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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, May 14, 2010

An Update from Friday....

I went online and checked e-mail plus I went to a website for a commercial I had seen earlier in the day on WLBT [Channel 3] and I went on to check it out.  It's called Trail of Honor and it's an event that will take place next weekend to pay respect and honor to military veterans.  It'll take place at the Harley Davidson of Jackson.  I found that it's free unless you want to take a helicopter ride - that costs $50.  I went and told my housemate about it so she might consider going with me next weekend.  She's interested in going also.  I have a phone number and e-mail address so that I can contact someone for additional information not on the website.

Later, I got ready and headed out and over to where my SS Class fellowship was being held.  I got over there and found that a few people were already there.  We began ordering - I opted for the Beagle Club - and got a fruit cup with it.  I got Diet Sweet Tea to drink.  Altogether, we had a head count of 15 people in attendance.  We had a nice fellowship.  

Two people both tried to give me a cat.  I declined - on the basis of I didn't know what my housemate might have to say if I brought home another cat or two.  I didn't think she would like that.  

I excused myself soon after and headed out.  I went to the Fuel Station and found they weren't too busy.  I got $10 worth of gas instead of filling up.  This provided me with nearly 4 gallons.  The price per gallon was $2.559 after my 10 cent per gallon discount.  After fueling, I went in the store and got a few things that I needed, then checked out and came home.  

The garage door was down, so I raised it, pulled in and parked, then unloaded the car, and entered the house.  I lowered the door as I was going inside.  I found Rusty in the house and my housemate was up - it was about 8:30 PM by that time.  I went on to unload the bags and put my stuff away.  She fed Rusty and put him out; she announced she was going to go for a walk, so I said I would put my other stuff up and join her.  I did just that and we went for a short walk - it was/is quite muggy out there - and then came back and closed up the house for the night.

By the way, I told her that 2 people tried to give me cats and I declined because I didn't know how that would go over with her.  She found that interesting, but agreed that one cat in the house is enough.  Then when we returned, she lowered the garage door back down and stood there in the kitchen doorway watching to make sure no one ran in the garage.  I pointed out that with the kitchen door open, if they did run in, they could just run on in the house!  She thought about that for a moment and then started laughing and agreed that was true.  

We went on to close up the house for the night - I think she's now in bed and possibly asleep.  It's 11:15 PM and I think that I will end here for today.  Later....

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