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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's Been A Few Days....

Good's been a few days since I've posted anything.  So, let me back up and start writing. 

I last posted on April 28, 2010.  That was a Wednesday.  Nothing exciting or memorable happened the remainder of that day.

Then on Thursday, April, 29, 2010 I attended the Mission Mississippi Prayer Breakfast at First Baptist - Jackson.  There was a large turnout and we had scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon and biscuits plus grits for breakfast with coffee or orange juice as beverages.  I brought along a bottle of Coca Cola Zero as that's my preference.  I can't drink coffee in hot weather and orange juice doesn't like me.

After the Prayer Breakfast was over, I headed for my car, then drove on to work and had to park in the garage since all of the parking lot spaces were already taken.  It was my "short day" at work; afterward I stopped for the mail and also at the grocery store to do some shopping before heading home.

Friday, April 30, 2010 was my day off.  I had to make a trip to my banking institution, as it was payday.  I did that and also stopped at the post office again for the mail.  I had some money orders to get; I also stopped at an office supply place to pick up a few items I needed, then headed home - where I stayed for the rest of the day.

Saturday, May 1, 2010, was the monthly meeting of "the breakfast club" at a local restaurant.  My housemate and I attended along with several others.  Afterward, we came home and she got something to cover the back seat of her car and then took Rusty over to the vet.  She dropped him off for his shots that were due along with a bath.  He was beginning to need one badly.  She had some errands to run while he was at the vet.

I left and went to run a couple of errands myself.  I went to make copies of my Sunday School class' prayer calendar; I also went to a sports store and purchased baseball display holders for the 6 baseballs I had signed by NY Yankee legend Bobby Richardson. 

When I returned home, I sat down and placed the baseballs in the holders and then put them in a box and put the photos I had printed that go with them in there too.  Sukiey seemed to be attracted to them, so I had to put the box in the closet where it would be out of her reach. 

I wasn't feeling well - I had what I thought might be the beginnings of a sinus infection.  I wound up missing both church and Sunday School on Sunday, May 2, 2010.  My housemate went to the second service. 

We had some stormy weather to move through on Sunday afternoon.  Neither of us went to the evening service as a result.  Travel was too hazardous!

I missed work both Monday and Tuesday - I was still feeling ill.  I went to the nurse practitioner on Tuesday and was diagnosed with an amalgamation of sinus, allergies and a cold.  Whoa!  I left there with 4 prescriptions to go and get filled.  I went home and stayed put after getting the prescriptions filled at the pharmacy. 

I spent most of the day/afternoon in bed and had the TV on to keep me company, although I slept a good bit.  I did watch the Oprah with Laura Bush and I'm going to get Mrs. Bush's book when an opportunity presents itself. 

I returned to work today and I'm feeling much better now that the medicines are getting into my system.  For lunch I went down the street and got something - including a milkshake to try to ease my throat - I'm still coughing in spite of taking a cough suppressant pill. 

Well - this about sums things up - I'll publish here.....

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