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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Out to the Rez....

This morning my housemate and I decided we would go have breakfast at the Reservoir.  So, we got ready and called in breakfast orders to a favorite local restaurant and went by and picked them up.  

As we pulled up in the parking space at the restaurant, there was a Cadillac parked next to us and we did a double take.  Sitting in the driver's seat as if it was driving was a large white poodle!  My housemate said she wished I had my camera with me.  I said "got it right here!" and she said "quick, get some pictures of that!".  She rolled down the passenger window and I got 3 shots of the scene.  The poodle turned its head toward us, although it wasn't looking directly at us, in one of them.  By the way, the owners had a decent crack in the car's sunroof so that the dog could get air while they were inside the restaurant.

We got out and went inside and picked up our orders.  My SS teacher's parents were there having breakfast, so I stopped to speak with them for a few minutes before rejoining my housemate to pay for our orders.  We got our orders and headed out.  We drove out to the Reservoir and found a good spot, then parked and unloaded the car.  It was quiet and peaceful out there this morning, although it was rather windy for a while.  

After we ate breakfast, we went on to walk around the area.  There was a family of geese that was waddling around - mom and dad and several babies.  I got a number of pictures of them.  I also got pictures of a couple of motorcycles that were out there and we talked to the owners.  

When we left the Reservoir, we went on to the new Hindu temple that has been built.  There was a write-up about it in the Religion section of today's newspaper.  We decided to go have a look at it.  I was able to get numerous pictures of it from the outside - the architecture is beautiful.  That's what I admired.  While my housemate chose to go inside, I stayed outside and waited for her.  She came out fairly quickly; she said that it's still under construction on the inside.  

We left there and stopped to see about getting a frame for my poster, but couldn't find one.  I was told that I'll need to bring it in to get the correct frame for it since it's an unusual size.  Then we headed back in the direction of home and stopped at one of the office supply stores and I picked up 2 packs of CD-Rs, as I had forgotten to get some yesterday at Wal*Mart.  I'm going to have a need for them. 

Well - I will pause here.  There's a possibility that we might ride back out to the Rez this evening to watch the sun set and the moon come up.  Not sure about that yet, though.

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