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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, May 28, 2010

A Busy Friday....

I left home around 8:15 AM and made a trip to the bank, then made a stop at Wal*Mart.  My shopping there included picking up a package of pictures that I had placed an Internet order for via Snapfish on Thursday night. I stopped at LifeWay and found what I was looking for but they didn't have it in the color that I was looking for so I didn't get anything there.

I stopped by the house and dropped off my purchases from Wal*Mart, then made a trip to the post office and also stopped and picked up my prescriptions.  Then I did some grocery shopping and got a lunch plate before coming home. 

In the afternoon I did 2 loads of laundry and had to contend with Rusty, as he was having a conniption fit because of a thunderstorm that was cruising through.  I finally got the laundry done and put away. 

My housemate and I talked about the idea of going for breakfast at the Rez but didn't make any firm plans, so we didn't call any of our friends to join us. 

This is an idea we will revisit in the morning.  

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