My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

An Update....

Sunday (5/16)

I tuned to FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace.  He did an interview with Laura Bush concerning her new book - Spoken from the Heart.

My housemate left to head to FBCJ for the PM service soon after I stopped writing last night.  I was in the midst of preparing and having supper as she left.  Then I went on to go climb in bed and watch TV - some of the college lacrosse tournament.  I also talked for a few minutes with an Aunt, then after hanging up with her, I knew it was about time that my housemate should be back from FBCJ.

Well with the TV on, I promptly fell asleep.  I woke up about an hour or so later and got up and headed to the kitchen to get a drink and found she was back.  She was actually startled to see me come around the corner - she said I did so very quietly such that she didn't hear me coming.  I was barefoot, so I guess that had something to do with it.

I went back to bed and finally settled down and went back to sleep a little later.

Monday (5/17)

I woke up a few minutes before the alarm went off and just laid there till it did before getting up and kicking off my day.  I went on to take a shower and get dressed, then it was out to the ktichen to prepare breakfast.  When my housemate came through, she was dressed and so I asked if she was going to take Rusty walking and she said yes.

I finished up getting breakfast ready and was eating and checking out the newspaper when she returned with Rusty.  She told that "momma" and "daddy" bird had returned overnight and had been working on building their nest in an eave on the patio again.  They didn't seem to be afraid of Rusty.

I went on to clean up behind myself and then went and finished getting ready for work.  I gathered my gear and headed out.  Soon after I got in, my co-worker had to leave.  His girlfriend had left her car keys in his car and he had to go take them to her.  So, I wound up kicking the day off and getting everything attended to - I was just about done wthen he returned.

Things have been fairly quiet once the commotion settled down.  A female co-worker and I walked over to FBCJ for One Great Lunch Break and heard a wonderful message from Donnie South, who is the leader's son-in-law.  Then we returned to work - I gave my co-worker the package of photos and let her know which ones were for who.  She is going to distribute them for me.  The 2 women they go to were unable to attend.  One had something to do with the child that she and her husband are fostering; the other was going with her husband to his doctor.

I logged into my Hotmail and sent an e-mail to the people involved with Trail of Honor; I had a couple of questions for them.   I also Googled and got directions from home to both the site where they said parking and shuttle service would be available and from home to the Jackson Harley Davidson dealership.  

Since I have until the 25th to finish Josephus and I only have the last chapter in the reading assignment left to go, I've picked up on Karl Rove's Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight.  I've been reading some of it this afternoon.

I intend to go by the post office on the way home and get the mail.   Later.....

Tuesday (5/18)

I was late leaving work on Monday; I headed towards home, making a stop at the post office.  I had only a piece of junk mail waiting - which was fine as it meant no bills!  Then I went on home and found the garage door down.  I raised it, pulled in and parked.  I knew that my housemate had been home due to the condition of the house and I expected her back anytime since I figured that she had gone to the club to work out. 

I went on in the house - leaving the door up - and put my gear in my bedroom, then came back out and went on to prepare supper.  Well, I poured a bowl of cereal and when I poured the milk on it, I realized that the milk was sour - it had a smell to it, so I tasted a drop to be sure and I was correct.  I wound up pouring the rest of the gallon of milk out and rinsed the container and put it in the recycle bin.  I wound up having to throw out the cereal in the bowl.  What really annoyed me about the milk being bad was that it had not even reached its "codedate" yet.  It was codedated for May 20th - which is Thursday - and this was May 17th - Monday.  Based on the codedate it should've been good for 3 more days. 

I wound up having just toast for supper last night as a result.  I was at the den table eating it and on the phone with an Aunt when my housemate came in.  I told her that I was on the phone with my Aunt as she was letting Rusty in to hush him from barking.  I went on to share with my Aunt about the day at work . 

She shared with me about the activities in the family recently.  When I hung up from talking with her, my housemate was preparing her supper.  She brought it to the den table and sat down and ate.  I sat down too and she asked me what all I had been telling my Aunt as she had heard bits and pieces of it.  I shared the details with her about the issues we had  yesterday morning, then the Women's Lunch, and some other things.  She had questions about some of these things and I answered them. 

Well, we went on to head towards our bedrooms after she put Rusty out on the patio and to bed for the night.  I got ready and went on to bed.soon after.  Sukiey has taken to curling up and sleeping in my computer chair.  I don't know why she likes it so much!

The alarm went off this morning and I got up and kicked off the routine.  After taking a shower, I was finishing up getting dressed when my housemate emerged from her bedroom in her bathrobe.  She has a long red bathrobe that she absolutely loves!  I wasn't far behind her headed out to the kitchen.  In there, she went to retrieve the newspaper and looked it over, then put it on the counter.  I went on to prepare breakfast and I shared with her about my milk spoiling before the codedate had elapsed and she allowed me to bum some of her milk for cereal this morning.  I'll stop at Kroger on the way home tonight and get some milk and a couple of other things. 

I was at the table eating and she was heading back to her bedroom with her coffee.  We thought if I were quiet, Rusty might sleep a while longer.  Well, no sooner did she open the door to the hallway and step inside -  he woke up and went to barking!  Forget the idea of Rusty sleeping in!  She had to come back out and get his breakfast ready and take it to him.  Then she restarted on going to her bedroom.  I finished up with breakfast and cleaned up behind myself while she was going to start getting ready.  Then, I went on to finish getting ready for work and gathered my stuff and headed out.

I arrived at work just behind the supervisor; my co-worker arrived a few minutes later.  We had a semi-busy morning but things settled down. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I left work as planned; I stopped at the grocery on the way home.  I picked up several things - bread, cereal, milk and some other items, but later on when I was already home, I realized I had forgotten to buy Kleenex!  I'm still having issues with sinus, though I'm doing better.  Anyway, I guess that's what happens when you don't write down a list! 

Once I was done there, I headed out and loaded up the car and made my way home.  When I got there, I found the garage door up and my housemate's car inside.  I pulled in, parked and unloaded the car and went inside.  I was surprised to find Rusty inside - unattended.  The old boy was laying in his favorite spot - on the tile in between the alcove where her desk is and the entry to the den.  I unloaded the groceries and put the stuff away - and took my gear and a bag with some things in it to my bedroom. 

Then I returned to the kitchen and began preparing my supper.  I was already at the table eating when she emerged through the hallway door.  She had changed clothes and was about to leave for the fitness club; she got some food and put Rusty back on the patio.  I finished up eating and cleaned up behind myself.  Before she left, though, she asked me if I knew what time the Trail of Honor event is on Saturday.  I told her that I had sent an e-mail to the address given on the website but hadn't received a response yet, so I would call the phone number that was listed and see if I could find out.  She said that she wanted to make a hair appointment and needed to know what the time frame was on Saturday so she could figure out when to make the appointment for. 

I went to my bedroom and then changed myself from my dress clothes to shorts and a tee shirt.  I looked on the piece of paper where I had written the contact information and called the number and spoke with a guy about the event.  He told me that Saturday it runs 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and told me a few more details - he said that they are preferring that people do park at the JPD Pistol Range and take the shuttle buses to the Harley Davidson of Jackson shop - as he said that they have limited parking.  He said that the buses are supposed to run about every 10 minutes.  He told me that the parachute team is scheduled to make a jump at 2:00 PM if the weather is permitting.  And, he told me about some other activities that are planned. 

After I was done talking with the guy, I got on the phone and made some other calls.  Then I went to see what was going on - if she had come back. 

I determined that she had returned and that she had apparently taken Rusty out for an evening walk.  I went outside to see if I could spot them, but couldn't.  I was on the phone with an Aunt when an SUV stopped - and I stopped for a minute to see what the driver wanted.  She was delivering the new YellowBook phone books and I got 2 books from her.

I continued talking with my Aunt for a few more minutes, then ended the call just as I saw my housemate and Rusty coming back into view.  I went in the house with the books and she put Rusty back on the patio and then came in the house.  She saw the bags on the counter and wondered about them - I pulled the phone books out of them.  She took one and I took the other.

She went on to prepare something for her supper and went to the den table.  I went and sat down with her.  She had to let Rusty in because he got kind of hyper.  I told her that I had made contact with someone concerning the Trail of Honor and what information I got about it - and that I would like to be there when the parachute team jump takes place and attempt to get some pictures. 

We talked about a few more things and soon after, we closed up the house and went on to our bedrooms.  I got ready and went on to bed and had to deal with Miss Sukiey - she kept moving around and it took a bit of working with her before she finally settled down so I could get to sleep.  I don't know why she was so active. 

Wednesday (5/19)

The alarm went off this morning and I was not ready for it - if I knew how to work the snooze on this alarm clock, I probably would've let it do that a couple of times, but since I don't  I had no choice but to get up and kick off my routine.  I was finishing up getting dressed after taking my shower when my housemate emerged and headed for the kitchen.  She was dressed in street clothes - as she was planning to take Rusty for a morning walk. 

I went on to prepare and eat breakfast and check out the newspaper while she and Rusty were gone.  They returned and she put him out on the patio, then got his breakfast ready and took it out to him.  I finished up and went and cleaned up behind myself while she got her coffee and went on to start getting ready for work.  I did and gathered my stuff and headed out and in to work. 

I forgot to mention that last night I grabbed my camera and checked to see how the battery power looked; I was happy with it.  I put a pair of rechargeable batteries on the Duracell charger and left them on there overnight.  They were ready this morning so I took them off and put them in the camera pouch. I had another pair that needed to be charged, so I put them on to charge this morning.

I went to lunch and ate a lunch I had yanked out of the freezer at home on the way out of the door this morning; after I was done, I called a co-worker and we connected outside and went walking.  We haven't done much of that in a while.  I need to get back in the habit of walking regularly and I know it!

This is all of an update that I have for the present time.....

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