself and then returned to my bedroom and have watched more TV.  I'm going to stop here and get on to bed.  I've set my phone to alarm in the morning to wake me up for church.  I don't know if my housemate is still up or not - she was around the time that I started writing this.  I saw the light was on in her bedroom [the light shines underneath the door as it's not flush with the floor] at that time when I was coming out of my bathroom.  

Okay, this is all I've got for now.  Time to shut things down and make Sukiey move out of my spot.  I'll continue later....

Sunday (5/16):

Good morning....I should be in the FBCJ Sanctuary, but....I let time get away from me this morning - for one thing, I got up about 30 minutes later than usual.  For another, I took longer having breakfast and checking out the newspaper than normal on Sunday morning.  By the time I started getting ready, it was already after 8:00 AM and there was no way I could've gotten ready and made my way to FBCJ for 9:00 AM.  So, I decided that I would just get ready and go in time for our 10:30 AM Sunday School.  

A pair, will be sharing about their mission trips.  I don't want to miss hearing about them.  My housemate said that she was just "weary" this morning.  She thanked me again for helping her to rearrange her bedroom and said that she does like having the TV up where we moved it too - she can lay in bed and see it much easier than she could in the previous spot where she had it.

After checking out some of the newspapers and having a cup of coffee, she put Rusty back out - he had come in when she went to feed him.  She found a couple of birds out there making another attempt to build a nest up in one of the overhangs of the patio.  Looked like it was "momma bird" and "daddy bird" that were doing that.  I have no idea what species of bird they were but I could see they were orange in color.  They didn't seem to mind having Rusty out on the patio, but they didn't like it when us humans were out there!

She got another cup of coffee and took the newspaper and said she was going back to bed.  I, on the other hand, went on to go take a shower and get dressed and ready to head to FBCJ.  I'm now ready - well, except for my lipstick - to head out in about 15-20 minutes.  I don't know if she will try to go - to 2nd Service or not.  

Anyway - I guess this is all I've got for now....

I'm sitting back down now to resume writing this afternoon.  I left about 9:25 AM and drove down to FBCJ.  I tried to park in the CLC garage but couldn't find a vacant space in there, so I pulled back out and drove over to the parking lot behind the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board's facilities and found a number of vacant spaces in there, so that's where I wound up parking in one of those.  Then I walked across and met a classmate retrieving something from the tailgate of her Escalade.  She closed it about the time I approached and saw me and greeted me.  She started heading to the Chapel entrance - and since she has difficulty in walking I went ahead of her and opened and held the door for her.  She went on in and found a seat in the foyer, as the other class was still in session.  

We were visiting when a woman came walking in whom we didn't recognize.  We both began talking with her and learned who she was and that she was there looking for a particular Sunday School class.  I told her that I didn't know much about that class; after learning a little more about what she was looking for, I asked her to come and check out our class.  I told her that a couple of class members would be doing presentations on their mission trips today, that our teacher was out today, but if she would come back next week, she could meet him and check out his teaching.  

She attended our class and was amazed at how comfortable she felt among us.  The director got up and took care of the preliminaries then turned things over to one of the class members.  She did a presentation on Vancouver and I knew 99% of what she had to say because I had already heard it from my housemate.  The other class member followed her and gave a great presentation on Burkina Faso.  

She shared with us about what happened with the flight from Casablanca, Morocco to Ougadougou, Burkina Faso.  There were 2 flights, but one got canceled and they got put on a flight to somewhere else that they and some other travelers didn't have a visa for.  There was a group that did have visas for it, so they were fine when the flight arrived.  However, she and the group they were in were taken to a holding room and they were dealt with by the local officials and police.  It appeared that they could be arrested - that's what she feared - then someone from the airline intervened and made it clear to the officials and police that it was their mistake to put them on that flight and made arrangements to fly them back to Casablanca and then out to Ougadougou from there.  What a relief that was to them!  

She said they finally arrived in Ougadougou in the middle of the night and so they stayed overnight there and were picked up and taken to the city where the orphanage is located [she said the name, but I can't recall it] the following day and that they spent time working with the people there doing medical clinic and pharmacy work, as well as other things.  She shared with us about a particular little boy in the orphanage and how his name had been changed from Mohammed to Joseph because of the background he had come out of.  She said that the long term goal of the orphange is to get the children to become adoptable.  Joseph is 3 years old and they nicknamed him "the petite bandit" because of his size and that he kept taking off with their shoes and hiding them from them.  

When she was done, she prayed to dismiss us.  I went and got a couple of place mats [one each for my housemate and me] and a pair of wooden elephants [one each for my housemate and me] out of a pile that she had brought back from Burkina Faso.  Then, I made my way out of the class - I also spoke with the lady and got her phone number and e-mail address so I can contact her this week.

There was a singles luncheon taking place but I opted not to stay for it.  Instead, I excused myself and headed out and made my way on home.  When I got here, the garage door was down, so I raised it and found my housemate's car inside.  She had said before I left that she wasn't going, but I thought perhaps she might change her mind.  I parked and went inside and found that she had at least changed - when I left she was still in her bathrobe!  I learned that she had booted up her computer and logged on to the Internet and watched the 2nd service on the FBCJ website.

I showed her the placemats and she had me to put them in the laundry area so that they can be washed before we use them.  Then I showed her the elephants and had her to pick one.  She did and put it where she keeps her collectibles.  I brought mine back to my bedroom and put it on display.  

She had been baking some potatoes - white and sweet - and we were trying to figure out what else to go with them.  There were some Hebrew National Kosher Beef Franks in the refrigerator.  I cooked them - in the microwave - and my housemate had a couple of them with her sweet potato; I put a couple of them in a tortilla with cheese.  

We cleaned up the kitchen; I came on to my bedroom and climbed in bed [I had changed from dress clothes] and took a nap while NASCAR was on TV.  My housemate said that she was going to work on doing some cleaning in her desk area that she needed to get done.  

Well, this is all I've got for now....