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PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, 5/8 & Sunday 5/9, 2010

Saturday (5/8):

My housemate and I took Rusty for a walk in the morning.  I "took the reins" so to speak - that is, I had control of the leash.  I think we confused the dog because she was with me, but I had the leash.  

Once we were done, I left and ran an errand to the grocery store to pick up some things, including a bag of dog food for Rusty.  We hadn't gotten any food for him since before she made the trip to Vancouver, Canada but his food bin was starting to get low.  The bag I got him is 17.6 pounds.  We haven't opened it yet since we want to try to use up all of what is in the bin first.  

After the stop at the grocery, I went on to LifeWay Christian Stores and did some shopping.  I got a couple of copies of Barbie's book.  I found they were actually already signed, but that she would personalize them when she arrived.  So, I put them in the buggy, then went on do some additional shopping.  

I got a copy of Edge of Apocalypse: The End Series from Dr. Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall; a copy of Stormie Omartian's The Power of Praying Through the Bible and I was also looking for something to go with the items I've got for my cousin and her fiancé for a wedding "happy".  I settled on something that is made specifically for weddings and was recommended by Nancy, an employee at LifeWay that I personally know.  It's still at LifeWay to have their names imprinted on it because they're backed up with imprint work due to graduations and weddings.  I should be able to pick it up sometime this week, though.

Eventually Barbie came in and there was a small crowd waiting to greet her.  I was first to get my books done and I got a picture taken with her.  I also got pictures of her signing the books.  Before the signing, though, I had taken pictures of the book display.  

Display of Barbie's book 

Barbie signing copies
of her book:

Forecasts & Faith: Five Keys to Weathering the Storms of Life
at LifeWay Christian Stores in Jackson on Saturday, May 8, 2010                                 

Once my books were signed and the pictures taken, I gathered my stuff and left.  I headed for home, but bypassed the house and instead went to a local restaurant and placed a "to go" order and picked it up and came home.  I ate lunch and did a few things around the house.

My housemate had declined to go to the signing as a friend of hers had passed away and she had some things to do at home before going to attend the funeral.  She came in from the funeral sometime after I got back and I shared with her about the signing.  

She changed clothes and packed, then headed out to travel to her son's home in North Mississippi to be there for Mother's Day and to attend her grand-daughter's violin recital.

Sunday (5/9):

I got up and ready and went to church and Sunday School today.  I went on to stop on the way home to pick up lunch at a local restaurant, then came in and changed clothes and ate lunch.  

There were no activities at church this afternoon or evening because of it being Mother's Day.  I took a nap and have done a few things around the house as well.  

My housemate should be on her way home by now - in fact, hopefully she should be close to pulling in the driveway.  

I suppose that this is all I've got for now....

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