My photo
PJ's a native of Louisiana - lovea those LSU Tigers and New Orleans Saints - and Sukiey is the kitty cat that lives with PJ.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Since Sunday.....

Sunday (5/23)

Alright, I'm back now....I finally sat down and did the class e-newsletter earlier; I approved it, but haven't printed the copies yet.  I'll do that and get them ready to mail tomorrow sometime - such as when I go to lunch. 

I didn't know anything about it, I was just flipping channels and stumbled on a tribute show to Brooks and Dunn from Las Vegas on CBS.  So, I've been tuned in to watch it once I discovered it.  I have no idea how long it will last.  A variety of country [and some that are questionable - in my mind at least - as country] performers have been singing Kix and Ronnie's songs.  Reba came out and did "If You See Her, If You See Him" with Lady Antebellum.  Taylor Swift performed a song as did Carrie Underwood; Reba also did another song entitled "Indian Summer".  Faith Hill is currently singing "The Long Goodbye". 

Oh yes, this reminds me [not sure how or why] but I recently learned via FaceBook on the ALABAMA Fan Club Page from Ms. Potts [can't remember her first name] that Bruce Burnett [longtime band road manager] passed away in Ft. Payne back in mid-April.  I think he had cancer if I remember correctly.

Additionally, neither my housemate nor I went back to church tonight.   By the time we realized what time it was, it was already about 5:15 PM and neither of us were dressed for church.  So, we both stayed home! 

Hmmm....Kix and Ronnie are closing the show with "Play Somethin' Country".  It's an "all star" thing, though, as a lot of the other artists are up there with them and joining in on the song.  Reba presented an award to them and then requested that they do this particular song. 

Well, I have to stop here and get myself ready to head towards bed as I have an early [5:00 AM] call in the morning.  Later....

Monday (5/24)

Good morning!  I went on to bed sometime soon after 9:00 PM last night.  I was startled awake by the alarm this morning; I got up and went through the usual routine.

Okay, I'm back now.  It's 1:25 PM.  I had to pause and take care of some things.  Then it turned into time to go over to FBCJ for One Great Lunch Break.  Allow me to back up a little bit and pull forward....

There was a big article in today's newspaper about the Trail of Honor.  I was sure to read it.  My housemate had seen it and thought my photo of the parachutists was as good as the one in the newspaper.  I took that as a compliment.  She had been urging me to send my parachute photo to WLBT [Channel 3]. 

Well, I finished up with the newspaper and eating breakfast and then went on to clean up behind myself, then go and finish getting ready for work, then headed out.  As I was backing down the driveway, I brought the garage door down since she was home alone and in the back of the house where she wouldn't be able to hear if someone/something came in or happened in the garage.  I know I can't hear anything that goes on in the front end of the house from my bedroom. 

When it came time to head over to FBCJ, I walked over by myself and made a detour by the Clark mail drop box.  I had the class newsletters to sent out along with an envelope for an Aunt.  I dropped those in and then continued on my way.  When I got there, I made my way to the 'lite line" and paid, then headed to the serving line. 

I went on in the serving line, made my selections and got my tray of food and drink, then went on out and stopped at the salad bar to top off my salad.  I went to our usual table and sat down - and saw that the 'gang of 4 came walking in.  About the time I was about to start eating, a woman at the table connected to the one I was at asked me how many people were coming to join me and I said 4 and that I had seen them come in.  She asked me, politely, if I would mind changing tables because she had a couple more people coming and there wouldn't be room enough for them plus the 5 of us.  I spotted a table a little farther up that had room for the 5 of us and went and nabbed it. 

When the others joined me, I explained what had happened.  They didn't like it that we had been "evicted" from our "usual" table by another group.  I said that they had gotten there first, and the woman did ask politely, so I decided not to make an issue out of it. They accepted my explanation and we went on to eat and wait for the program to start.

Dr. Ivan Parke was the guest speaker today.  He's a native of Mumbai [formerly Bombay], India.  He's an associate professor at Mississippi College of Christian Studies and Philosophy.  He spoke on seasons and his message was very interesting.  I decided to get a CD of it since I found myself wishing I would've brought pen and paper to take notes. 

After the program was over, I went and took my tray up and put it away, then headed on back to work. I did send Nancy an e-mail asking for a copy of Dr. Parke's message from today; she responded and said she will have it ready for me to pick up at the next meeting, although if I want it sooner, I should let her know.  I may e-mail her back and ask if I can stop by and pick it up on Friday.  I also sent an e-mail to some women to let them know that we won't meet the next 2 weeks and that I requested a CD.  One replied and asked me to share it with her when I get it as she hated to miss today's meeting.  I'll see about making a copy of my copy of the CD when I get it to give to her.

Tuesday (5/25)

I left work about 6:45 PM and made a stop at the post office.  I had mostly junk - just one magazine that I cared to look at.  Then I went on to the Kroger Fuel station and got some gas - I didn't fill up, I just got $5 worth so that I can fill up on Friday or Saturday and use another of my 10 cent per gallon discounts then.  The $5 worth should hold me till that time.  I don't remember all of the particulars, but it was just a tad over 2 gallons.  I try not to go below 1/4 of a tank - well I was between 1/4 and 1/2 when I stopped; this put me back above 1/2. 

Then I went on home and found that my housemate had been home, but had left again.  I figured that she had gone to the club to work out.  I went on in the house and put my gear away, then changed from my dress pants to a pair of shorts and  went on to prepare supper.  Well, while I was sitting there eating, she came in. 

She sat down at the table and we talked a bit. She said that when she had come in from work, she got ready to go to the club and saw that it looked like a thunderstorm was coming towards us.  So, she decided to bring Rusty in and put him in her bathroom while she was gone so he wouldn't be terrified.  Well, when she was bringing him through the hallway door to her bedroom, she saw Sukiey sitting outside my bedroom door in the hallway.  Sukiey saw Rusty, but just sat there - she didn't getup and run away.  He saw her and growled, but didn't try to charge down the hall to check her out.  She got him in her bedroom and on in her bathroom and shut up. 

He was still in there when she returned; she was ready to bring him out, so she asked me if I would go and corral Sukiey in my bedroom while she got Rusty out of her bathroom and out into the den.  I did - I went and closed my bedroom door with Sukiey inside to the point where she couldn't take her paw and open it  and escape, then stood there outside the door to make sure she didn't figure out a way to get out.  Once she had Rusty in the den and that door closed, I opened my bedroom door and let Sukiey loose. 

I finished supper and cleaned up behind myself while she fixed her own and ate it.  She said that she needed to go take a bath; I headed towards bed but just couldn't seem to stay there.  I got up several times before I finally I settled down and went to bed for the night. 

This morning I was startled awake by the alarm going off at 5:00 AM.  I felt like I had just gone to sleep when it sounded.  Anyway, I got up and kicked off the morning routine.  After taking a shower and getting dressed, I went out to the kitchen to find she was already out there and looking at the newspaper.  I went on to prepare breakfast and take it to the den table and check out the newspaper myself. 

After cleaning up behind myself, I went on and finished up getting reading for work, then gathered my gear and headed out and in to work.  The day was kicked off and I've since had lunch - I plan to leave at 6:00 PM tonight; based on how I feel later this afternoon/evening, I either will or won't go to the Josephus class.  I finished up the reading assignment earlier today. 

I guess that I should explain that I have had a touch of a headache since last night and I've been struggling for most of the day with getting rid of it.  So - depending on if it's gone and I feel okay or tired, I may or may not go tonight.  I know that the class will last till around 9-9:30 PM and whether I want to be out that late is another consideration.

We have had a heavy duty shower to pass through the area in the last few minutes or so.  It seems to have passed on out of here, though.  We're at 88 degrees now.  It's that "daytime heating" business. 

I found a little while ago that the 3 photos I sent to the newspaper site for consideration to be posted in their gallery were accepted and are online.  I've shared the link with some friends and family.

Well, I have pretty much decided that I will skip tonight's Josephus class.  I really just do not feel like going and sitting there  for about 2 hours - at least not the way I feel right now.  I have felt for about an hour like I could just go home and crawl in bed.

I received an e-mail from my cousin with a pair of photos attached of her grandson.  I copied and pasted them to Publisher documents and then printed them.  One is a photo of him in the bathtub - a "rubber ducky" bathtub - and in the other he is sitting on the floor.  I'm not sure where these were taken.

Wednesday (5/26)
Good morning!  I left work at 6:00 PM and headed for home.  I had decided not to attend the Josephus class last night; when I got home it was obvious that my housemate had not been home yet.  I raised the garage door, pulled in and parked, then lowered the door back down.  I gathered my stuff and went inside and hauled it back to my bedroom and changed from dress pants to shorts, then went and had supper. 
Once I was done with that, I went on and climbed in bed.  I went to sleep for a while, woke up just in time to hear my cell phone ringing and found it was my SS classmate.  I spoke with her for a few minutes.

I went back to sleep after talking with her and woke up again later.  I got up to do something and realized that my housemate was not home yet.  I couldn't remember her saying anything about planning to be out late, but decided not to panic and start making phone calls trying to locate her as I realized that maybe she had gone to the Josephus class and I just didn't remember her saying that she intended to go.  I knew that Rusty had not been fed his supper, so I went and took care of giving him his cup of food and was about to head back to bed [it was around 10:00 PM] when Rusty erupted barking and then I heard the garage door go up and realized she was coming in.  I stayed up and greeted her when she got in - she was surprised I was still up.  I explained to her that I had been in bed and had woke up and had come to the kitchen for a drink. 
She had, indeed, gone to the Josephus class.  She said that a friend had asked where I was and she had forgotten that I hadn't felt good.  I don't remember what she said she told our friend about my absence.  She asked how I was feeling and I said that I had felt cold - even with my jacket on - all day, but that it is kept cool at work.  She understood that and said her office seems to be colder than other places in her building.  She said she hoped I wasn't getting sick. 
Anyway, I commented that John must've kept them late and she said no, that she and our friend were visiting afterward and she had stopped off to pick up something on the way home. Rusty was barking so that Linda had to let him in the house to shut him up while she took care of some things.  I let her know that I had fed Rusty when I got up and saw she wasn't home yet. 
I asked her about the class and she told me that several people didn't have the same set of books as John and that he was giving the information those of us who have different books needed to locate the passages he was referring to.  She said he mostly lectured and she liked that - to sit and listen to him give a lecture.  She also said that he had reiterated that even if you hadn't done the reading, to come to class anyway.  I asked her what the next reading assignment is and she told me:

The Antiquities of the Jews:
Book Four:
From the Rejection of that Generation to the Death of Moses

Book Five:
From the Death of Moses to the Death of Eli

Our next Josephus class meeting will be June 29th.  I suppose I'll have time to get the reading assignment done by then. We were up for a few more minutes, then we both headed to our bedrooms after she got Rusty back out on the patio.  She got more food for him and he followed her out; she found he hadn't yet eaten what I had given him so she pretended to pour what she had gotten for him into his bowl and while he was distracted, she slipped back in the house and closed and locked the patio door. 

I went back to bed and went back to sleep some time after 10:30 PM.  Then I woke up about 4:15 AM this morning and pretty much laid there waiting for the alarm to go off.  When it did, I got up and shut it off and kicked off the morning routine. 

I went on and took a shower and got dressed and headed out to the kitchen.  I retrieved the newspaper and prepared breakfast - and was at the den table when she came through the door in her favorite red bathrobe.  She said that I appeared to be feeling better this morning and I said that I was. 

I was done with the section of the newspaper that she most likes to read by the time she had her coffee ready, so she took it and her coffee and headed back to her bedroom.  I went on to finish reading the newspaper and eating breakfast and then cleaned up behind myself and went on to finish up getting ready for work. 

I loaded my AM/PM meds to bring with me and made a list of all my prescriptions - names and numbers - with the intent of ordering refills.  I now have 7 prescriptions [after adding the new ones].  I was in hopes of waiting till at least June 1st to pick them up so the fuel points I'll earn would be available for use in July, but found that at least one prescription is going to run out before the end of May.  Oh well....

I headed on in to work after grabbing a frozen lunch from the freezer and returning to the freezer in our Break Room when I got here.  I was getting logged in and the day kicked off when my supervisor arrived and said that my co-worker had contacted him and said that he would be late - at least 11:00 AM - getting here. 

One more note....earlier this morning I got a call from my doctor's office  reminding me that I had an appointment with him on Friday.  This was news to me - I had called in March to cancel and reschedule an appointment I had with him then due to a conflict.  They were going to reschedule and send me a notice.  Well, I never got the notice.  I told the lady that I couldn't come on Friday because I didn't have it on my calendar and had conflicts [payday and what all that entails, although I didn't say so to her] and would need to reschedule again.  She checked and told me when the next available appointment she had is.  I scheduled for that date, but told her that I don't have my work schedule for that far out just yet and may need to change it again. 

This is all for now....

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