My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Today - Friday....

I woke up about 3:30 AM and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and got on the computer, trying to be quiet since my housemate was asleep.  I uploaded the pictures from NDP2010 and MAS - FBCJ 2010 and saved them in folders on my flash drive.  I wound up actually uploading 53 and 54 pictures to the folders for a total of 107 photos.    

I went back to bed around 5:00 AM and woke up again about 7:45 AM; wandering out to the kitchen just about the time my housemate was finishing up in there so she could head out to work this morning.  She left for work and I went on to have breakfast and take my regular AM meds plus the AM group from the NP on Tuesday.  I also went through the newspaper and discovered that someone I know's husband passed away yesterday.  I know her from a church I was previously a member of   

Once I finished up with breakfast, I cleaned up behind myself and then came to my bedroom and got on the computer for a little while - I logged in to Shutterfly and uploaded the groups of photos from each event that I had noted - after uploading and doing a little editing to them, I had written down a list of which ones [by number] I wanted to upload to Shutterfly - and then decided that I would place an order for the free 50 4x6 prints that I had coming from them.  I did that - I ordered at least one of each of the photos in the 2 new albums I had created; in some cases I ordered more. Then I placed the order - and found that I had to pay the shipping and handling for the order - which came to $3.20 - so I plugged in my debit card information and finished placing the order.  It's due in sometime around the end of next week.  

I logged out and went to check my e-mail and found I had quite a few messages.  I left my Inbox up and went and took a quick shower, got dressed [shorts and tee shirt] and as I was finishing up, my cell phone rang.  I checked and found it was my SS classmate calling - she and ministry partner had made it back to the USA - they were at JFK in New York and she called to let me know and check in with me.  She said that they would be back in Jackson sometime this evening.  

I was looking at my e-mail and found I had one from someone in our class about her husband.  I told her about it and asked her if I should send out a special note about it.  She said that she's at peace about this - whatever I want to or feel led to do.  

So, after I hung up from talking with her, I finished reading my e-mail, then pulled up a new message, titling it "Special Note: Updates!" and copied and pasted the classmate's message in it; I also added a message from our missionary classmate - that she had called and let me know that she and her ministry partner are back in the USA and that she had a wonderful time in Ougadougou and can't wait to tell us about it and should be home in Jackson this evening.  I also added a message from me letting everyone know that I had seen the NP instead of the doctor, and that I wound up with 4 prescriptions and a diagnosis of a combination of sinus, allergies and cold. I said that I am finally feeling better, but asked them to continue to pray for me to get over and beat this.  

I sent the e-mail out and then received a prompt from YahooGroups about it and logged in and approved it, so that it went on to the e-mail list.  Once I was done with that e-mail business, I went on to try to get logged in to my work e-mail and it was saying it couldn't get to that website.  So, I closed the browser and went back to my desktop and used the shortcut and it went right to it.  I realized that the bookmark I was using is old and out of date.  I got logged in and it loaded correctly again.  

I looked to see if I had a message from a co-worker about the medical reimbursement check and I didn't, so I waited a few minutes, then sent her an e-mail inquiring.  After a while longer and no respone - e-mail or phone [I had included my cell number in the e-mail I sent her] - I called and got her.  She said that the checks were in and that there was one for me and how much it was.  I finshed up getting ready, logged out of the work e-mail account and headed out and Downtown.  I found that there was a parking space in front of the building - with a meter - so I opted to pull over and park there.  I put a quarter in the meter - for 30 minutes of time - since it was expired and even though I knew I wouldn't be that long.  I didn't have any lesser change on me so that's why I had to use a quarter.

It was up to the business office.  She was in there - along with some other people - and I picked up the check, chatted briefly, then excused myself and headed out. I went on back down to the car, got in and drove away, headed for the banking office.  I made my way there and cashed the pair of checks, then headed back towards home - I stopped at the post office on the way back.  

Okay - I had to take a break to move a load to the dryer and start another load in the washer.  Then the computer decided to not cooperate!  I thought I was going to have to reboot.  But, I managed to get control of it - at least I think I have control; it may think otherwise!   

By the way, I didn't mention that when I picked up my housemate's mail for her yesterday, I found a package left by FedEx that was a gift from her daughter for Mother's Day.  I retrieved it and put it on the kitchen counter.  I didn't say a word to her about its arrival since I had no idea she was expecting it.  I didn't want to spoil a surprise from her daughter.  Anyway, she found it when we got home last night and asked me when it had come in.  I told her and added, questioningly, "you knew about this?!" and she said that her daughter had told her she was sending it so that she would be looking for it.  I said that I hadn't said anything to her about it in case that it was supposed to be a surprise.  She understood that.  

There was also a greeting card in the mail from her daughter for her; I didn't mention anything about it either; I just told her that I had put her mail on her desk.  Later I noticed that she had checked it and found the card, but I didn't say anything to her about it - not wanting to be nosey!

Sukiey is now laying contentedly on my bed - it's a case of she wants to be wherever I am when I'm at home.  My housemate says that Sukiey will cry for me - she said it sounds just like a child crying.  I'm glad she puts up with this from Sukiey.

Saturday is the Barbie Bassett book signing at LifeWay Christian Stores.  It's from 12:00-2:00 PM.  I'm not sure if my housemate is going to go or not; the last time I mentioned it, she didn't seem interested.  I'll mention it again this evening and see what she says.  

This is all I've got for now...oh - the laundry is done - and put away.  

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